from crc import ma, app class ApiError(Exception): def __init__(self, code, message, status_code=400, file_name="", task_id="", task_name="", tag=""): self.status_code = status_code self.code = code # a short consistent string describing the error. self.message = message # A detailed message that provides more information. self.task_id = task_id or "" # OPTIONAL: The id of the task in the BPMN Diagram. self.task_name = task_name or "" # OPTIONAL: The name of the task in the BPMN Diagram. self.file_name = file_name or "" # OPTIONAL: The file that caused the error. self.tag = tag or "" # OPTIONAL: The XML Tag that caused the issue. Exception.__init__(self, self.message) @classmethod def from_task(cls, code, message, task, status_code=400): """Constructs an API Error with details pulled from the current task.""" instance = cls(code, message, status_code=status_code) instance.task_id = or "" instance.task_name = task.task_spec.description or "" instance.file_name = task.workflow.spec.file or "" return instance @classmethod def from_task_spec(cls, code, message, task_spec, status_code=400): """Constructs an API Error with details pulled from the current task.""" instance = cls(code, message, status_code=status_code) instance.task_id = or "" instance.task_name = task_spec.description or "" if task_spec._wf_spec: instance.file_name = task_spec._wf_spec.file return instance class ApiErrorSchema(ma.Schema): class Meta: fields = ("code", "message", "workflow_name", "file_name", "task_name", "task_id") @app.errorhandler(ApiError) def handle_invalid_usage(error): response = ApiErrorSchema().dump(error) return response, error.status_code