mike cullerton e72be4a217 Needed to define SERVER_NAME so get_url worked properly. Made the port into a constant in config.default so I can import it into config.testing.
Dan, I'm not sure this is the best approach. Let me know if you want something different.
2021-01-26 09:35:35 -05:00

33 lines
1.3 KiB

import os
from os import environ
basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
NAME = "CR Connect Workflow"
SECRET_KEY = "Shhhh!!! This is secret! And better darn well not show up in prod."
# This is here, for when we are running the E2E Tests in the frontend code bases.
# which will set the TESTING envronment to true, causing this to execute, but we need
# to respect the environment variables in that case.
# when running locally the defaults apply, meaning we use crc_test for doing the tests
# locally, and we don't over-write the database. Did you read this far? Have a cookie!
PB_ENABLED = environ.get('PB_ENABLED', default="false") == "true"
DB_HOST = environ.get('DB_HOST', default="localhost")
DB_PORT = environ.get('DB_PORT', default="5432")
DB_NAME = environ.get('DB_NAME', default="crc_test")
DB_USER = environ.get('DB_USER', default="crc_user")
DB_PASSWORD = environ.get('DB_PASSWORD', default="crc_pass")
default="postgresql://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s" % (DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_NAME)
ADMIN_UIDS = ['dhf8r']
print('### USING TESTING CONFIG: ###')
print('TESTING = ', TESTING)
from config.default import DEFAULT_PORT