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synced 2025-02-23 21:28:32 +00:00
From an API point of view you can do the following (and only the following) /files?workflow_spec_id=x * You can find all files associated with a workflow_spec_id, and add a file with a workflow_spec_id /files?workflow_id=x * You can find all files associated with a workflow_id, and add a file that is directly associated with the workflow /files?workflow_id=x&form_field_key=y * You can find all files associated with a form element on a running workflow, and add a new file. Note: you can add multiple files to the same form_field_key, IF they have different file names. If the same name, the original file is archived, and the new file takes its place. The study endpoints always return a list of the file metadata associated with the study. Removed /studies-files, but there is an endpoint called /studies/all - that returns all the studies in the system, and does include their files. On a deeper level: The File model no longer contains: - study_id, - task_id, - form_field_key Instead, if the file is associated with workflow - then that is the one way it is connected to the study, and we use this relationship to find files for a study. A file is never associated with a task_id, as these change when the workflow is reloaded. The form_field_key must match the irb_doc_code, so when requesting files for a form field, we just look up the irb_doc_code.
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