SequenceFlow_1dhb8f4 IDE #: {{StudyInfo.details.IDE}} SequenceFlow_1yb1vma SequenceFlow_1t2ha54 SequenceFlow_1t2ha54 SequenceFlow_1yhv1qz SequenceFlow_1dhb8f4 SequenceFlow_1uzcl1f StudyInfo = {} StudyInfo['details'] = study_info('details') SequenceFlow_1lazou8 SequenceFlow_1yb1vma SequenceFlow_011l5xt add_supplement == true add_supplement == False The use of an IDE was indicated in Protocol Builder, but no IDE No. was entered. Please enter this number in the Supplemental section of Protocol Builder so supplemental information can be entered here. SequenceFlow_011l5xt SequenceFlow_1yhv1qz SequenceFlow_1uzcl1f SequenceFlow_1lazou8