import json from tests.base_test import BaseTest from crc.models.api_models import NavigationItemSchema from crc.models.workflow import WorkflowStatus from crc import db from crc.api.common import ApiError from crc.models.task_event import TaskEventModel, TaskEventSchema from import WorkflowService class TestUserRoles(BaseTest): def test_raise_error_if_role_does_not_exist_in_data(self): workflow = self.create_workflow('roles', as_user="lje5u") workflow_api = self.get_workflow_api(workflow, user_uid="lje5u") data = # User lje5u can complete the first task self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid="lje5u") # The next task is a supervisor task, and should raise an error if the role # information is not in the task data. workflow_api = self.get_workflow_api(workflow, user_uid="lje5u") data = data["approved"] = True result = self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid="lje5u", error_code="permission_denied") def test_validation_of_workflow_fails_if_workflow_does_not_define_user_for_lane(self): error = None try: workflow = self.create_workflow('invalid_roles', as_user="lje5u") WorkflowService.test_spec(workflow.workflow_spec_id) except ApiError as ae: error = ae self.assertIsNotNone(error, "An error should be raised.") self.assertEqual("invalid_role", error.code) def test_raise_error_if_user_does_not_have_the_correct_role(self): submitter = self.create_user(uid='lje5u') supervisor = self.create_user(uid='lb3dp') workflow = self.create_workflow('roles', as_user=submitter.uid) workflow_api = self.get_workflow_api(workflow, user_uid=submitter.uid) # User lje5u can complete the first task, and set her supervisor data = data['supervisor'] = supervisor.uid self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid=submitter.uid) # But she can not complete the supervisor role. workflow_api = self.get_workflow_api(workflow, user_uid=submitter.uid) data = data["approval"] = True result = self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid=submitter.uid, error_code="permission_denied") # Only her supervisor can do that. self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid=supervisor.uid) def test_nav_includes_lanes(self): submitter = self.create_user(uid='lje5u') workflow = self.create_workflow('roles', as_user=submitter.uid) workflow_api = self.get_workflow_api(workflow, user_uid=submitter.uid) nav = workflow_api.navigation self.assertEqual(4, len(nav)) self.assertEqual("supervisor", nav[2].lane) def test_get_outstanding_tasks_awaiting_current_user(self): submitter = self.create_user(uid='lje5u') supervisor = self.create_user(uid='lb3dp') workflow = self.create_workflow('roles', display_name="Roles", as_user=submitter.uid) workflow_api = self.get_workflow_api(workflow, user_uid=submitter.uid) # User lje5u can complete the first task, and set her supervisor data = data['supervisor'] = supervisor.uid workflow_api = self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid=submitter.uid) # At this point there should be a task_log with an action of Lane Change on it for # the supervisor. task_logs = db.session.query(TaskEventModel). \ filter(TaskEventModel.user_uid == supervisor.uid). \ filter(TaskEventModel.action == WorkflowService.TASK_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT).all() self.assertEqual(1, len(task_logs)) # A call to the /task endpoint as the supervisor user should return a list of # tasks that need their attention. rv ='/v1.0/task_events?action=ASSIGNMENT', headers=self.logged_in_headers(supervisor), content_type="application/json") self.assert_success(rv) json_data = json.loads(rv.get_data(as_text=True)) tasks = TaskEventSchema(many=True).load(json_data) self.assertEqual(1, len(tasks)) self.assertEqual(, tasks[0]['workflow']['id']) self.assertEqual(, tasks[0]['study']['id']) self.assertEqual("Test Workflows", tasks[0]['workflow']['category_display_name']) # Assure we can say something sensible like: # You have a task called "Approval" to be completed in the "Supervisor Approval" workflow # for the study 'Why dogs are stinky' managed by user "Jane Smith (js42x)", # please check here to complete the task. # Just checking display_name for workflow, but the full workflow details are included. # I didn't delve into the full user details to keep things decoupled from ldap, so you just get the # uid back, but could query to get the full entry. self.assertEqual("Roles", tasks[0]['workflow']['display_name']) self.assertEqual("Beer consumption in the bipedal software engineer", tasks[0]['study']['title']) self.assertEqual("lje5u", tasks[0]['study']['user_uid']) # Completing the next step of the workflow will close the task. data['approval'] = True self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid=supervisor.uid) def