mirror of
synced 2025-01-12 16:54:25 +00:00
models.py - Added new IRBInfo model - Added relationship to Study table forms.py - Added form to edit the data - Added column in Study table for link to edit new info __init__.py - Added route for new form page - Added method to update the db
143 lines
6.3 KiB
143 lines
6.3 KiB
from flask_table import Table, Col, LinkCol, BoolCol, DatetimeCol, NestedTableCol
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from wtforms import SelectMultipleField, StringField, BooleanField, SelectField, validators, HiddenField, DateField, IntegerField
from wtforms_alchemy import ModelForm
from pb.models import RequiredDocument, Investigator, StudyDetails, IRBStatus, IRBInfo
class StudyForm(FlaskForm):
STUDYID = HiddenField()
TITLE = StringField('Title', [validators.DataRequired()])
NETBADGEID = StringField('User UVA Computing Id', [validators.DataRequired()])
requirements = SelectMultipleField("Documents",
render_kw={'class': 'multi'},
choices=[(rd.AUXDOCID, rd.AUXDOC) for rd in RequiredDocument.all()])
HSRNUMBER = StringField('HSR Number')
Q_COMPLETE = SelectField("IRBStatus",
choices=[((q.STATUS, q.DETAIL), q.DETAIL) for q in IRBStatus.all()])
class IRBInfoForm(ModelForm, FlaskForm):
class Meta:
model = IRBInfo
hidden = 'SS_STUDY_ID'
class InvestigatorForm(FlaskForm):
NETBADGEID = StringField('UVA Id')
INVESTIGATORTYPE = SelectField("InvestigatorType", choices=[(i.INVESTIGATORTYPE, i.INVESTIGATORTYPEFULL) for i in Investigator.all_types()])
class StudySponsorForm(FlaskForm):
STUDY_ID = HiddenField()
SPONSOR_IDS = SelectMultipleField(
render_kw={'class': 'multi'},
class StudyDetailsForm(ModelForm, FlaskForm):
class Meta:
model = StudyDetails
only = ['IS_IND', 'IND_1', 'IND_2', 'IND_3', 'IS_UVA_IND', 'IS_IDE', 'IDE',
class ConfirmDeleteForm(FlaskForm):
confirm = BooleanField('Yes, really delete', default='checked',
false_values=(False, 'false', 0, '0'))
class RequirementsTable(Table):
AUXDOCID = Col('Code')
AUXDOC = Col('Name')
class InvestigatorsTable(Table):
delete = LinkCol(
'delete', 'del_investigator', url_kwargs=dict(inv_id='id'),
anchor_attrs={'class': 'btn btn-icon btn-warn', 'title': 'Delete Investigator'},
th_html_attrs={'class': 'mat-icon text-center', 'title': 'Delete Investigator'}
class SponsorCol(Col):
def td_format(self, content):
return f'{content.SP_NAME} ({content.SP_TYPE})'
class SponsorsTable(Table):
sponsor = SponsorCol('Sponsor')
delete = LinkCol(
'delete', 'del_study_sponsor', url_kwargs=dict(study_sponsor_id='id'),
anchor_attrs={'class': 'btn btn-icon btn-warn', 'title': 'Delete Sponsor'},
th_html_attrs={'class': 'mat-icon text-center', 'title': 'Delete Sponsor'}
class StudyTable(Table):
def sort_url(self, col_id, reverse=False):
edit = LinkCol(
'edit', 'edit_study', url_kwargs=dict(study_id='STUDYID'),
anchor_attrs={'class': 'btn btn-icon btn-primary', 'title': 'Edit Study'},
th_html_attrs={'class': 'mat-icon text-center', 'title': 'Edit Study'}
details = LinkCol(
'ballot', 'study_details', url_kwargs=dict(study_id='STUDYID'),
anchor_attrs={'class': 'btn btn-icon btn-default', 'title': 'Edit Questions'},
th_html_attrs={'class': 'mat-icon text-center', 'title': 'Edit Questions'}
add_inv = LinkCol(
'person_add', 'new_investigator', url_kwargs=dict(study_id='STUDYID'),
anchor_attrs={'class': 'btn btn-icon btn-accent', 'title': 'Add Investigator'},
th_html_attrs={'class': 'mat-icon text-center', 'title': 'Add Investigator'}
add_sponsor = LinkCol(
'account_balance', 'edit_study_sponsor', url_kwargs=dict(study_id='STUDYID'),
anchor_attrs={'class': 'btn btn-icon btn-accent', 'title': 'Edit Sponsor(s)'},
th_html_attrs={'class': 'mat-icon text-center', 'title': 'Edit Sponsor(s)'}
irb_info = LinkCol(
'irb_info', 'edit_irb_info', url_kwargs=dict(study_id='STUDYID'),
anchor_attrs={'class': 'btn btn-icon btn-accent', 'title': 'Edit Info'},
th_html_attrs={'class': 'mat-icon text-center', 'title': 'Edit Info'}
STUDYID = Col('Study Id')
TITLE = Col('Title')
NETBADGEID = Col('User')
DATE_MODIFIED = DatetimeCol('Last Update', "medium")
Q_COMPLETE = BoolCol('Complete?')
requirements = NestedTableCol('Documents', RequirementsTable)
investigators = NestedTableCol('Investigators', InvestigatorsTable)
sponsors = NestedTableCol('Sponsors', SponsorsTable)
delete = LinkCol(
'delete', 'del_study', url_kwargs=dict(study_id='STUDYID'),
anchor_attrs={'class': 'btn btn-icon btn-warn', 'title': 'Delete Study'},
th_html_attrs={'class': 'mat-icon text-center', 'title': 'Delete Study'}