Dan 2fc4b44ef3 Create a path to directly download the spreadsheet file (and avoid the weird dance on the front end of making an API call to get file data.)
Fixing pagination.  Seems the front end uses a page_index that is 0 based, and sqlAlchemy prefers to start at 1.
2022-03-12 16:19:07 -05:00

176 lines
7.4 KiB

from datetime import datetime
from flask import g, send_file
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from crc import session
from crc.api.common import ApiError, ApiErrorSchema
from crc.models.study import Study, StudyEventType, StudyModel, StudySchema, StudyForUpdateSchema, \
StudyStatus, StudyAssociatedSchema
from crc.models.task_log import TaskLogQuery, TaskLogQuerySchema
from crc.services.spreadsheet_service import SpreadsheetService
from crc.services.study_service import StudyService
from crc.services.task_logging_service import TaskLoggingService
from crc.services.user_service import UserService
from crc.services.workflow_processor import WorkflowProcessor
from crc.services.workflow_service import WorkflowService
from crc.services.workflow_spec_service import WorkflowSpecService
from crc.api.user import verify_token
import io
def add_study(body):
"""Or any study like object. Body should include a title, and primary_investigator_id """
if 'primary_investigator_id' not in body:
raise ApiError("missing_pi", "Can't create a new study without a Primary Investigator.")
if 'title' not in body:
raise ApiError("missing_title", "Can't create a new study without a title.")
study_model = StudyModel(user_uid=UserService.current_user().uid,
spec_service = WorkflowSpecService()
specs = spec_service.get_specs()
categories = spec_service.get_categories()
errors = StudyService.add_all_workflow_specs_to_study(study_model, specs)
master_workflow_results = __run_master_spec(study_model, spec_service.master_spec)
study = StudyService().get_study(study_model.id, categories, master_workflow_results=master_workflow_results)
study_data = StudySchema().dump(study)
study_data["errors"] = ApiErrorSchema(many=True).dump(errors)
return study_data
def __run_master_spec(study_model, master_spec):
"""Runs the master workflow spec to get details on the status of each workflow.
This is a fairly expensive call."""
"""Uses the Top Level Workflow to calculate the status of the study, and it's
workflow models."""
if not master_spec:
raise ApiError("missing_master_spec", "No specifications are currently marked as the master spec.")
return WorkflowProcessor.run_master_spec(master_spec, study_model)
def update_study(study_id, body):
spec_service = WorkflowSpecService()
categories = spec_service.get_categories()
"""Pretty limited, but allows manual modifications to the study status """
if study_id is None:
raise ApiError('unknown_study', 'Please provide a valid Study ID.')
study_model = session.query(StudyModel).filter_by(id=study_id).first()
if study_model is None:
raise ApiError('unknown_study', 'The study "' + study_id + '" is not recognized.')
study: Study = StudyForUpdateSchema().load(body)
status = StudyStatus(study.status)
study_model.last_updated = datetime.utcnow()
if study_model.status != status:
study_model.status = status
StudyService.add_study_update_event(study_model, status, StudyEventType.user,
user_uid=UserService.current_user().uid if UserService.has_user() else None,
comment='' if not hasattr(study, 'comment') else study.comment,
if status == StudyStatus.open_for_enrollment:
study_model.enrollment_date = study.enrollment_date
if status == StudyStatus.abandoned or status == StudyStatus.hold:
# Need to reload the full study to return it to the frontend
study = StudyService.get_study(study_id, categories)
return StudySchema().dump(study)
def get_study(study_id, update_status=False):
spec_service = WorkflowSpecService()
categories = spec_service.get_categories()
master_workflow_results = []
if update_status:
study_model = session.query(StudyModel).filter(StudyModel.id == study_id).first()
master_workflow_results = __run_master_spec(study_model, spec_service.master_spec)
study = StudyService().get_study(study_id, categories, master_workflow_results=master_workflow_results)
if (study is None):
raise ApiError("unknown_study", 'The study "' + study_id + '" is not recognized.', status_code=404)
return StudySchema().dump(study)
def get_study_associates(study_id):
return StudyAssociatedSchema(many=True).dump(StudyService.get_study_associates(study_id))
def get_logs_for_study(study_id, body):
task_log_query = TaskLogQuery(**body)
task_log_query.study_id = study_id # Force the study id
return TaskLogQuerySchema().dump(
TaskLoggingService.get_logs_for_study_paginated(study_id, task_log_query))
def download_logs_for_study(study_id, auth_token):
# Download links incorporate an auth token in the request for direct download
if not verify_token(auth_token):
raise ApiError('not_authenticated', 'You need to include an authorization token in the URL with this')
title = f'Study {study_id}'
logs, headers = TaskLoggingService.get_log_data_for_download(study_id)
spreadsheet = SpreadsheetService.create_spreadsheet(logs, headers, title)
return send_file(
cache_timeout=-1, # Don't cache these files on the browser.
def delete_study(study_id):
except IntegrityError as ie:
message = "Failed to delete Study #%i due to an Integrity Error: %s" % (study_id, str(ie))
raise ApiError(code="study_integrity_error", message=message)
def user_studies():
"""Returns all the studies associated with the current user. """
user = UserService.current_user(allow_admin_impersonate=True)
spec_service = WorkflowSpecService()
specs = spec_service.get_specs()
cats = spec_service.get_categories()
StudyService.synch_with_protocol_builder_if_enabled(user, specs)
studies = StudyService().get_studies_for_user(user, categories=cats)
if len(studies) == 0:
studies = StudyService().get_studies_for_user(user, categories=cats, include_invalid=True)
if len(studies) > 0:
message = f"All studies associated with User: {user.uid} failed study validation"
raise ApiError(code="study_integrity_error", message=message)
results = StudySchema(many=True).dump(studies)
return results
def all_studies():
"""Returns all studies (regardless of user) with submitted files"""
studies = StudyService.get_all_studies_with_files()
results = StudySchema(many=True).dump(studies)
return results