mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 14:40:44 +00:00
Unsure how this would actually happen, since it should get set to False if box is unchecked.
162 lines
7.1 KiB
162 lines
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import datetime
import os
import shutil
from typing import List
from crc import app, session
from crc.api.common import ApiError
from crc.models.file import FileType, CONTENT_TYPES, File
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.parser.ValidationException import ValidationException
from lxml import etree
from crc.models.workflow import WorkflowSpecInfo
from crc.services.file_system_service import FileSystemService
class SpecFileService(FileSystemService):
"""We store spec files on the file system. This allows us to take advantage of Git for
syncing and versioning.
The files are stored in a directory whose path is determined by the category and spec names.
def get_files(workflow_spec: WorkflowSpecInfo, file_name=None, include_libraries=False) -> List[File]:
""" Returns all files associated with a workflow specification """
path = SpecFileService.workflow_path(workflow_spec)
files = SpecFileService._get_files(path, file_name)
if include_libraries:
for lib_name in workflow_spec.libraries:
lib_path = SpecFileService.library_path(lib_name)
files.extend(SpecFileService._get_files(lib_path, file_name))
return files
def add_file(workflow_spec: WorkflowSpecInfo, file_name: str, binary_data: bytearray) -> File:
# Same as update
return SpecFileService.update_file(workflow_spec, file_name, binary_data)
def update_file(workflow_spec: WorkflowSpecInfo, file_name: str, binary_data) -> File:
file_path = SpecFileService.file_path(workflow_spec, file_name)
SpecFileService.write_file_data_to_system(file_path, binary_data)
file = SpecFileService.to_file_object(file_name, file_path)
if file_name == workflow_spec.primary_file_name:
SpecFileService.set_primary_bpmn(workflow_spec, file_name, binary_data)
elif workflow_spec.primary_file_name is None and file.type == FileType.bpmn:
# If no primary process exists, make this pirmary process.
SpecFileService.set_primary_bpmn(workflow_spec, file_name, binary_data)
return file
def get_data(workflow_spec: WorkflowSpecInfo, file_name: str):
file_path = SpecFileService.file_path(workflow_spec, file_name)
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
# If the file isn't here, it may be in a library
for lib in workflow_spec.libraries:
file_path = SpecFileService.library_path(lib)
file_path = os.path.join(file_path, file_name)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
raise ApiError("unknown_file", f"No file found with name {file_name} in {workflow_spec.display_name}")
with open(file_path, 'rb') as f_handle:
spec_file_data = f_handle.read()
return spec_file_data
def file_path(spec: WorkflowSpecInfo, file_name: str):
return os.path.join(SpecFileService.workflow_path(spec), file_name)
def last_modified(spec: WorkflowSpecInfo, file_name: str):
path = SpecFileService.file_path(spec, file_name)
return FileSystemService._last_modified(path)
def timestamp(spec: WorkflowSpecInfo, file_name: str):
path = SpecFileService.file_path(spec, file_name)
return FileSystemService._timestamp(path)
def delete_file(spec, file_name):
# Fixme: Remember to remove the lookup files when the spec file is removed.
# lookup_files = session.query(LookupFileModel).filter_by(file_model_id=file_id).all()
# for lf in lookup_files:
# session.query(LookupDataModel).filter_by(lookup_file_model_id=lf.id).delete()
# session.query(LookupFileModel).filter_by(id=lf.id).delete()
file_path = SpecFileService.file_path(spec, file_name)
def delete_all_files(spec):
dir_path = SpecFileService.workflow_path(spec)
if os.path.exists(dir_path):
def set_primary_bpmn(workflow_spec: WorkflowSpecInfo, file_name: str, binary_data=None):
# If this is a BPMN, extract the process id, and determine if it is contains swim lanes.
extension = SpecFileService.get_extension(file_name)
file_type = FileType[extension]
if file_type == FileType.bpmn:
if not binary_data:
binary_data = SpecFileService.get_data(workflow_spec, file_name)
bpmn: etree.Element = etree.fromstring(binary_data)
workflow_spec.primary_process_id = SpecFileService.get_process_id(bpmn)
workflow_spec.primary_file_name = file_name
workflow_spec.is_review = SpecFileService.has_swimlane(bpmn)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError as xse:
raise ApiError("invalid_xml", "Failed to parse xml: " + str(xse), file_name=file_name)
except ValidationException as ve:
if ve.args[0].find('No executable process tag found') >= 0:
raise ApiError(code='missing_executable_option',
message='No executable process tag found. Please make sure the Executable option is set in the workflow.')
raise ApiError(code='validation_error',
message=f'There was an error validating your workflow. Original message is: {ve}')
raise ApiError("invalid_xml", "Only a BPMN can be the primary file.", file_name=file_name)
def has_swimlane(et_root: etree.Element):
Look through XML and determine if there are any lanes present that have a label.
elements = et_root.xpath('//bpmn:lane',
namespaces={'bpmn': 'http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL'})
retval = False
for el in elements:
if el.get('name'):
retval = True
return retval
def get_process_id(et_root: etree.Element):
process_elements = []
for child in et_root:
if child.tag.endswith('process') and child.attrib.get('isExecutable', False):
if len(process_elements) == 0:
raise ValidationException('No executable process tag found')
# There are multiple root elements
if len(process_elements) > 1:
# Look for the element that has the startEvent in it
for e in process_elements:
this_element: etree.Element = e
for child_element in list(this_element):
if child_element.tag.endswith('startEvent'):
return this_element.attrib['id']
raise ValidationException('No start event found in %s' % et_root.attrib['id'])
return process_elements[0].attrib['id']