from flask import flash, redirect, render_template, request, url_for from pb import app, db, description_map, session from pb.ldap.ldap_service import LdapService from pb.pb_mock import get_current_user, get_selected_user, update_selected_user, \ render_study_template, _update_study, redirect_home, _update_irb_info, _allowed_file, \ process_csv_study_details, has_no_empty_params from pb.forms import StudyForm, IRBInfoForm, InvestigatorForm, ConfirmDeleteForm, StudySponsorForm, StudyDetailsForm from pb.models import Study, StudyDetails, IRBInfo, IRBStatus, Investigator, Sponsor, StudySponsor, RequiredDocument import json BASE_HREF = app.config['APPLICATION_ROOT'].strip('/') @app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def index(): # If they have a selected_user, # redirect to /user_studies/{selected_user} # Otherwise, redirect to /user_studies/all redirect_url = url_for("user_studies", uva_id="all") current_user = get_current_user(request) if current_user: selected_user = get_selected_user(current_user) if selected_user: redirect_url = url_for("user_studies", uva_id=selected_user) return redirect(redirect_url) @app.route('/user_studies/', defaults={'uva_id': 'all'}) @app.route('/user_studies/', methods=['GET']) def user_studies(uva_id): if uva_id == 'all': # return redirect(BASE_HREF + "/") studies = db.session.query(Study).order_by(Study.DATE_MODIFIED.desc()).all() else: studies = db.session.query(Study).filter(Study.NETBADGEID == uva_id).order_by(Study.DATE_MODIFIED.desc()).all() current_user = get_current_user(request) update_selected_user(current_user, uva_id) return render_study_template(studies, uva_id) @app.route('/new_study', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def new_study(): form = StudyForm(request.form) action = BASE_HREF + "/new_study" title = "New Study" if request.method == 'POST': study = Study() study.study_details = StudyDetails() _update_study(study, form) flash('Study created successfully!', 'success') return redirect_home() # set default first time = "('No Error', 'Passed validation.')" return render_template( 'form.html', form=form, action=action, title=title, description_map=description_map, base_href=BASE_HREF ) @app.route('/study/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def edit_study(study_id): study = db.session.query(Study).filter(Study.STUDYID == study_id).first() form = StudyForm(request.form, obj=study) if request.method == 'GET': action = BASE_HREF + "/study/" + study_id title = "Edit Study #" + study_id if study.requirements: = list(map(lambda r: r.AUXDOCID, list(study.requirements))) if study.Q_COMPLETE and study.Q_COMPLETE.first(): = "('" + study.Q_COMPLETE.first().STATUS + "', '" + study.Q_COMPLETE.first().DETAIL + "')" else: = "('No Error', 'Passed validation.')" if request.method == 'POST': _update_study(study, form) flash('Study updated successfully!', 'success') return redirect_home() return render_template( 'form.html', form=form, action=action, title=title, description_map={}, base_href=BASE_HREF ) @app.route('/irb_info/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def edit_irb_info(study_id): irb_info = db.session.query(IRBInfo).filter(IRBInfo.SS_STUDY_ID == study_id).first() form = IRBInfoForm(request.form, obj=irb_info) action = BASE_HREF + "/irb_info/" + study_id title = "Edit IRB Info #" + study_id if request.method == 'GET': if irb_info.IRBEVENT and irb_info.IRBEVENT.first(): event = irb_info.IRBEVENT.first().EVENT event_id = irb_info.IRBEVENT.first().EVENT_ID event_data_string = "('" + event_id + "', '" + event + "')" = event_data_string if irb_info.IRB_STATUS and irb_info.IRB_STATUS.first(): status = irb_info.IRB_STATUS.first().STATUS status_id = irb_info.IRB_STATUS.first().STATUS_ID status_data_string = "('" + status_id + "', '" + status + "')" = status_data_string if isinstance(irb_info.UVA_IRB_HSR_IS_IRB_OF_RECORD_FOR_ALL_SITES, int): = irb_info.UVA_IRB_HSR_IS_IRB_OF_RECORD_FOR_ALL_SITES if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate(): _update_irb_info(study_id, irb_info, form) flash('IRB