import logging from typing import List, Optional, Union, Tuple, Dict from connexion import NoContent from flask import g from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError from crc import session, auth, app from crc.api.common import ApiError, ApiErrorSchema from crc.api.workflow import __get_workflow_api_model from crc.models.api_models import WorkflowApiSchema from crc.models.protocol_builder import ProtocolBuilderStatus, ProtocolBuilderStudy from import StudyModelSchema, StudyModel from crc.models.workflow import WorkflowModel, WorkflowSpecModel from import WorkflowProcessor from import ProtocolBuilderService @auth.login_required def all_studies(): return update_from_protocol_builder() @auth.login_required def add_study(body): study = StudyModelSchema().load(body, session=session) session.add(study) session.commit() # FIXME: We need to ask the protocol builder what workflows to add to the study, not just add them all. for spec in session.query(WorkflowSpecModel).all(): WorkflowProcessor.create(, return StudyModelSchema().dump(study) @auth.login_required def update_study(study_id, body): if study_id is None: error = ApiError('unknown_study', 'Please provide a valid Study ID.') return ApiErrorSchema.dump(error), 404 study = session.query(StudyModel).filter_by(id=study_id).first() if study is None: error = ApiError('unknown_study', 'The study "' + study_id + '" is not recognized.') return ApiErrorSchema.dump(error), 404 schema = StudyModelSchema() study = schema.load(body, session=session, instance=study, partial=True) session.add(study) session.commit() return schema.dump(study) @auth.login_required def get_study(study_id): study = session.query(StudyModel).filter_by(id=study_id).first() schema = StudyModelSchema() if study is None: return NoContent, 404 return schema.dump(study) def delete_study(study_id): try: session.query(StudyModel).filter_by(id=study_id).delete() except IntegrityError as ie: session.rollback() app.logger.error("Failed to delete Study #%i due to an Integrity Error: %s" % (study_id, str(ie))) raise ApiError(code="study_integrity_error", message="This study contains running workflows that is " "preventing deletion. Please delete the workflows " + "before proceeding.") @auth.login_required def update_from_protocol_builder(): """Updates the list of known studies for a given user based on data received from the protocol builder.""" user = g.user """:type: crc.models.user.UserModel""" # Get studies matching this user from Protocol Builder pb_studies: List[ProtocolBuilderStudy] = get_user_pb_studies() # Get studies from the database db_studies = session.query(StudyModel).filter_by(user_uid=user.uid).all() db_study_ids = list(map(lambda s:, db_studies)) pb_study_ids = list(map(lambda s: s['STUDYID'], pb_studies)) for pb_study in pb_studies: # Update studies with latest data from Protocol Builder if pb_study['STUDYID'] in db_study_ids: update_study(pb_study['STUDYID'], map_pb_study_to_study(pb_study)) # Add studies from Protocol Builder that aren't in the database yet else: new_study = map_pb_study_to_study(pb_study) add_study(new_study) # Mark studies as inactive that are no longer in Protocol Builder for study_id in db_study_ids: if study_id not in pb_study_ids: update_study( study_id=study_id, body={ 'inactive': True, 'protocol_builder_status': } ) # Return updated studies updated_studies = session.query(StudyModel).filter_by(user_uid=user.uid).all() results = StudyModelSchema(many=True).dump(updated_studies) return results @auth.login_required def post_update_study_from_protocol_builder(study_id): """Update a single study based on data received from the protocol builder.""" pb_studies: List[ProtocolBuilderStudy] = get_user_pb_studies() for pb_study in pb_studies: if pb_study['STUDYID'] == study_id: return update_study(study_id, map_pb_study_to_study(pb_study)) return NoContent, 304 @auth.login_required def get_study_workflows(study_id): workflow_models = session.query(WorkflowModel).filter_by(study_id=study_id).all() api_models = [] for workflow_model in workflow_models: processor = WorkflowProcessor(workflow_model, workflow_model.bpmn_workflow_json) api_models.append(__get_workflow_api_model(processor)) schema = WorkflowApiSchema(many=True) return schema.dump(api_models) @auth.login_required def add_workflow_to_study(study_id, body): workflow_spec_model = session.query(WorkflowSpecModel).filter_by(id=body["id"]).first() if workflow_spec_model is None: error = ApiError('unknown_spec', 'The specification "' + body['id'] + '" is not recognized.') return ApiErrorSchema.dump(error), 404 processor = WorkflowProcessor.create(study_id, return WorkflowApiSchema().dump(__get_workflow_api_model(processor)) @auth.login_required def get_user_pb_studies() -> List[ProtocolBuilderStudy]: """Get studies from Protocol Builder matching the given user""" user = g.user """:type: crc.models.user.UserModel""" return ProtocolBuilderService.get_studies(user.uid) def map_pb_study_to_study(pb_study): """Translates the given dict of ProtocolBuilderStudy properties to dict of StudyModel attributes""" prop_map = { 'STUDYID': 'id', 'HSRNUMBER': 'hsr_number', 'TITLE': 'title', 'NETBADGEID': 'user_uid', 'DATE_MODIFIED': 'last_updated', } study_info = {} # Translate Protocol Builder property names to Study attributes for k, v in pb_study.items(): if k in prop_map: study_info[prop_map[k]] = v # Translate Protocol Builder states to enum values status = ProtocolBuilderStatus.DRAFT pb_details = ProtocolBuilderService.get_study_details(pb_study['STUDYID']) if 'Q_COMPLETE' in pb_study and pb_study['Q_COMPLETE']: if 'UPLOAD_COMPLETE' in pb_details and pb_details['UPLOAD_COMPLETE']: if 'HSRNUMBER' in pb_study and pb_study['HSRNUMBER']: status = ProtocolBuilderStatus.REVIEW_COMPLETE else: status = ProtocolBuilderStatus.IN_REVIEW else: status = ProtocolBuilderStatus.IN_PROCESS study_info['protocol_builder_status'] = study_info['inactive'] = False return study_info