alicia pritchett 699d0ab797 updated method calls in
except for reordering
2022-02-04 15:31:36 -05:00

206 lines
8.2 KiB

import json
import os
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.parser.ValidationException import ValidationException
from lxml import etree
from crc.api.common import ApiError
from crc.models.file import FileType
from crc.models.workflow import WorkflowSpecCategory, WorkflowSpecCategorySchema, WorkflowSpecInfo, \
from import FileSystemService
class WorkflowSpecService(FileSystemService):
CAT_JSON_FILE = "category.json"
WF_JSON_FILE = "workflow.json"
CAT_SCHEMA = WorkflowSpecCategorySchema()
WF_SCHEMA = WorkflowSpecInfoSchema()
"""We store details about the specifications and categories on the file system.
This service handles changes and persistence of workflow specs and category specs.
def __init__(self):
self.categories = {}
self.specs = {}
self.master_spec = None
self.libraries = {}
self.standalone = {}
def save_spec(self, spec:WorkflowSpecInfo):
spec_path = self.workflow_path(spec)
json_path = os.path.join(spec_path, self.WF_JSON_FILE)
with open(json_path, "w") as wf_json:
json.dump(self.WF_SCHEMA.dump(spec), wf_json, indent=4)
def reorder_workflow_spec(self, spec:WorkflowSpecInfo, direction):
workflows = spec.category.workflows
workflows.sort(key=lambda w: w.display_order)
index = workflows.index_of(spec)
if direction == 'up' and index > 0:
workflows[index-1], workflows[index] = workflows[index], workflows[index-1]
if direction == 'down' and index < len(workflows):
workflows[index+1], workflows[index] = workflows[index], workflows[index+1]
index = 0
for workflow in workflows:
workflow.display_order = index
index += 1
return workflows
def get_categories(self):
"""Returns a list of categories in the correct order."""
return list(self.categories.values()).sort(key=lambda x: x.display_order)
def reorder_workflow_spec_category(self, spec:WorkflowSpecInfo, direction):
# Fixme: Resort Workflow categories
def scan_file_system(self):
"""Build a model of our workflows, based on the file system structure and json files"""
# Clear out existing values
self.categories = {}
self.specs = {}
self.master_spec = None
self.libraries = {}
if not os.path.exists(FileSystemService.root_path()):
raise ApiError('missing_specs', 'The path for workflow specifications does not exist.')
directory_items = os.scandir(FileSystemService.root_path())
for item in directory_items:
if item.is_dir():
if == self.LIBRARY_SPECS:
self.scan_category(item, is_library=True)
self.scan_spec(item, is_master=True)
def scan_category(self, dir_item: os.DirEntry, is_library=False):
"""Reads the category.json file, and any workflow directories """
cat_path = os.path.join(dir_item.path, self.CAT_JSON_FILE)
if os.path.exists(cat_path):
with open(cat_path) as cat_json:
data = json.load(cat_json)
cat = self.CAT_SCHEMA.load(data)
cat = WorkflowSpecCategory(,, display_order=10000, admin=False)
with open(cat_path, "w") as wf_json:
json.dump(self.CAT_SCHEMA.dump(cat), wf_json, indent=4)
if is_library:
self.libraries = cat
self.categories[] = cat
workflow_dirs = os.scandir(FileSystemService.root_path())
for item in workflow_dirs:
self.scan_spec(item, category=cat)
return cat
def _get_workflow_metas(study_id):
# Add in the Workflows for each category
# Fixme: moved fro the Study Service
workflow_metas = []
# for workflow in workflow_models:
# workflow_metas.append(WorkflowMetadata.from_workflow(workflow))
return workflow_metas
def scan_spec(self, dir_item: os.DirEntry, is_master=False, category=None):
if not is_master and not category:
raise ApiError("invalid_spec_dir", "Please specify what category this workflow belongs to.")
spec_path = os.path.join(dir_item.path, self.WF_JSON_FILE)
if os.path.exists(spec_path):
with open(spec_path) as wf_json:
data = json.load(wf_json)
spec = self.WF_SCHEMA.load(data)
spec = WorkflowSpecInfo(, library=False, standalone=False, is_master_spec=is_master,, description="", primary_process_id="",
with open(spec_path, "w") as wf_json:
json.dump(WorkflowSpecInfoSchema.dump(spec), wf_json, indent=4)
if is_master:
self.master_spec = spec
elif category:
self.specs[] = spec
spec.category = category
def set_primary_bpmn(self, workflow_spec: WorkflowSpecInfo, file_name: str, binary_data=None):
# If this is a BPMN, extract the process id, and determine if it is contains swim lanes.
extension = self.get_extension(file_name)
file_type = FileType[extension]
if file_type == FileType.bpmn:
if not binary_data:
binary_data = self.get_data(workflow_spec, file_name)
bpmn: etree.Element = etree.fromstring(binary_data)
workflow_spec.primary_process_id = self.get_process_id(bpmn)
workflow_spec.primary_file_name = file_name
workflow_spec.is_review = self.has_swimlane(bpmn)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError as xse:
raise ApiError("invalid_xml", "Failed to parse xml: " + str(xse), file_name=file_name)
raise ApiError("invalid_xml", "Only a BPMN can be the primary file.", file_name=file_name)
def has_swimlane(et_root: etree.Element):
Look through XML and determine if there are any lanes present that have a label.
elements = et_root.xpath('//bpmn:lane',
namespaces={'bpmn': ''})
retval = False
for el in elements:
if el.get('name'):
retval = True
return retval
def get_process_id(et_root: etree.Element):
process_elements = []
for child in et_root:
if child.tag.endswith('process') and child.attrib.get('isExecutable', False):
if len(process_elements) == 0:
raise ValidationException('No executable process tag found')
# There are multiple root elements
if len(process_elements) > 1:
# Look for the element that has the startEvent in it
for e in process_elements:
this_element: etree.Element = e
for child_element in list(this_element):
if child_element.tag.endswith('startEvent'):
return this_element.attrib['id']
raise ValidationException('No start event found in %s' % et_root.attrib['id'])
return process_elements[0].attrib['id']
# TODO Methods i would add...
# delete_spec(spec_id)
# get_spec(spec_id)
# update_spec(spec_id, body)
# add_spec(body)
# Other methods i would add, maybe not here..
# add_library(body)
# get_libraries()
# get_library(spec_id, library_id)
# delete_library(library_id)
# get_workflow_categories()
# get_workflow_category(category, body)
# add_workflow_category(body)
# update_workflow_category(category, body)
# delete_workflow_category(category)