Event_1v4k3r9 Activity_136xnz4 Gateway_005mbg4 Activity_1utg2n7 Activity_1m7u7di Activity_0740nq5 Event_1ew0edc Activity_1lpdsjc Activity_0x2ofau Activity_1wcbodo Gateway_0ez3am0 Activity_0ejewop Gateway_1be7bb7 Activity_0rb7t6w Activity_1uw3xcu Flow_047ap3u # Following Documents Collected ----------- - CIN - Auth letter Flow_047ap3u Flow_0okvtru Flow_0okvtru Flow_1frafk5 Flow_156qez4 documents_collected=='Yes' # Acceptance Form We have received equipment to receive at Trafic branch, please see the following details Flow_1frafk5 Flow_1kuk5xj Flow_1kuk5xj Flow_0x21rlw Flow_1a0gemd admin_approval_documents=='Yes' # Form Acceptance Admin has approved the request to receive equipment at traffic branch Flow_0x21rlw Flow_0g3zzkk # Endorse DRS Please fill the following form to endorse DRS for equipment receipt procedure Flow_0y27t43 Flow_13r09ut Flow_0g3zzkk Flow_0y27t43 from random import randint drs_no = f"REB-24-{randint(0, 999999):06}" Flow_156qez4 Flow_1a0gemd Flow_1bc2puj Flow_0nr7yo5 # Select Timer Value Select time it should take for store to reach SASD Gate area A **time duration** defined as ISO 8601 durations format. - PT15S - 15 seconds - PT1H30M - 1 hour and 30 minutes - P14D - 14 days Flow_13r09ut Flow_1c2eg26 Flow_1c2eg26 Flow_1fo1w71 hours = 0 minutes = 0 seconds = 0 if 'H' in timer_value_tfc: hours_str = timer_value_tfc.split('H')[0][2:] hours = int(hours_str) if hours_str.isdigit() else 0 if 'M' in timer_value_tfc: minutes_str = timer_value_tfc.split('M')[0][-2:] minutes = int(minutes_str) if minutes_str.isdigit() else 0 if 'S' in timer_value_tfc: seconds_str = timer_value_tfc.split('S')[0][-2:] seconds = int(seconds_str) if seconds_str.isdigit() else 0 TFC Clerk has approved the receipt of the equipment Timer value is : {{hours}} Hour, {{minutes}} Minutes , {{seconds}} Seconds Flow_1fo1w71 Flow_0hcdtwt Flow_0hcdtwt Flow_0hvrs0q Flow_0nr7yo5 Flow_1oa3o7j Flow_1bc2puj Flow_0hvrs0q Flow_1oa3o7j from random import randint crv_no = f"CRV-24-{randint(0, 999999):06}" sasd_approval=='Yes'