Flow_0szh8pc Flow_15ssmj7 {} { "age": 55, "height": 1.93, "children": [ "Robert", "Edward", "Willie", "Tadd" ], "is_married": true, "cabinet": { "Secretary of State": { "name": "William H. Seward", "age": 60, "children": [ "William Jr.", "Frederick", "Augustus", "Anna" ] } }, "seward": "William H. Seward" } Flow_0szh8pc Flow_1ieaamx age = 51 height = 1.93 children = ["Robert", "Edward", "Willie", "Tadd"] is_married = True size="medium" first_name = "Abe" last_name = "Lincoln" Age = 60 age = 54 del(Age) cabinet = { "Secretary of State": "William H. Seward", "Secretary of the Treasury": "Salmon P. Chase", "Secretary of War": "Edwin M. Stanton", "Attorney General": "Edward Bates" } seward = cabinet['Secretary of State'] cabinet = { "Secretary of State": { "name": "William H. Seward", "age": 60, "children": ['William Jr.', 'Frederick', 'Augustus', 'Anna'] } } def add_one(input): return input + 1 age = add_one(age) my_name = "Dan Funk" x = "don't do this" fn = "Dan" first_name = "Dan" Flow_1w62nhn Flow_0av3i4o Flow_0wru4o3 Flow_1ppsinh ![Minion]({{response.message}}) Flow_0mh2mbr Flow_1nq7xbv decision_1 Flow_0oyc1oz Flow_0zqmkvl Flow_1ieaamx Flow_1w62nhn Flow_0av3i4o Flow_0wru4o3 Flow_0mh2mbr Flow_0oyc1oz Flow_1ppsinh Flow_1nq7xbv Flow_0zqmkvl Flow_15ssmj7