test_navigation_and_current_task_updates_through_workflow(self): submitter = self.create_user(uid='lje5u') supervisor = self.create_user(uid='lb3dp') workflow = self.create_workflow('roles', as_user=submitter.uid) # Navigation as Submitter with ready task. workflow_api = self.get_workflow_api(workflow, user_uid=submitter.uid) nav = workflow_api.navigation self.assertEqual(4, len(nav)) self.assertEqual('READY', nav[1].state) # First item is ready, no progress yet. self.assertEqual('LOCKED', nav[2].state) # Second item is locked, it is the review and doesn't belong to this user. self.assertEqual('MAYBE', nav[3].state) # Third item is a gateway, which contains things that are also locked. self.assertEqual('READY', workflow_api.next_task.state) # Navigation as Submitter after handoff to supervisor data = data['supervisor'] = supervisor.uid workflow_api = self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid=submitter.uid) nav = workflow_api.navigation self.assertEqual('COMPLETED', nav[1].state) # First item is ready, no progress yet. self.assertEqual('LOCKED', nav[2].state) # Second item is locked, it is the review and doesn't belong to this user. self.assertEqual('MAYBE', nav[3].state) # third item is a gateway, and belongs to no one # In the event the next task is locked, we should say something sensible here. # It is possible to look at the role of the task, and say The next task "TASK TITLE" will # be handled by 'dhf8r', who is full-filling the role of supervisor. the Task Data # is guaranteed to have a supervisor attribute in it that will contain the users uid, which # could be looked up through an ldap service. self.assertEqual('supervisor', workflow_api.next_task.lane) # Navigation as Supervisor workflow_api = self.get_workflow_api(workflow, user_uid=supervisor.uid) nav = workflow_api.navigation self.assertEqual('LOCKED', nav[1].state) # First item belongs to the submitter, and is locked. self.assertEqual('READY', nav[2].state) # Second item is ready, as we are now the supervisor. self.assertEqual('MAYBE', nav[3].state) # Feedback is locked. self.assertEqual('READY', workflow_api.next_task.state) data = data["approval"] = False workflow_api = self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid=supervisor.uid) # Navigation as Supervisor, after completing task. nav = workflow_api.navigation self.assertEqual('LOCKED', nav[1].state) # First item belongs to the submitter, and is locked. self.assertEqual('COMPLETED', nav[2].state) # Second item is locked, it is the review and doesn't belong to this user. self.assertEqual('READY', nav[3].state) # Gateway is ready, and should be unfolded # order of these is unclear ... approved = list(filter(lambda child: == 'approved', nav[3].children))[0] rejected = list(filter(lambda child: == 'rejected', nav[3].children))[0] self.assertEqual(None, approved.state) # sequence flow for approved is none - we aren't going this way. self.assertEqual('READY', rejected.state) # sequence flow for denied is ready self.assertEqual('LOCKED', rejected.children[0].state) # Feedback is locked, it belongs to submitter self.assertEqual('LOCKED', rejected.children[0].state) # Approval is locked, it belongs to the submitter self.assertEqual('LOCKED', workflow_api.next_task.state) # Navigation as Submitter, coming back in to a rejected workflow to view the rejection message. workflow_api = self.get_workflow_api(workflow, user_uid=submitter.uid) nav = workflow_api.navigation self.assertEqual(4, len(nav)) self.assertEqual('COMPLETED', nav[1].state) # First item belongs to the submitter, and is locked. self.assertEqual('LOCKED', nav[2].state) # Second item is locked, it is the review and doesn't belong to this user. self.assertEqual('READY', nav[3].state) # order of these is unclear ... approved = list(filter(lambda child: == 'approved', nav[3].children))[0] rejected = list(filter(lambda child: == 'rejected', nav[3].children))[0] self.assertEqual(None, approved.state) # sequence flow for approved is none - we aren't going this way. self.assertEqual('READY', rejected.state) # sequence flow for denied is ready self.assertEqual('READY', rejected.children[0].state) # Feedback is locked, it belongs to submitter # Navigation as Submitter, re-completing the original request a second time, and sending it for review. workflow_api = self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid=submitter.uid) nav = workflow_api.navigation self.assertEqual('READY', nav[1].state) # When you loop back the task is again in the ready state. self.assertEqual('LOCKED', nav[2].state) # Second item is locked, it is the review and doesn't belong to this user. self.assertEqual('READY', workflow_api.next_task.state) data["favorite_color"] = "blue" data["quest"] = "to