Name of the process - Raise New Demand Request Process Goal - To collect and review all purchase requests and prepare them for the procurement steps. Trigger - Purchase need has been identified by a Core Contributor. Customer - Service Units and Core Contributors Actors - Core Contributor, Team/Project Lead (Budget Owner), Systems/Environment - Data objects - Process Description - WIP Name of the process - Raise New Demand Request Process Goal - To collect and review all purchase requests and prepare them for the procurement steps. Trigger - Purchase need has been identified by a Core Contributor. Customer - Service Units and Core Contributors Actors - Core Contributor, Team/Project Lead (Budget Owner), Finance, PeopleOps, Legal, Infra, Security Systems/Environment - Spiff, GSheet? Data objects - New Demand Request Process Description - WIP TBD, if the StatusApp is not ready, how will we send the notifications? Gateway_05470yw Activity_14fif5h Gateway_14xgyev Activity_1u9uq4c Event_0436zos Event_12tt6fj Activity_0pwj46e Activity_0gqtj0u Activity_1ls2vu2 Activity_1p1jp9x StartEvent_1 Activity_05le46k Activity_0tt12kf Event_1s7mkb4 Activity_000swbl Activity_1p6zo5o Gateway_0nujbwj Activity_0rhqmwe Gateway_1je3z9i Event_1fsb3by Event_1sbi4xu Event_1oei7zz Activity_09sr4l8 Activity_0zszjko Gateway_1gweofr Event_0vfdre7 Activity_0xankv7 Activity_01u6nii Gateway_0zvodob Event_09avcyu Activity_1eq3s11 Activity_0vw59pd Gateway_01nq66f Event_0k1grnz Activity_1eftex0 Activity_08xl52p Gateway_0db4fvw Event_1xua48y Event_1aextk8 Activity_02ag5bm Activity_025m0w0 Flow_0mbb848 Flow_1eob721 Flow_1ipb2ul DataObjectReference_070iy0o Property_0k9d4mr Flow_1ipb2ul Flow_0vw379z Flow_0vw379z Flow_0jxiatt Flow_0u9k2wx Flow_0474tlr Flow_1671auh Flow_1kmgg92 Flow_1qch6eu Flow_12bnhp1 Flow_07z4914 Flow_0jxiatt Flow_0u9k2wx DataObjectReference_0x2nl9m Property_1v0bm2h Flow_01oqxz7 Flow_0p6nx7g Flow_034ez5t decision_1 Flow_07z4914 Flow_01oqxz7 Flow_0p6nx7g Flow_1m2ww6f Flow_16slxb9 Flow_034ez5t Flow_12bnhp1 Name of the process - Raise New Demand Request Process Goal - To collect and review all purchase requests and prepare them for the procurement steps. Trigger - Purchase need has been identified by a Core Contributor. Customer - Service Units and Core Contributors Actors - Core Contributor, Team/Project Lead (Budget Owner), Systems/Environment - Data objects - Process Description - WIP Flow_032dbk4 Flow_1kcfinc DataObjectReference_0tcpksr Flow_1kcfinc Flow_09acpla Flow_0a5yhak Flow_0a5yhak Flow_09acpla Name of the process - Raise New Demand Request Process Goal - To collect and review all purchase requests and prepare them for the procurement steps. Trigger - Purchase need has been identified by a Core Contributor. Customer - Service Units and Core Contributors Actors - Core Contributor, Team/Project Lead (Budget Owner), Systems/Environment - Data objects - Process Description - WIP Flow_12ncy9g Flow_00u7ukx DataObjectReference_0hqgpr1 Property_0bki6jr Flow_00u7ukx Flow_01bm90f Flow_0474tlr Name of the process - Raise New Demand Request Process Goal - To collect and review all purchase requests and prepare them for the procurement steps. Trigger - Purchase need has been identified by a Core Contributor. Customer - Service Units and Core Contributors Actors - Core Contributor, Team/Project Lead (Budget Owner), Systems/Environment - Data objects - Process Description - WIP Flow_1fl9b90 Flow_01s6egz DataObjectReference_1kspjdz Property_1jxgabj Flow_01s6egz Flow_1rplj71 Flow_1671auh Name of the process - Raise New Demand Request Process Goal - To collect and review all purchase requests and prepare them for the procurement steps. Trigger - Purchase need has been identified by a Core Contributor. Customer - Service Units and Core Contributors Actors - Core Contributor, Team/Project Lead (Budget Owner), Systems/Environment - Data objects - Process Description - WIP Flow_1pcrcmm Flow_141l9mf DataObjectReference_0ip1n90 Property_0s25pga Flow_141l9mf Flow_1iyosbm Flow_1kmgg92 Name of the process - Raise New Demand Request Process Goal - To collect and review all purchase requests and prepare them for the procurement steps. Trigger - Purchase need has been identified by a Core Contributor. Customer - Service Units and Core Contributors Actors - Core Contributor, Team/Project Lead (Budget Owner), Systems/Environment - Data objects - Process Description - WIP Flow_02d2j7s Flow_03bcido DataObjectReference_0a1iy5x Property_12jujha Flow_03bcido Flow_1qch6eu Flow_07kocgo Flow_07kocgo Flow_1m2ww6f Flow_12ncy9g Flow_16slxb9 Flow_032dbk4 Flow_01bm90f Flow_1fl9b90 Flow_1iyosbm Flow_02d2j7s Flow_1rplj71 Flow_1pcrcmm Flow_0mbb848 Flow_1eob721 Form WIP Parallel review? Or some sequence should be followed? Orgdata from BBHR, Categories from a DB, Currencies from Xero Contract negotiation process can be started Contract negotiation process can be started