import {attr as domAttr, classes as domClasses, event as domEvent,} from 'min-dom'; import {assign} from 'min-dash'; import * as ace from 'ace-builds/src-noconflict/ace'; // Enable dynamic loading of formatting modes ace.config.set('basePath', ''); /** * A code editor that allows you to add syntax highlighting and testing to bpmn properties panel */ export default function Editor( config, injector, eventBus, canvas, elementRegistry) { var self = this; this._canvas = canvas; // this._elementRegistry = elementRegistry; this._eventBus = eventBus; this._injector = injector; this._state = { isOpen: undefined, }; this.init(); this.toggle((config && || false); domEvent.bind(this.toggle_btn, 'click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); self.toggle(); }); domEvent.bind(this.run_btn, 'click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); self.validate(); }); domEvent.bind(this.exit_btn, 'click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); self.close(); }); domEvent.bind(this._parent, 'wheel', function (event) { // stop propagation and handle scroll differently event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); }); // Check that the currently selected bpmn task is a script task and enable or disable coding window appropriately eventBus.on('selection.changed', function (context) { if (self.isOpen()) { self.close(); } domClasses(self._parent).remove('enabled'); if (context.newSelection.length > 0) { if (context.newSelection[0].type == 'bpmn:ScriptTask' && true) { // TODO: Check if opened task is 'inline script' domClasses(self._parent).add('enabled'); } } }); eventBus.on('editor.validate.response', function (response) { this.set_valid_state(response.passing ? 'passing' : 'failing'); }); // Return a list of objects containing both the script name and description in plain text eventBus.on('editor.scripts.response', function (response) { if (response.scripts && response.scripts.length > 0) { self.scripts = response.scripts; } else { self.scripts = [{ name: 'No Scripts Available', description: 'Contact your system administrator if this is abnormal' }]; } self.scripts_menu.innerHTML = ''; self.scripts.forEach(element => self.scripts_menu.innerHTML += `${}`);// `); //
}); // Return a single object containing all data available to the open task eventBus.on('editor.objects.response', function (response) { self.objects = response.objects; function recurseObject(data) { var html = ''; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) { if (typeof value == 'object' && value != undefined) { html += `
  • ${key}
  • '; } else { let type = typeof value; if (value == undefined) { type = 'undefined'; } html += `
  • ${key}
  • `; } } return html; } self.objects_menu.innerHTML = recurseObject(self.objects); }); } Editor.$inject = [ 'config.editor', 'injector', 'eventBus', 'canvas', 'elementRegistry' ]; Editor.prototype.set_valid_state = function (state) { if (state === 'passing') { domClasses(this.run_btn).add('passing'); domClasses(this.run_btn).remove('failing'); domClasses(this.run_btn).remove('unknown'); } else if (state === 'failing') { domClasses(this.run_btn).add('failing'); domClasses(this.run_btn).remove('passing'); domClasses(this.run_btn).remove('unknown'); } else { domClasses(this.run_btn).add('unknown'); domClasses(this.run_btn).remove('passing'); domClasses(this.run_btn).remove('failing'); } }; Editor.prototype.init = function () { var canvas = this._canvas, container = canvas.getContainer(); var template = `
    `; let dom = new DOMParser() .parseFromString(template, 'text/html'); // create parent div var parent = this._parent = dom.body.firstElementChild; this.toggle_btn = dom.getElementById('toggle'); this.run_btn = dom.getElementById('run_btn'); this.exit_btn = dom.getElementById('exit_btn'); this.scripts_menu = dom.getElementById('scripts_list'); this.scripts = []; this.objects_menu = dom.getElementById('objects_list'); this.objects = {}; container.appendChild(parent);'editor.toolbar.update'); }; Editor.prototype.validate = function () {'editor.validate.request', { code: document.getElementById('cam-script-val').value, task_name: document.getElementById('camunda-id').value }); }; = function () { assign(this._state, {isOpen: true}); domClasses(this._parent).add('open'); var translate = this._injector.get('translate', false) || function (s) { return s; }; domAttr(this.toggle_btn, 'title', translate('Close Editor')); // ? There should be some way to pass the closed editor to ace this._ide = ace.edit('editor'); // this._ide.setTheme("ace/theme/monokai"); this._ide.session.setMode('ace/mode/python'); // grab script properties window var codestore = document.getElementById('cam-script-val'); // Sync code window and a properties tab this._ide.session.setValue(codestore.value); codestore.addEventListener('input', (event) => { this._ide.session.setValue(codestore.value); // TODO: Consolidate this bit domClasses(this.run_btn).remove('passing'); domClasses(this.run_btn).remove('failing'); domClasses(this.run_btn).add('unknown'); }); this._ide.addEventListener('input', (event) => { codestore.value = this._ide.getValue(); domClasses(this.run_btn).remove('passing'); domClasses(this.run_btn).remove('failing'); domClasses(this.run_btn).add('unknown'); triggerEvent(codestore, 'change'); });'editor.toggle', {open: true});'editor.objects.request');'editor.scripts.request'); }; Editor.prototype.close = function () { assign(this._state, {isOpen: false}); domClasses(this._parent).remove('open'); var translate = this._injector.get('translate', false) || function (s) { return s; }; domAttr(this.toggle_btn, 'title', translate('Open Editor'));'editor.toggle', {open: false}); }; Editor.prototype.toggle = function (open) { var currentOpen = this.isOpen(); if (typeof open === 'undefined') { open = !currentOpen; } if (open == currentOpen) { return; } if (open) {; } else { this.close(); } }; Editor.prototype.isOpen = function () { return this._state.isOpen; }; /** * Triggers a change event * * @param element on which the change should be triggered * @param eventType type of the event (e.g. click, change, ...) */ var triggerEvent = function (element, eventType) { var evt; eventType = eventType || 'change'; try { // Chrome, Safari, Firefox evt = new MouseEvent((eventType), { view: window, bubbles: true, cancelable: true }); } catch (e) { // IE 11, PhantomJS (wat!) evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvent'); evt.initEvent((eventType), true, true); } return element.dispatchEvent(evt); };