Flow_17db3yp The process instance completed successfully. Flow_1ofwbln Flow_1povhv3 Flow_01ls5zu Flow_0kd08cq Flow_0j2zuos Flow_0kd08cq Flow_1pmgeug Flow_0j2zuos Flow_1mg43gm Flow_1pmgeug Flow_1mg43gm Flow_1ofwbln This is an example **Manual Task**. A **Manual Task** is designed to allow someone to complete a task outside of the system and then report back that it is complete. You can click the *Continue* button to proceed. When you are done running this process, you can edit the **Process Model** to include a: * **Script Task** - write a short snippet of python code to update some data * **User Task** - generate a form that collects information from a user * **Service Task** - communicate with an external API to fetch or update some data. You can also change the text you are reading here by updating the *Instructions* on this example manual task. {} {"age": 28} Flow_17db3yp Flow_1wts4xi def function(age): return {"age": age+1} initial_age = 28 age = function(initial_age) Flow_1wts4xi Flow_0n5cj1a Flow_0n5cj1a Flow_0cx15f4 # Request an URL ## response ![Cat Picture]({{ response.message }}) Flow_0cx15f4 Flow_1rxk086 Flow_1povhv3 Flow_1rxk086 Flow_01ls5zu