name: "Wait for ECR Scan and Get SARIF" description: "Waits for an AWS ECR scan to complete and retrieves the SARIF report." author: "Kevin " inputs: repository_name: description: "The name of the ECR repository." required: true image_tag: description: "The tag of the image to scan." required: true aws_region: description: "The AWS region where the ECR repository is located." required: true output_file: description: "The path to save the SARIF report." required: true default: "report.sarif" outputs: sarif_report: description: "The SARIF report generated by the scan." runs: using: "docker" image: "python:3.12" args: - "python" - "/wait-for-ecr-scan-and-get-sarif/" steps: - name: Check out the repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install dependencies run: | pip install -r /wait-for-ecr-scan-and-get-sarif/requirements.txt - name: Run the Python script to wait for ECR scan and get SARIF run: | python /wait-for-ecr-scan-and-get-sarif/ \ --repository_name ${{ inputs.repository_name }} \ --image_tag ${{ inputs.image_tag }} \ --aws_region ${{ inputs.aws_region }} \ --output_file ${{ inputs.output_file }} id: run_script - name: Set the output run: | echo "::set-output name=sarif_report::$(cat ${{ inputs.output_file }})"