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synced 2025-02-22 20:58:28 +00:00
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462 lines
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import hashlib
import json
import os
from datetime import datetime
from github import Github, GithubObject, UnknownObjectException
from uuid import UUID
from lxml import etree
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.parser.ValidationException import ValidationException
from lxml.etree import XMLSyntaxError
from pandas import ExcelFile
from sqlalchemy import desc
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from crc import session, app
from crc.api.common import ApiError
from crc.models.file import FileType, FileDataModel, FileModel, LookupFileModel, LookupDataModel
from crc.models.workflow import WorkflowSpecModel, WorkflowModel, WorkflowSpecDependencyFile
from crc.services.cache_service import cache
import re
def camel_to_snake(camel):
make a camelcase from a snakecase
with a few things thrown in - we had a case where
we were parsing a spreadsheet and using the headings as keys in an object
one of the headings was "Who Uploads?"
camel = camel.strip()
camel = re.sub(' ', '', camel)
camel = re.sub('?', '', camel)
return re.sub(r'(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])', '_', camel).lower()
class FileService(object):
"""Provides consistent management and rules for storing, retrieving and processing files."""
DOCUMENT_LIST = "irb_documents.xlsx"
INVESTIGATOR_LIST = "investigators.xlsx"
__doc_dictionary = None
def verify_doc_dictionary(dd):
We are currently getting structured information from an XLS file, if someone accidentally
changes a header we will have problems later, so we will verify we have the headers we need
required_fields = ['category1','category2','category3','description']
# we only need to check the first item, as all of the keys should be the same
key = list(dd.keys())[0]
for field in required_fields:
if field not in dd[key].keys():
raise ApiError(code="Invalid document list %s"%FileService.DOCUMENT_LIST,
message='Please check the headers in %s'%FileService.DOCUMENT_LIST)
def get_doc_dictionary():
if not FileService.__doc_dictionary:
FileService.__doc_dictionary = FileService.get_reference_data(FileService.DOCUMENT_LIST, 'code', ['id'])
return FileService.__doc_dictionary
def add_workflow_spec_file(workflow_spec: WorkflowSpecModel,
name, content_type, binary_data, primary=False, is_status=False):
"""Create a new file and associate it with a workflow spec."""
# Raise ApiError if the file already exists
if session.query(FileModel)\
.filter(FileModel.workflow_spec_id == workflow_spec.id)\
.filter(FileModel.name == name).first():
raise ApiError(code="Duplicate File",
message='If you want to replace the file, use the update mechanism.')
file_model = FileModel(
return FileService.update_file(file_model, binary_data, content_type)
def is_allowed_document(code):
doc_dict = FileService.get_doc_dictionary()
return code in doc_dict
def is_workflow_review(workflow_spec_id):
files = session.query(FileModel).filter(FileModel.workflow_spec_id==workflow_spec_id).all()
review = any([f.is_review for f in files])
return review
def add_workflow_file(workflow_id, irb_doc_code, name, content_type, binary_data):
"""Create a new file and associate it with the workflow
Please note that the irb_doc_code MUST be a known file in the irb_documents.xslx reference document."""
if not FileService.is_allowed_document(irb_doc_code):
raise ApiError("invalid_form_field_key",
"When uploading files, the form field id must match a known document in the "
"irb_docunents.xslx reference file. This code is not found in that file '%s'" % irb_doc_code)
"""Assure this is unique to the workflow, task, and document code AND the Name
Because we will allow users to upload multiple files for the same form field
in some cases """
file_model = session.query(FileModel)\
.filter(FileModel.workflow_id == workflow_id)\
.filter(FileModel.name == name)\
.filter(FileModel.irb_doc_code == irb_doc_code).first()
if not file_model:
file_model = FileModel(
return FileService.update_file(file_model, binary_data, content_type)
def get_reference_data(reference_file_name, index_column, int_columns=[]):
""" Opens a reference file (assumes that it is xls file) and returns the data as a
dictionary, each row keyed on the given index_column name. If there are columns
that should be represented as integers, pass these as an array of int_columns, lest
you get '1.0' rather than '1'
fixme: This is stupid stupid slow. Place it in the database and just check if it is up to date."""
data_model = FileService.get_reference_file_data(reference_file_name)
xls = ExcelFile(data_model.data, engine='openpyxl')
df = xls.parse(xls.sheet_names[0])
for c in int_columns:
df[c] = df[c].fillna(0)
df = df.astype({c: 'Int64'})
df = df.fillna('')
df = df.applymap(str)
df = df.set_index(index_column)
return json.loads(df.to_json(orient='index'))
def get_workflow_files(workflow_id):
"""Returns all the file models associated with a running workflow."""
return session.query(FileModel).filter(FileModel.workflow_id == workflow_id).\
filter(FileModel.archived == False).\
def add_reference_file(name, content_type, binary_data):
"""Create a file with the given name, but not associated with a spec or workflow.
