import copy from flask import g from crc import app from crc.api.common import ApiError from crc.scripts.script import Script from import LdapService from import UserService class Ldap(Script): """This Script allows to be introduced as part of a workflow and called from there, taking a UID (or several) as input and looking it up through LDAP to return the person's details. If no user id is specified, returns information about the current user.""" def get_description(self): return """ Attempts to create a dictionary with person details, using the provided argument (a UID) and look it up through LDAP. If no UID is provided, then returns information about the current user. Examples: supervisor_info = ldap(supervisor_uid) // Sets the supervisor information to ldap details for the given uid. """ def do_task_validate_only(self, task, study_id, workflow_id, *args, **kwargs): return { "display_name": "John Smith", "given_name": "Johnismidges Ego Smithogglesnots", "email_address": "", "telephone_number": "540-457-0023", "title": "Prodigious Experilisious Emeritus Eqs.", "department": "Department of Cheese and Fungus Combustibles", "affiliation": "Not really", "sponsor_type": "Department of Fungus", "uid": "jes42", "proper_name": "Smith" } def do_task(self, task, study_id, workflow_id, *args, **kwargs): return self.set_users_info_in_task(task, args) def set_users_info_in_task(self, task, args): if len(args) > 1: raise ApiError(code="invalid_argument", message="Ldap takes at most one argument, the " "UID for the person we want to look up.") if len(args) < 1: if UserService.has_user(): uid = UserService.current_user().uid else: uid = args[0] try: user_info = LdapService.user_info(uid) except ApiError as ae: return {} except Exception as e: return {} else: user_info_dict = { "display_name": user_info.display_name, "given_name": user_info.given_name, "email_address": user_info.email_address, "telephone_number": user_info.telephone_number, "title": user_info.title, "department": user_info.department, "affiliation": user_info.affiliation, "sponsor_type": user_info.sponsor_type, "uid": user_info.uid, "proper_name": user_info.proper_name() } return user_info_dict