{ "entries": [ { "dn": "uid=lb3dp,ou=People,o=University of Virginia,c=US", "raw": { "cn": [ "Laura Barnes (lb3dp)" ], "displayName": [ "Laura Barnes" ], "givenName": [ "Laura" ], "mail": [ "lb3dp@virginia.edu" ], "objectClass": [ "top", "person", "organizationalPerson", "inetOrgPerson", "uvaPerson", "uidObject" ], "telephoneNumber": [ "+1 (434) 924-1723" ], "title": [ "E0:Associate Professor of Systems and Information Engineering" ], "uvaDisplayDepartment": [ "E0:EN-Eng Sys and Environment" ], "uvaPersonIAMAffiliation": [ "faculty" ], "uvaPersonSponsoredType": [ "Staff" ] } }, { "dn": "uid=st1fn,ou=People,o=University of Virginia,c=US", "raw": { "cn": [ "Stanley Funkmeister (st1fn)" ], "displayName": [ "Stanley Funkmeister" ], "givenName": [ "Stanley" ], "mail": [ "st1fn@virginia.edu" ], "objectClass": [ "top", "person", "organizationalPerson", "inetOrgPerson", "uvaPerson", "uidObject" ], "telephoneNumber": [ "+1 (434) 924-1724" ], "title": [ "E1:Professor of Systems and Information Engineering" ], "uvaDisplayDepartment": [ "E0:EN-Eng Sys and Environment" ], "uvaPersonIAMAffiliation": [ "faculty" ], "uvaPersonSponsoredType": [ "Staff" ] } }, { "dn": "uid=dhf8r,ou=People,o=University of Virginia,c=US", "raw": { "cn": [ "Dan Funk (dhf84)" ], "displayName": [ "Dan Funk" ], "givenName": [ "Dan" ], "mail": [ "dhf8r@virginia.edu" ], "objectClass": [ "top", "person", "organizationalPerson", "inetOrgPerson", "uvaPerson", "uidObject" ], "telephoneNumber": [ "+1 (434) 924-1723" ], "title": [ "E42:He's a hoopy frood" ], "uvaDisplayDepartment": [ "E0:EN-Eng Study of Parallel Universes" ], "uvaPersonIAMAffiliation": [ "faculty" ], "uvaPersonSponsoredType": [ "Staff" ] } }, { "dn": "uid=lje5u,ou=People,o=University of Virginia,c=US", "raw": { "cn": [ "Elder, Lori J (lje5u)" ], "displayName": [ "Lori Elder" ], "givenName": [ "Lori" ], "mail": [ "lje5u@virginia.edu" ], "objectClass": [ "top", "person", "organizationalPerson", "inetOrgPerson", "uvaPerson", "uidObject" ], "telephoneNumber": [ "+1 (434) 924-1723" ], "title": [ "E42:The vision" ], "uvaDisplayDepartment": [ "E0:EN-Phy Anything could go here." ], "uvaPersonIAMAffiliation": [ "faculty" ], "uvaPersonSponsoredType": [ "Staff" ] } } ] }