Only one file with the given reference name can exist."""
file_model = session.query(FileModel). \
filter(FileModel.is_reference == True). \
filter(FileModel.name == name).first()
if not file_model:
file_model = FileModel(
return FileService.update_file(file_model, binary_data, content_type)
def get_extension(file_name):
basename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_name)
return file_extension.lower().strip()[1:]
def update_file(file_model, binary_data, content_type):
session.flush() # Assure the database is up-to-date before running this.
latest_data_model = session.query(FileDataModel). \
filter(FileDataModel.file_model_id == file_model.id).\
md5_checksum = UUID(hashlib.md5(binary_data).hexdigest())
if (latest_data_model is not None) and (md5_checksum == latest_data_model.md5_hash):
# This file does not need to be updated, it's the same file. If it is arhived,
# then de-arvhive it.
file_model.archived = False
return file_model
# Verify the extension
file_extension = FileService.get_extension(file_model.name)
if file_extension not in FileType._member_names_:
raise ApiError('unknown_extension',
'The file you provided does not have an accepted extension:' +
file_extension, status_code=404)
file_model.type = FileType[file_extension]
file_model.content_type = content_type
file_model.archived = False # Unarchive the file if it is archived.
if latest_data_model is None:
version = 1
version = latest_data_model.version + 1
# If this is a BPMN, extract the process id.
if file_model.type == FileType.bpmn:
bpmn: etree.Element = etree.fromstring(binary_data)
file_model.primary_process_id = FileService.get_process_id(bpmn)
file_model.is_review = FileService.has_swimlane(bpmn)
except XMLSyntaxError as xse:
raise ApiError("invalid_xml", "Failed to parse xml: " + str(xse), file_name=file_model.name)
new_file_data_model = FileDataModel(
data=binary_data, file_model_id=file_model.id, file_model=file_model,
version=version, md5_hash=md5_checksum, date_created=datetime.now()
session.add_all([file_model, new_file_data_model])
session.flush() # Assure the id is set on the model before returning it.
return file_model
def has_swimlane(et_root: etree.Element):
Look through XML and determine if there are any swimlanes present that have a label.
elements = et_root.xpath('//bpmn:lane',
retval = False
for el in elements:
if el.get('name'):
retval = True
return retval
def get_process_id(et_root: etree.Element):
process_elements = []
for child in et_root:
if child.tag.endswith('process') and child.attrib.get('isExecutable', False):
if len(process_elements) == 0:
raise ValidationException('No executable process tag found')
# There are multiple root elements
if len(process_elements) > 1:
# Look for the element that has the startEvent in it
for e in process_elements:
this_element: etree.Element = e
for child_element in list(this_element):
if child_element.tag.endswith('startEvent'):
return this_element.attrib['id']
raise ValidationException('No start event found in %s' % et_root.attrib['id'])
return process_elements[0].attrib['id']
def get_files_for_study(study_id, irb_doc_code=None):
query = session.query(FileModel).\
filter(WorkflowModel.study_id == study_id).\
filter(FileModel.archived == False)
if irb_doc_code:
query = query.filter(FileModel.irb_doc_code == irb_doc_code)
return query.all()
def get_files(workflow_spec_id=None, workflow_id=None,
name=None, is_reference=False, irb_doc_code=None):
query = session.query(FileModel).filter_by(is_reference=is_reference)
if workflow_spec_id:
query = query.filter_by(workflow_spec_id=workflow_spec_id)
elif workflow_id:
query = query.filter_by(workflow_id=workflow_id)
if irb_doc_code:
query = query.filter_by(irb_doc_code=irb_doc_code)
elif is_reference:
query = query.filter_by(is_reference=True)
if name:
query = query.filter_by(name=name)
query = query.filter(FileModel.archived == False)
query = query.order_by(FileModel.id)
results = query.all()
return results
def get_spec_data_files(workflow_spec_id, workflow_id=None, name=None):
"""Returns all the FileDataModels related to a workflow specification.
