DataInput-108155465-1 DataOutput-212977033-1 Flow_17db3yp DataObjectReference_0wj3evt DataObjectReference_0wj3evt The process instance completed successfully. Flow_0zd04iu This is an example **Manual Task**. A **Manual Task** is designed to allow someone to complete a task outside of the system and then report back that it is complete. You can click the *Continue* button to proceed. When you are done running this process, you can edit the **Process Model** to include a: * **Script Task** - write a short snippet of python code to update some data * **User Task** - generate a form that collects information from a user * **Service Task** - communicate with an external API to fetch or update some data. You can also change the text you are reading here by updating the *Instructions* on this example manual task. Flow_1vrodmm Flow_12pkbxb Flow_0necc3y Flow_024uk4g Flow_17db3yp Flow_1vrodmm Flow_1pebkqm Flow_03sje3k Flow_12pkbxb Flow_0i989gs Flow_1qbou10 Flow_07hsudl Flow_07hsudl Flow_0necc3y Flow_14mc6bf Flow_024uk4g Flow_1gob2t7 Flow_1w3s6pp - Do - it Flow_14mc6bf Flow_1gob2t7 DataObjectReference_0hpbt2g Property_0u96ckk Flow_1pebkqm Flow_0i989gs Flow_03sje3k Flow_1qbou10 DataObjectReference_0wj3evt Property_0fmptz9 Flow_1fp670k Flow_0z7jo2y Flow_1fp670k Flow_0z7jo2y Flow_1w3s6pp Flow_0zd04iu Flow_1b49sf0 Flow_1b49sf0 Flow_1vr1m4u Flow_1vr1m4u