interstitial_property Activity_05vwpsn task_2 StartEvent_1 Activity_1g9krb1 task_1 Activity_0fmdaxs task_4 task_5 Event_0n37ljx Event_1ayy15u Flow_1ernyhf Flow_09dv3gl x=100 Flow_1hfdqj8 Connecting to Bamboo HR and retrieving information about you and your supervisor so we can set up the correct approvals .... Flow_1hfdqj8 Flow_0u2t7ct lane_owners = {"approvers": ["", "", ""]} time.sleep(3) Manual Task One Flow_0jaw07d Flow_1ernyhf Flow_0u2t7ct Flow_0jaw07d time.sleep(1) Here we make some complex calculations using calculus, linear algebra so that we might reflect on the complexities of the space-time continuum. {{my_message}} Flow_0urf87u Flow_0slw75o time.sleep(5) my_message = "This is a jinja embedded message" This is the last manual task to complete. Flow_0slw75o Flow_1kknhym We are awaiting a response from a remote service that will provide detailed inforamtion. It may take 1 to 2 days before your final product is ready for order. Flow_1kknhym Flow_1o2nvb0 # All Done! You have complted all of the steps! Contradulations! You have fully completed this process! Great Job. While this was running we set a variable called "my_message". It's value is {{my_message}} Flow_1o2nvb0 Only the approvers group shoud see this task. Flow_09dv3gl Flow_0urf87u "start" x