80 lines
2.9 KiB
Executable File
80 lines
2.9 KiB
Executable File
import pprint
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.BpmnScriptEngine import BpmnScriptEngine
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.workflow import BpmnWorkflow
from SpiffWorkflow.camunda.serializer.CamundaSerializer import CamundaSerializer
from SpiffWorkflow.camunda.specs.UserTask import EnumFormField, UserTask
class CustomBpmnScriptEngine(BpmnScriptEngine):
"""This is a custom script processor that can be easily injected into Spiff Workflow.
Rather than execute arbitrary code, this assumes the script references a fully qualified python class
such as myapp.RandomFact. """
def execute(self, task, script, **kwargs):
Assume that the script read in from the BPMN file is a fully qualified python class. Instantiate
that class, pass in any data available to the current task so that it might act on it.
Assume that the class implements the "do_task" method.
This allows us to reference custom code from the BPMN diagram.
module_name = "app." + script
class_name = module_name.split(".")[-1]
mod = __import__(module_name, fromlist=[class_name])
klass = getattr(mod, class_name)
def main():
print("Loading BPMN Specification.")
spec = bpmn_diagram_to_spec('app/static/bpmn/random_fact')
print ("Creating a new workflow based on the specification.")
script_engine = CustomBpmnScriptEngine()
workflow = BpmnWorkflow(spec, script_engine=script_engine)
workflow.debug = False
print ("Running automated tasks.")
while not workflow.is_completed():
ready_tasks = workflow.get_ready_user_tasks()
while len(ready_tasks) > 0:
for task in ready_tasks:
if isinstance(task.task_spec, UserTask):
raise("Unown Ready Task.")
ready_tasks = workflow.get_ready_user_tasks()
print("All tasks in the workflow are now complete.")
print("The following data was collected:")
def show_form(task):
model = {}
form = task.task_spec.form
for field in form.fields:
print("Please complete the following questions:")
prompt = field.label
if isinstance(field, EnumFormField):
prompt += "? (Options: " + ', '.join([str(option.id) for option in field.options]) + ")"
prompt += "? "
model[form.key + "." + field.id] = input(prompt)
if task.data is None:
task.data = {}
def bpmn_diagram_to_spec(file_path):
"""This loads up all BPMN diagrams in the BPMN folder."""
workflowSpec = CamundaSerializer().deserialize_workflow_spec(file_path)
return workflowSpec
if __name__ == "__main__":