seek the holy grail" workflow_api = self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid=submitter.uid) self.assertEqual('LOCKED', workflow_api.next_task.state) workflow_api = self.get_workflow_api(workflow, user_uid=supervisor.uid) self.assertEqual('READY', workflow_api.next_task.state) data = data["approval"] = True workflow_api = self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid=supervisor.uid) self.assertEqual('LOCKED', workflow_api.next_task.state) workflow_api = self.get_workflow_api(workflow, user_uid=submitter.uid) self.assertEqual('COMPLETED', workflow_api.next_task.state) self.assertEqual('EndEvent', workflow_api.next_task.type) # Are are at the end. self.assertEqual(WorkflowStatus.complete, workflow_api.status) def get_assignment_task_events(self, uid): return db.session.query(TaskEventModel). \ filter(TaskEventModel.user_uid == uid). \ filter(TaskEventModel.action == WorkflowService.TASK_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT).all() def test_workflow_reset_correctly_resets_the_task_events(self): submitter = self.create_user(uid='lje5u') supervisor = self.create_user(uid='lb3dp') workflow = self.create_workflow('roles', display_name="Roles", as_user=submitter.uid) workflow_api = self.get_workflow_api(workflow, user_uid=submitter.uid) # User lje5u can complete the first task, and set her supervisor data = data['supervisor'] = supervisor.uid workflow_api = self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid=submitter.uid) # At this point there should be a task_log with an action of ASSIGNMENT on it for # the supervisor. self.assertEqual(1, len(self.get_assignment_task_events(supervisor.uid))) # Resetting the workflow at this point should clear the event log. workflow_api = self.restart_workflow_api(workflow, user_uid=submitter.uid) workflow_api = self.get_workflow_api(workflow, user_uid=submitter.uid) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.get_assignment_task_events(supervisor.uid))) # Re-complete first task, and awaiting tasks should shift to 0 for for submitter, and 1 for supervisor workflow_api = self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid=submitter.uid) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.get_assignment_task_events(submitter.uid))) self.assertEqual(1, len(self.get_assignment_task_events(supervisor.uid))) # Complete the supervisor task with rejected approval, and the assignments should switch. workflow_api = self.get_workflow_api(workflow, user_uid=supervisor.uid) data = data["approval"] = False workflow_api = self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid=supervisor.uid) self.assertEqual(1, len(self.get_assignment_task_events(submitter.uid))) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.get_assignment_task_events(supervisor.uid))) # Mark the return form review page as complete, and then recomplete the form, and assignments switch yet again. workflow_api = self.get_workflow_api(workflow, user_uid=submitter.uid) workflow_api = self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid=submitter.uid) workflow_api = self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid=submitter.uid) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.get_assignment_task_events(submitter.uid))) self.assertEqual(1, len(self.get_assignment_task_events(supervisor.uid))) # Complete the supervisor task, accepting the approval, and the workflow is completed. # When it is all done, there should be no outstanding assignments. workflow_api = self.get_workflow_api(workflow, user_uid=supervisor.uid) data = data["approval"] = True workflow_api = self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid=supervisor.uid) self.assertEqual(WorkflowStatus.complete, workflow_api.status) self.assertEqual('EndEvent', workflow_api.next_task.type) # Are are at the end. self.assertEqual(0, len(self.get_assignment_task_events(submitter.uid))) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.get_assignment_task_events(supervisor.uid))) # Sending any subsequent complete forms does not result in a new task event with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as _api_error: workflow_api = self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, user_uid=submitter.uid) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.get_assignment_task_events(submitter.uid))) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.get_assignment_task_events(supervisor.uid))) def test_no_error_when_calling_end_loop_on_non_looping_task(self): workflow = self.create_workflow('hello_world') workflow_api = self.get_workflow_api(workflow) data = data['name'] = "john" workflow_api = self.complete_form(workflow, workflow_api.next_task, data, terminate_loop=True)