import csv import io import json import pickle from base64 import b64decode from datetime import datetime from flask import g, make_response from crc import db, session from crc.api.common import ApiError from crc.models.approval import Approval, ApprovalModel, ApprovalSchema, ApprovalStatus from crc.models.workflow import WorkflowModel from import ApprovalService from import LdapService # Returns counts of approvals in each status group assigned to the given user. # The goal is to return results as quickly as possible. def get_approval_counts(as_user=None): uid = as_user or g.user.uid db_user_approvals = db.session.query(ApprovalModel)\ .filter_by(approver_uid=uid)\ .filter(ApprovalModel.status !=\ .all() study_ids = [a.study_id for a in db_user_approvals] db_other_approvals = db.session.query(ApprovalModel)\ .filter(ApprovalModel.study_id.in_(study_ids))\ .filter(ApprovalModel.approver_uid != uid)\ .filter(ApprovalModel.status !=\ .all() # Make a dict of the other approvals where the key is the study id and the value is the approval # TODO: This won't work if there are more than 2 approvals with the same study_id other_approvals = {} for approval in db_other_approvals: other_approvals[approval.study_id] = approval counts = {} for name, value in ApprovalStatus.__members__.items(): counts[name] = 0 for approval in db_user_approvals: # Check if another approval has the same study id if approval.study_id in other_approvals: other_approval = other_approvals[approval.study_id] # Other approval takes precedence over this one if < if other_approval.status == counts[] += 1 elif other_approval.status == counts[] += 1 elif other_approval.status == counts[] += 1 elif other_approval.status == counts[approval.status] += 1 else: counts[approval.status] += 1 else: counts[approval.status] += 1 return counts def get_all_approvals(status=None): approvals = ApprovalService.get_all_approvals(include_cancelled=status is True) results = ApprovalSchema(many=True).dump(approvals) return results def get_approvals(status=None, as_user=None): #status = ApprovalStatus.PENDING.value user = g.user.uid if as_user: user = as_user approvals = ApprovalService.get_approvals_per_user(user, status, include_cancelled=False) results = ApprovalSchema(many=True).dump(approvals) return results def get_approvals_for_study(study_id=None): db_approvals = ApprovalService.get_approvals_for_study(study_id) approvals = [Approval.from_model(approval_model) for approval_model in db_approvals] results = ApprovalSchema(many=True).dump(approvals) return results def get_health_attesting_csv(): records = ApprovalService.get_health_attesting_records() si = io.StringIO() cw = csv.writer(si) cw.writerows(records) output = make_response(si.getvalue()) output.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=health_attesting.csv" output.headers["Content-type"] = "text/csv" return output # ----- Begin descent into madness ---- # def get_csv(): """A damn lie, it's a json file. A huge bit of a one-off for RRT, but 3 weeks of midnight work can convince a man to do just about anything""" content = ApprovalService.get_not_really_csv_content() return content # ----- come back to the world of the living ---- # def update_approval(approval_id, body): if approval_id is None: raise ApiError('unknown_approval', 'Please provide a valid Approval ID.') approval_model = session.query(ApprovalModel).get(approval_id) if approval_model is None: raise ApiError('unknown_approval', 'The approval "' + str(approval_id) + '" is not recognized.') if approval_model.approver_uid != g.user.uid: raise ApiError("not_your_approval", "You may not modify this approval. It belongs to another user.") approval_model.status = body['status'] approval_model.message = body['message'] approval_model.date_approved = session.add(approval_model) session.commit() # Called only to send emails approver = body['approver']['uid'] ApprovalService.update_approval(approval_id, approver) result = ApprovalSchema().dump(approval_model) return result