Info updated successfully!', 'success') return redirect_home() return render_template( 'form.html', form=form, action=action, title=title, description_map={}, base_href=BASE_HREF ) @app.route('/investigator/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def new_investigator(study_id): form = InvestigatorForm(request.form) # Remove options from form if unique investigator already exist, but AS_C and SI can happen many times. investigators = db.session.query(Investigator).filter(Investigator.STUDYID == study_id).all() choices = form.INVESTIGATORTYPE.choices existing_types = [i.INVESTIGATORTYPE for i in investigators] existing_types = list(filter(lambda a: a != "AS_C", existing_types)) existing_types = list(filter(lambda a: a != "SI", existing_types)) new_choices = [choice for choice in choices if choice[0] not in existing_types] form.INVESTIGATORTYPE.choices = new_choices action = BASE_HREF + "/investigator/" + study_id title = "Add Investigator to Study " + study_id if request.method == 'POST': investigator = Investigator(STUDYID=study_id) investigator.NETBADGEID = investigator.set_type( db.session.add(investigator) db.session.commit() flash('Investigator created successfully!', 'success') return redirect_home() return render_template( 'form.html', form=form, action=action, title=title, description_map={}, base_href=BASE_HREF ) @app.route('/del_investigator/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def del_investigator(inv_id): inv_id = int(inv_id) inv_model = db.session.query(Investigator).filter( == inv_id).first() if inv_model is None: flash('Investigator not found.', 'warn') return redirect_home() uid = inv_model.NETBADGEID study_id = int(inv_model.STUDYID) form = ConfirmDeleteForm(request.form, obj=inv_model) if request.method == 'GET': action = BASE_HREF + "/del_investigator/%i" % inv_id title = "Delete Investigator #%i?" % inv_id details = "Are you sure you want to delete Investigator '%s' from Study %i?" % (uid, study_id) return render_template( 'form.html', form=form, action=action, title=title, details=details, description_map=description_map, base_href=BASE_HREF ) if request.method == 'POST': if form.confirm and db.session.query(Investigator).filter( == inv_id).delete() db.session.commit() flash('Investigator %s deleted from Study %i.' % (uid, study_id), 'success') else: flash('Delete canceled.', 'info') return redirect_home() @app.route('/study_sponsor/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def edit_study_sponsor(study_id): study = db.session.query(Study).filter(Study.STUDYID == study_id).first() form = StudySponsorForm(request.form) action = BASE_HREF + "/study_sponsor/" + study_id title = "Edit sponsors for Study " + study_id form.SPONSOR_IDS.choices = [(s.SPONSOR_ID, f'{s.SP_NAME} ({s.SP_TYPE})') for s in db.session.query(Sponsor).all()] if request.method == 'GET': if hasattr(study, 'sponsors'): = [s.SPONSOR_ID for s in study.sponsors] if request.method == 'POST': # Remove all existing sponsors session.query(StudySponsor).filter(StudySponsor.SS_STUDY == study_id).delete() # Add the new ones for sponsor_id in study_sponsor = StudySponsor(SS_STUDY=study_id, SPONSOR_ID=sponsor_id) db.session.add(study_sponsor) db.session.commit() sponsor_label = 'sponsor' if len( == 1 else 'sponsors' flash(f'Study {sponsor_label} edited successfully!', 'success') return redirect_home() return render_template( 'form.html', form=form, action=action, title=title, description_map={}, base_href=BASE_HREF ) @app.route('/del_study_sponsor/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def del_study_sponsor(study_sponsor_id): study_sponsor_id = int(study_sponsor_id) study_sponsor_model: StudySponsor = db.session.query(StudySponsor).filter( == study_sponsor_id).first() if study_sponsor_model is None: flash('StudySponsor not found.', 'warn') return redirect_home() sponsor_span = f'{study_sponsor_model.sponsor.SP_NAME} ' \ f'({study_sponsor_model.sponsor.SP_TYPE})' study_id = int(study_sponsor_model.SS_STUDY) form = ConfirmDeleteForm(request.form, obj=study_sponsor_model) if