171 lines
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import json
import pickle
from base64 import b64decode
from datetime import datetime
from flask import g
from crc import db, session
from crc.api.common import ApiError
from crc.models.approval import Approval, ApprovalModel, ApprovalSchema, ApprovalStatus
from crc.models.workflow import WorkflowModel
from crc.services.approval_service import ApprovalService
from crc.services.ldap_service import LdapService
# Returns counts of approvals in each status group assigned to the given user.
# The goal is to return results as quickly as possible.
def get_approval_counts(as_user=None):
uid = as_user or g.user.uid
db_user_approvals = db.session.query(ApprovalModel)\
.filter(ApprovalModel.status != ApprovalStatus.CANCELED.name)\
study_ids = [a.study_id for a in db_user_approvals]
print('study_ids', study_ids)
db_other_approvals = db.session.query(ApprovalModel)\
.filter(ApprovalModel.approver_uid != uid)\
.filter(ApprovalModel.status != ApprovalStatus.CANCELED.name)\
# Make a dict of the other approvals where the key is the study id and the value is the approval
# TODO: This won't work if there are more than 2 approvals with the same study_id
other_approvals = {}
for approval in db_other_approvals:
other_approvals[approval.study_id] = approval
counts = {}
for status in ApprovalStatus:
counts[status.name] = 0
for approval in db_user_approvals:
# Check if another approval has the same study id
if approval.study_id in other_approvals:
other_approval = other_approvals[approval.study_id]
# Other approval takes precedence over this one
if other_approval.id < approval.id:
if other_approval.status == ApprovalStatus.PENDING.name:
counts[ApprovalStatus.AWAITING.name] += 1
elif other_approval.status == ApprovalStatus.DECLINED.name:
counts[ApprovalStatus.DECLINED.name] += 1
elif other_approval.status == ApprovalStatus.CANCELED.name:
counts[ApprovalStatus.CANCELED.name] += 1
elif other_approval.status == ApprovalStatus.APPROVED.name:
counts[approval.status] += 1
counts[approval.status] += 1
return counts
def get_approvals(status=None, as_user=None):
#status = ApprovalStatus.PENDING.value
user = g.user.uid
if as_user:
user = as_user
approvals = ApprovalService.get_approvals_per_user(user, status,
results = ApprovalSchema(many=True).dump(approvals)
return results
def get_approvals_for_study(study_id=None):
db_approvals = ApprovalService.get_approvals_for_study(study_id)
approvals = [Approval.from_model(approval_model) for approval_model in db_approvals]
results = ApprovalSchema(many=True).dump(approvals)
return results
# ----- Begin descent into madness ---- #
def get_csv():
"""A damn lie, it's a json file. A huge bit of a one-off for RRT, but 3 weeks of midnight work can convince a
man to do just about anything"""
approvals = ApprovalService.get_all_approvals(include_cancelled=False)
output = []
errors = []
for approval in approvals:
if approval.status != ApprovalStatus.APPROVED.value:
for related_approval in approval.related_approvals:
if related_approval.status != ApprovalStatus.APPROVED.value:
workflow = db.session.query(WorkflowModel).filter(WorkflowModel.id == approval.workflow_id).first()
data = json.loads(workflow.bpmn_workflow_json)
last_task = find_task(data['last_task']['__uuid__'], data['task_tree'])
personnel = extract_value(last_task, 'personnel')
training_val = extract_value(last_task, 'RequiredTraining')
pi_supervisor = extract_value(last_task, 'PISupervisor')['value']
review_complete = 'AllRequiredTraining' in training_val
pi_uid = workflow.study.primary_investigator_id
pi_details = LdapService.user_info(pi_uid)
details = []
for person in personnel:
uid = person['PersonnelComputingID']['value']
for person in details:
record = {
"study_id": approval.study_id,
"pi_uid": pi_details.uid,
"pi": pi_details.display_name,
"name": person.display_name,
"uid": person.uid,
"email": person.email_address,
"supervisor": "",
"review_complete": review_complete,
# We only know the PI's supervisor.
if person.uid == pi_details.uid:
record["supervisor"] = pi_supervisor
except Exception as e:
errors.append("Error pulling data for workflow #%i: %s" % (approval.workflow_id, str(e)))
return {"results": output, "errors": errors }
def extract_value(task, key):
if key in task['data']:
return pickle.loads(b64decode(task['data'][key]['__bytes__']))
return ""
def find_task(uuid, task):
if task['id']['__uuid__'] == uuid:
return task
for child in task['children']:
task = find_task(uuid, child)
if task:
return task
# ----- come back to the world of the living ---- #
def update_approval(approval_id, body):
if approval_id is None:
raise ApiError('unknown_approval', 'Please provide a valid Approval ID.')
approval_model = session.query(ApprovalModel).get(approval_id)
if approval_model is None:
raise ApiError('unknown_approval', 'The approval "' + str(approval_id) + '" is not recognized.')
if approval_model.approver_uid != g.user.uid:
raise ApiError("not_your_approval", "You may not modify this approval. It belongs to another user.")
approval_model.status = body['status']
approval_model.message = body['message']
approval_model.date_approved = datetime.now()
result = ApprovalSchema().dump(approval_model)
return result