Dan Funk dba41f4759 Ludicrously stupid launch in a refactor of the way all files work in the system at a time where I crave sleep and peace above all other things.
Added a File class, that we wrap around the FileModel so the api endpoints don't change, but File no longer holds refences to versions or dates of the file_data model, we
figure this out based on a clean database structure.

The ApprovalFile is directly related to the file_data_model - so no chance that a reviewer would review the incorrect version of a file.py

Noticed that our FileType enum called "bpmn" "bpmm", hope this doesn't screw someone up.

Workflows are directly related to the data_models that create the workflow spec it needs.  So the files should always be there.  There are no more hashes, and thus no more hash errors where it can't find the files to rebuild the workflow.py

Not much to report here, other than I broke every single test in the system at one point.  So I'm super concerned about this, and will be testing it a lot before creating the pull request.
2020-05-28 20:03:50 -04:00

115 lines
4.3 KiB

import enum
from marshmallow import INCLUDE
from sqlalchemy import func
from crc import db, ma
from crc.models.file import FileModel, FileDataModel
from crc.models.study import StudyModel
from crc.models.workflow import WorkflowModel
class ApprovalStatus(enum.Enum):
WAITING = "WAITING" # no one has done jack.
APPROVED = "APPROVED" # approved by the reviewer
DECLINED = "DECLINED" # rejected by the reviewer
CANCELED = "CANCELED" # The document was replaced with a new version and this review is no longer needed.
class ApprovalFile(db.Model):
file_data_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(FileDataModel.id), primary_key=True)
approval_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("approval.id"), primary_key=True)
approval = db.relationship("ApprovalModel")
file_data = db.relationship(FileDataModel)
class ApprovalModel(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'approval'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
study_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(StudyModel.id), nullable=False)
study = db.relationship(StudyModel, backref='approval', cascade='all,delete')
workflow_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(WorkflowModel.id), nullable=False)
workflow = db.relationship(WorkflowModel)
approver_uid = db.Column(db.String) # Not linked to user model, as they may not have logged in yet.
status = db.Column(db.String)
message = db.Column(db.String)
date_created = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True), default=func.now())
version = db.Column(db.Integer) # Incremented integer, so 1,2,3 as requests are made.
approval_files = db.relationship(ApprovalFile, back_populates="approval",
cascade="all, delete, delete-orphan",
class Approval(object):
def from_model(cls, model: ApprovalModel):
instance = cls()
instance.id = model.id
instance.study_id = model.study_id
instance.workflow_id = model.workflow_id
instance.version = model.version
instance.approver_uid = model.approver_uid
instance.status = model.status
instance.message = model.message
instance.date_created = model.date_created
instance.version = model.version
instance.title = ''
if model.study:
instance.title = model.study.title
# TODO: Use ldap lookup
instance.approver = {}
instance.approver['uid'] = 'bgb22'
instance.approver['display_name'] = 'Billy Bob (bgb22)'
instance.approver['title'] = 'E42:He\'s a hoopy frood'
instance.approver['department'] = 'E0:EN-Eng Study of Parallel Universes'
instance.associated_files = []
for approval_file in model.approval_files:
associated_file = {}
associated_file['id'] = approval_file.file.id
associated_file['name'] = approval_file.file.name
associated_file['content_type'] = approval_file.file.content_type
return instance
class ApprovalSchema(ma.Schema):
class Meta:
model = Approval
fields = ["id", "study_id", "workflow_id", "version", "title",
"version", "status", "approver", "associated_files"]
unknown = INCLUDE
# Carlos: Here is the data structure I was trying to imagine.
# If I were to continue down my current traing of thought, I'd create
# another class called just "Approval" that can take an ApprovalModel from the
# database and construct a data structure like this one, that can
# be provided to the API at an /approvals endpoint with GET and PUT
# dat = { "approvals": [
# {"id": 1,
# "study_id": 20,
# "workflow_id": 454,
# "study_title": "Dan Funk (dhf8r)", # Really it's just the name of the Principal Investigator
# "workflow_version": "21",
# "approver": { # Pulled from ldap
# "uid": "bgb22",
# "display_name": "Billy Bob (bgb22)",
# "title": "E42:He's a hoopy frood",
# "department": "E0:EN-Eng Study of Parallel Universes",
# },
# "files": [
# {
# "id": 124,
# "name": "ResearchRestart.docx",
# "content_type": "docx-something-whatever"
# }
# ]
# }
# ...
# ]