import pprint from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.BpmnScriptEngine import BpmnScriptEngine from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.workflow import BpmnWorkflow from SpiffWorkflow.camunda.serializer.CamundaSerializer import CamundaSerializer from SpiffWorkflow.camunda.specs.UserTask import EnumFormField, UserTask class CustomBpmnScriptEngine(BpmnScriptEngine): """This is a custom script processor that can be easily injected into Spiff Workflow. Rather than execute arbitrary code, this assumes the script references a fully qualified python class such as myapp.RandomFact. """ def execute(self, task, script, **kwargs): """ Assume that the script read in from the BPMN file is a fully qualified python class. Instantiate that class, pass in any data available to the current task so that it might act on it. Assume that the class implements the "do_task" method. This allows us to reference custom code from the BPMN diagram. """ module_name = "app." + script class_name = module_name.split(".")[-1] mod = __import__(module_name, fromlist=[class_name]) klass = getattr(mod, class_name) klass().do_task( def main(): print("Loading BPMN Specification.") spec = bpmn_diagram_to_spec('app/static/bpmn/random_fact') print ("Creating a new workflow based on the specification.") script_engine = CustomBpmnScriptEngine() workflow = BpmnWorkflow(spec, script_engine=script_engine) workflow.debug = False print ("Running automated tasks.") workflow.do_engine_steps() while not workflow.is_completed(): workflow.do_engine_steps() ready_tasks = workflow.get_ready_user_tasks() while len(ready_tasks) > 0: for task in ready_tasks: if isinstance(task.task_spec, UserTask): show_form(task) workflow.complete_next() else: raise("Unown Ready Task.") workflow.do_engine_steps() ready_tasks = workflow.get_ready_user_tasks() print("All tasks in the workflow are now complete.") print("The following data was collected:") pprint.pprint( def show_form(task): model = {} form = task.task_spec.form for field in form.fields: print("Please complete the following questions:") prompt = field.label if isinstance(field, EnumFormField): prompt += "? (Options: " + ', '.join([str( for option in field.options]) + ")" prompt += "? " model[form.key + "." +] = input(prompt) if is None: = {} def bpmn_diagram_to_spec(file_path): """This loads up all BPMN diagrams in the BPMN folder.""" workflowSpec = CamundaSerializer().deserialize_workflow_spec(file_path) return workflowSpec if __name__ == "__main__": main()