Activity_1aqm83p Activity_0ngwnfn Event_1h98zsq Event_1uk4z4g Gateway_1s661qr Activity_1j9ze0a Event_1kp42uq Activity_0zzpc3c Activity_0ffidfy # Collection of Documents In this task the SASD Issue/Receipt clk will collect the documents from unit rep and check the relevant boxes on IMS after documents verification. The following documents will be received manually. - CIN - Auth ltr - Issue order - Demand form After receiving the documents, the SASD Issue/Receipt Clk will check the boxes relevant to the documents received. ## Filing of Issue Voucher on IMS After marking the check boxes, the user fills the issue voucher form. Flow_0cjiysr Flow_0g0bgek # Processing of Issue Voucher In this task IMS will process the issue voucher. Flow_0g0bgek Flow_09cqyt1 lane_owners = { "Admin": [get_current_user()['username']] } Flow_0cjiysr # Admin IV request approval Task In this task admin approve the request of Issue Voucher Flow_09cqyt1 Flow_15uoaxt Not approved Flow_0wlfm1r Flow_15uoaxt Flow_1kq30l6 Flow_0m96tua # This task is dedicated to inform the Unit Rep In this task the unit rep will be informed about the denial of approval from admin. Flow_0m96tua Flow_0wlfm1r Flow_10sml40 # Inform User In this task the user will informed about the approval Flow_1kq30l6 Flow_10sml40