Dan Funk 34b6ec92bf updating the API
Removing the call for study/workflows - as workflow information is returned with the study by default.
Fixing a bug in the workflow spec model schema.
2020-03-30 10:12:10 -04:00

91 lines
3.1 KiB

from typing import List
from connexion import NoContent
from flask import g
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from crc import session, app
from crc.api.common import ApiError, ApiErrorSchema
from crc.api.workflow import __get_workflow_api_model
from crc.models.api_models import WorkflowApiSchema
from crc.models.protocol_builder import ProtocolBuilderStatus, ProtocolBuilderStudy
from crc.models.study import StudySchema, StudyModel, Study
from crc.models.workflow import WorkflowModel, WorkflowSpecModel
from crc.services.protocol_builder import ProtocolBuilderService
from crc.services.study_service import StudyService
from crc.services.workflow_processor import WorkflowProcessor
def add_study(body):
"""This should never get called, and is subject to deprication. Studies
should be added through the protocol builder only."""
study: Study = StudySchema().load(body)
study_model = StudyModel(**study.model_args())
errors = StudyService._add_all_workflow_specs_to_study(study)
study_data = StudySchema().dump(study)
study_data["errors"] = ApiErrorSchema(many=True).dump(errors)
return study_data
def update_study(study_id, body):
if study_id is None:
raise ApiError('unknown_study', 'Please provide a valid Study ID.')
study_model = session.query(StudyModel).filter_by(id=study_id).first()
if study_model is None:
raise ApiError('unknown_study', 'The study "' + study_id + '" is not recognized.')
study: Study = StudySchema().load(body)
return StudySchema().dump(study)
def get_study(study_id):
study_service = StudyService()
study = study_service.get_study(study_id)
schema = StudySchema()
return schema.dump(study)
def delete_study(study_id):
except IntegrityError as ie:
message = "Failed to delete Study #%i due to an Integrity Error: %s" % (study_id, str(ie))
raise ApiError(code="study_integrity_error", message=message)
def all_studies():
"""Returns all the studies associated with the current user. Assures we are
in sync with values read in from the protocol builder. """
studies = StudyService.get_studies_for_user(g.user)
results = StudySchema(many=True).dump(studies)
return results
def post_update_study_from_protocol_builder(study_id):
"""Update a single study based on data received from
the protocol builder."""
db_study = session.query(StudyModel).filter_by(study_id=study_id).all()
pb_studies: List[ProtocolBuilderStudy] = ProtocolBuilderService.get_studies(g.user.uid)
pb_study = next((pbs for pbs in pb_studies if pbs.STUDYID == study_id), None)
if pb_study:
db_study.inactive = True
db_study.protocol_builder_status = ProtocolBuilderStatus.INACTIVE
return NoContent, 304