import hashlib import io import json import os from datetime import datetime import random import string import pandas as pd from github import Github, GithubObject, UnknownObjectException from uuid import UUID from lxml import etree from lxml.etree import ElementTree from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.parser.ValidationException import ValidationException from lxml.etree import XMLSyntaxError from sqlalchemy import desc from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError from crc import session, app from crc.api.common import ApiError from crc.models.data_store import DataStoreModel from crc.models.file import FileType, FileDataModel, FileModel, LookupFileModel, LookupDataModel from crc.models.workflow import WorkflowSpecModel, WorkflowModel, WorkflowSpecDependencyFile, WorkflowLibraryModel from import cache from import UserService import re def camel_to_snake(camel): """ make a camelcase from a snakecase with a few things thrown in - we had a case where we were parsing a spreadsheet and using the headings as keys in an object one of the headings was "Who Uploads?" """ camel = camel.strip() camel = re.sub(' ', '', camel) camel = re.sub('?', '', camel) return re.sub(r'(? 1: # Look for the element that has the startEvent in it for e in process_elements: this_element: etree.Element = e for child_element in list(this_element): if child_element.tag.endswith('startEvent'): return this_element.attrib['id'] raise ValidationException('No start event found in %s' % et_root.attrib['id']) return process_elements[0].attrib['id'] @staticmethod def get_files_for_study(study_id, irb_doc_code=None): query = session.query(FileModel).\ join(WorkflowModel).\ filter(WorkflowModel.study_id == study_id).\ filter(FileModel.archived == False) if irb_doc_code: query = query.filter(FileModel.irb_doc_code == irb_doc_code) return query.all() @staticmethod def get_files(workflow_spec_id=None, workflow_id=None, name=None, is_reference=False, irb_doc_code=None, include_libraries=False): query = session.query(FileModel).filter_by(is_reference=is_reference) if workflow_spec_id: if include_libraries: libraries = session.query(WorkflowLibraryModel).filter( WorkflowLibraryModel.workflow_spec_id==workflow_spec_id).all() library_workflow_specs = [x.library_spec_id for x in libraries] library_workflow_specs.append(workflow_spec_id) query = query.filter(FileModel.workflow_spec_id.in_(library_workflow_specs)) else: query = query.filter(FileModel.workflow_spec_id == workflow_spec_id) elif workflow_id: query = query.filter_by(workflow_id=workflow_id) if irb_doc_code: query = query.filter_by(irb_doc_code=irb_doc_code) elif is_reference: query = query.filter_by(is_reference=True) if name: query = query.filter_by(name=name) query = query.filter(FileModel.archived == False) query = query.order_by( results = query.all() return results @staticmethod def get_spec_data_files(workflow_spec_id, workflow_id=None, name=None, include_libraries=False): """Returns all the FileDataModels related to a workflow specification. If a workflow is specified, returns the version of the spec related to that workflow, otherwise, returns the lastest files.""" if workflow_id: query = session.query(FileDataModel) \ .join(WorkflowSpecDependencyFile) \ .filter(WorkflowSpecDependencyFile.workflow_id == workflow_id) \ .order_by( if name: query = query.join(FileModel).filter( == name) return query.all() else: """Returns all the latest files related to a workflow specification""" file_models = FileService.get_files(workflow_spec_id=workflow_spec_id,include_libraries=include_libraries) latest_data_files = [] for file_model in file_models: if name and == name: latest_data_files.append(FileService.get_file_data( elif not name: latest_data_files.append(FileService.get_file_data( return latest_data_files @staticmethod def get_workflow_data_files(workflow_id=None): """Returns all the FileDataModels related to a running workflow - So these are the latest data files that were uploaded or generated that go along with this workflow. Not related to the spec in any way""" file_models = FileService.get_files(workflow_id=workflow_id) latest_data_files = [] for file_model in file_models: latest_data_files.append(FileService.get_file_data( return latest_data_files @staticmethod def get_file_data(file_id: int, version: int = None): """Returns the file data with the given version, or the lastest file, if version isn't provided.""" query = session.query(FileDataModel) \ .filter(FileDataModel.file_model_id == file_id) if version: query = query.filter(FileDataModel.version == version) else: query = query.order_by(desc(FileDataModel.date_created)) return query.first() @staticmethod def get_reference_file_data(file_name): file_model = session.query(FileModel). \ filter(FileModel.is_reference == True). \ filter( == file_name).first() if not file_model: raise ApiError("file_not_found", "There is no reference file with the name '%s'" % file_name) return FileService.get_file_data( @staticmethod def get_workflow_file_data(workflow, file_name): """This method should be deleted, find where it is used, and remove this method. Given a SPIFF Workflow Model, tracks down a file with the given name in the database and returns its data""" workflow_spec_model = FileService.find_spec_model_in_db(workflow) if workflow_spec_model is None: raise ApiError(code="unknown_workflow", message="Something is wrong. I can't find the workflow you are using.") file_data_model = session.query(FileDataModel) \ .join(FileModel) \ .filter( == file_name) \ .filter(FileModel.workflow_spec_id == if file_data_model is None: raise ApiError(code="file_missing", message="Can not find a file called '%s' within workflow specification '%s'" % (file_name, return file_data_model @staticmethod def find_spec_model_in_db(workflow): """ Search for the workflow """ # When the workflow spec model is created, we record the primary process id, # then we can look it up. As there is the potential for sub-workflows, we # may need to travel up to locate the primary process. spec = workflow.spec workflow_model = session.query(WorkflowSpecModel).join(FileModel). \ filter(FileModel.primary_process_id == if workflow_model is None and workflow != workflow.outer_workflow: return FileService.find_spec_model_in_db(workflow.outer_workflow) return workflow_model @staticmethod def delete_file(file_id): try: data_models = session.query(FileDataModel).filter_by(file_model_id=file_id).all() for dm in data_models: lookup_files = session.query(LookupFileModel).filter_by( for lf in lookup_files: session.query(LookupDataModel).filter_by( session.query(LookupFileModel).filter_by( session.query(FileDataModel).filter_by(file_model_id=file_id).delete() session.query(DataStoreModel).filter_by(file_id=file_id).delete() session.query(FileModel).filter_by(id=file_id).delete() session.commit() except IntegrityError as ie: # We can't delete the file or file data, because it is referenced elsewhere, # but we can at least mark it as deleted on the table. session.rollback() file_model = session.query(FileModel).filter_by(id=file_id).first() file_model.archived = True session.commit()"Failed to delete file, so archiving it instead. %i, due to %s" % (file_id, str(ie))) @staticmethod def get_repo_branches(): gh_token = app.config['GITHUB_TOKEN'] github_repo = app.config['GITHUB_REPO'] _github = Github(gh_token) repo = _github.get_user().get_repo(github_repo) branches = [ for branch in repo.get_branches()] return branches @staticmethod def update_from_github(file_ids, source_target=GithubObject.NotSet): gh_token = app.config['GITHUB_TOKEN'] github_repo = app.config['GITHUB_REPO'] _github = Github(gh_token) repo = _github.get_user().get_repo(github_repo) for file_id in file_ids: file_data_model = FileDataModel.query.filter_by( file_model_id=file_id ).order_by( desc(FileDataModel.version) ).first() try: repo_file = repo.get_contents(, ref=source_target) except UnknownObjectException: return {'error': 'Attempted to update from repository but file was not present'} else: = repo_file.decoded_content session.add(file_data_model) session.commit() @staticmethod def publish_to_github(file_ids): target_branch = app.config['TARGET_BRANCH'] if app.config['TARGET_BRANCH'] else GithubObject.NotSet gh_token = app.config['GITHUB_TOKEN'] github_repo = app.config['GITHUB_REPO'] _github = Github(gh_token) repo = _github.get_user().get_repo(github_repo) for file_id in file_ids: file_data_model = FileDataModel.query.filter_by(file_model_id=file_id).first() try: repo_file = repo.get_contents(, ref=target_branch) except UnknownObjectException: repo.create_file(, message=f'Creating {}',, branch=target_branch ) return {'created': True} else: updated = repo.update_file( path=repo_file.path, message=f'Updating {}', + b'brah-model', sha=repo_file.sha, branch=target_branch ) return {'updated': True} @staticmethod def dmn_from_spreadsheet(ss_data): def _get_random_string(length): return ''.join( [random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in range(length)]) def _row_has_value(values): for value_item in values: if not pd.isnull(value_item): return True return False df = pd.read_excel(io.BytesIO(, header=None) # root = etree.Element("definitions", # xmlns="", # id='Definitions', # name="DRD", # namespace="") xml_ns = "" dmndi_ns = "" dc_ns = "" dmndi = "{%s}" % dmndi_ns dc = "{%s}" % dc_ns nsmap = {None: xml_ns, 'dmndi': dmndi_ns, 'dc': dc_ns} root = etree.Element("definitions", id="Definitions", name="DRD", namespace="", nsmap=nsmap, ) decision_name = df.iat[0, 1] decision_id = df.iat[1, 1] decision = etree.SubElement(root, "decision", id=decision_id, name=decision_name ) decision_table = etree.SubElement(decision, 'decisionTable', id='decisionTable_1') input_output = df.iloc[2][1:] count = 1 input_count = 1 output_count = 1 for item in input_output: if item == 'Input': label = df.iloc[3, count] input_ = etree.SubElement(decision_table, 'input', id=f'input_{input_count}', label=label) type_ref = df.iloc[5, count] input_expression = etree.SubElement(input_, 'inputExpression', id=f'inputExpression_{input_count}', typeRef=type_ref) expression = df.iloc[4, count] expression_text = etree.SubElement(input_expression, 'text') expression_text.text = expression input_count += 1 elif item == 'Output': label = df.iloc[3, count] name = df.iloc[4, count] type_ref = df.iloc[5, count] decision_table.append(etree.Element('output', id=f'output_{output_count}', label=label, name=name, typeRef=type_ref)) output_count += 1 elif item == 'Annotation': break count += 1 row = 6 column_count = count while row < df.shape[0]: column = 1 row_values = df.iloc[row].values[1:column_count] if _row_has_value(row_values): rando = _get_random_string(7).lower() rule = etree.SubElement(decision_table, 'rule', id=f'DecisionRule_{rando}') i = 1 while i < input_count: input_entry = etree.SubElement(rule, 'inputEntry', id=f'UnaryTests_{_get_random_string(7)}') text_element = etree.SubElement(input_entry, 'text') text_element.text = str(df.iloc[row, column]) if not pd.isnull(df.iloc[row, column]) else '' i += 1 column += 1 i = 1 while i < output_count: output_entry = etree.SubElement(rule, 'outputEntry', id=f'LiteralExpression_{_get_random_string(7)}') text_element = etree.SubElement(output_entry, 'text') text_element.text = str(df.iloc[row, column]) if not pd.isnull(df.iloc[row, column]) else '' i += 1 column += 1 description = etree.SubElement(rule, 'description') text = df.iloc[row, column] if not pd.isnull(df.iloc[row, column]) else '' description.text = text row += 1 prefix = b'' dmn_file = prefix + etree.tostring(root) return dmn_file