If a workflow is specified, returns the version of the spec relatted
to that workflow, otherwise, returns the lastest files."""
if workflow_id:
query = session.query(FileDataModel) \
.join(WorkflowSpecDependencyFile) \
.filter(WorkflowSpecDependencyFile.workflow_id == workflow_id) \
if name:
query = query.join(FileModel).filter(FileModel.name == name)
return query.all()
"""Returns all the latest files related to a workflow specification"""
file_models = FileService.get_files(workflow_spec_id=workflow_spec_id)
latest_data_files = []
for file_model in file_models:
if name and file_model.name == name:
elif not name:
return latest_data_files
def get_workflow_data_files(workflow_id=None):
"""Returns all the FileDataModels related to a running workflow -
So these are the latest data files that were uploaded or generated
that go along with this workflow. Not related to the spec in any way"""
file_models = FileService.get_files(workflow_id=workflow_id)
latest_data_files = []
for file_model in file_models:
return latest_data_files
def get_file_data(file_id: int, version: int = None):
"""Returns the file data with the given version, or the lastest file, if version isn't provided."""
query = session.query(FileDataModel) \
.filter(FileDataModel.file_model_id == file_id)
if version:
query = query.filter(FileDataModel.version == version)
query = query.order_by(desc(FileDataModel.date_created))
return query.first()
def get_reference_file_data(file_name):
file_model = session.query(FileModel). \
filter(FileModel.is_reference == True). \
filter(FileModel.name == file_name).first()
if not file_model:
raise ApiError("file_not_found", "There is no reference file with the name '%s'" % file_name)
return FileService.get_file_data(file_model.id)
def get_workflow_file_data(workflow, file_name):
"""This method should be deleted, find where it is used, and remove this method.
Given a SPIFF Workflow Model, tracks down a file with the given name in the database and returns its data"""
workflow_spec_model = FileService.find_spec_model_in_db(workflow)
if workflow_spec_model is None:
raise ApiError(code="unknown_workflow",
message="Something is wrong. I can't find the workflow you are using.")
file_data_model = session.query(FileDataModel) \
.join(FileModel) \
.filter(FileModel.name == file_name) \
.filter(FileModel.workflow_spec_id == workflow_spec_model.id).first()
if file_data_model is None:
raise ApiError(code="file_missing",
message="Can not find a file called '%s' within workflow specification '%s'"
% (file_name, workflow_spec_model.id))
return file_data_model
def find_spec_model_in_db(workflow):
""" Search for the workflow """
# When the workflow spec model is created, we record the primary process id,
# then we can look it up. As there is the potential for sub-workflows, we
# may need to travel up to locate the primary process.
spec = workflow.spec
workflow_model = session.query(WorkflowSpecModel).join(FileModel). \
filter(FileModel.primary_process_id == spec.name).first()
if workflow_model is None and workflow != workflow.outer_workflow:
return FileService.find_spec_model_in_db(workflow.outer_workflow)
return workflow_model
def delete_file(file_id):
data_models = session.query(FileDataModel).filter_by(file_model_id=file_id).all()
for dm in data_models:
lookup_files = session.query(LookupFileModel).filter_by(file_data_model_id=dm.id).all()
for lf in lookup_files:
except IntegrityError as ie:
# We can't delete the file or file data, because it is referenced elsewhere,
# but we can at least mark it as deleted on the table.
file_model = session.query(FileModel).filter_by(id=file_id).first()
file_model.archived = True
app.logger.info("Failed to delete file, so archiving it instead. %i, due to %s" % (file_id, str(ie)))
def get_repo_branches():
gh_token = app.config['GITHUB_TOKEN']
github_repo = app.config['GITHUB_REPO']
_github = Github(gh_token)
repo = _github.get_user().get_repo(github_repo)
branches = [branch.name for branch in repo.get_branches()]
return branches
def update_from_github(file_ids, source_target=GithubObject.NotSet):
gh_token = app.config['GITHUB_TOKEN']
github_repo = app.config['GITHUB_REPO']
_github = Github(gh_token)
repo = _github.get_user().get_repo(github_repo)
for file_id in file_ids:
file_data_model = FileDataModel.query.filter_by(
repo_file = repo.get_contents(file_data_model.file_model.name, ref=source_target)
except UnknownObjectException:
return {'error': 'Attempted to update from repository but file was not present'}
file_data_model.data = repo_file.decoded_content
def publish_to_github(file_ids):
target_branch = app.config['TARGET_BRANCH'] if app.config['TARGET_BRANCH'] else GithubObject.NotSet
gh_token = app.config['GITHUB_TOKEN']
github_repo = app.config['GITHUB_REPO']
_github = Github(gh_token)
repo = _github.get_user().get_repo(github_repo)
for file_id in file_ids:
file_data_model = FileDataModel.query.filter_by(file_model_id=file_id).first()
repo_file = repo.get_contents(file_data_model.file_model.name, ref=target_branch)
except UnknownObjectException:
message=f'Creating {file_data_model.file_model.name}',
return {'created': True}
updated = repo.update_file(
message=f'Updating {file_data_model.file_model.name}',
content=file_data_model.data + b'brah-model',
return {'updated': True}