request.method == 'GET': action = f'{BASE_HREF}/del_study_sponsor/{study_sponsor_id}' title = 'Remove study sponsor?' details = f'Are you sure you want to remove {sponsor_span} ' \ f'as a sponsor of Study {study_id}? ' \ f'This will not remove the sponsor itself from the system.' return render_template( 'form.html', form=form, action=action, title=title, details=details, description_map=description_map, base_href=BASE_HREF ) if request.method == 'POST': if form.confirm and db.session.query(StudySponsor).filter( == study_sponsor_id).delete() db.session.commit() flash(f'Sponsor {sponsor_span} removed from Study {study_id}.', 'success') else: flash('Delete canceled.', 'info') return redirect_home() @app.route('/del_study/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def del_study(study_id): study_id = int(study_id) study_model = db.session.query(Study).filter(Study.STUDYID == study_id).first() if study_model is None: flash('Study not found.', 'warn') return redirect_home() form = ConfirmDeleteForm(request.form, obj=study_model) if request.method == 'GET': action = f'{BASE_HREF}/del_study/{study_id}' title = f'Delete Study #{study_id}?' details = f'Are you sure you want to delete Study {study_model.TITLE}?' return render_template( 'form.html', form=form, action=action, title=title, details=details, description_map=description_map, base_href=BASE_HREF ) if request.method == 'POST': if form.confirm and db.session.query(RequiredDocument).filter(RequiredDocument.STUDYID == study_id).delete() db.session.query(Investigator).filter(Investigator.STUDYID == study_id).delete() db.session.query(StudyDetails).filter(StudyDetails.STUDYID == study_id).delete() db.session.query(StudySponsor).filter(StudySponsor.SS_STUDY == study_id).delete() db.session.query(IRBStatus).filter(IRBStatus.STUDYID == study_id).delete() db.session.query(IRBInfo).filter(IRBInfo.SS_STUDY_ID == study_id).delete() study = db.session.query(Study).filter(Study.STUDYID == study_id).first() session.delete(study) db.session.commit() flash('Study %i deleted.' % study_id, 'success') else: flash('Delete canceled.', 'info') return redirect_home() @app.route('/study_details/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def study_details(study_id): study_details = db.session.query(StudyDetails).filter(StudyDetails.STUDYID == study_id).first() if not study_details: study_details = StudyDetails(STUDYID=study_id) form = StudyDetailsForm(request.form, obj=study_details) action = url_for("study_details", study_id=study_id) title = "Edit Study Details for Study #" + study_id details = "Numeric fields can be 1 for true, 0 or false, or Null if not applicable." if request.method == 'POST': # update study details with csv file if 'file' in request.files: file = request.files['file'] if file.filename == '': flash('No file selected', 'failure') return redirect(action) elif file and _allowed_file(file.filename): process_csv_study_details(study_id, file) flash('CSV file uploaded', 'success') return redirect_home() else: flash('There was a problem processing your file', 'failure') return redirect(action) # update study details from the form elif form.validate(): form.populate_obj(study_details) db.session.add(study_details) db.session.commit() flash('Study updated successfully!', 'success') return redirect_home() # display the study details form return render_template( 'form.html', form=form, action=action, csv_action=action, title=title, details=details, description_map=description_map, base_href=BASE_HREF ) # from pb.ldap_service import users_as_json @app.route('/search_ldap/') def search_ldap(needle): return LdapService.users_as_json(needle) @app.route('/site_map') def site_map(): links = [] for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules(): # Filter out rules we can't navigate to in a browser # and rules that require parameters if "GET" in rule.methods and has_no_empty_params(rule): url = app.confg['APPLICATION_ROOT'].strip('/') + url_for(rule.endpoint, **(rule.defaults or {})) links.append((url, rule.endpoint)) return json.dumps({"links": links})