import sys import traceback import datetime from crc import app, session from crc.api.common import ApiError from import EmailModel, EmailModelSchema from crc.models.file import FileModel, CONTENT_TYPES from crc.models.workflow import WorkflowModel from import DocumentService from crc.scripts.script import Script from import EmailService from import LdapService from import StudyService import datetime class Email(Script): """Send an email from a script task, as part of a workflow. You must specify recipients and content. You can also specify cc, bcc, reply_to, and attachments""" def get_description(self): return """Creates an email, using the provided `subject` and `recipients` arguments, which are required. The `Element Documentation` field in the script task must contain markdown that becomes the body of the email message. You can also provide `cc`, `bcc`, `reply_to` and `attachments` arguments. The cc, bcc, reply_to, and attachments arguments are not required. The recipients, cc, and bcc arguments can contain an email address or list of email addresses. In place of an email address, we accept the string 'associated', in which case we look up the users associated with the study who have send_email set to True. The reply_to argument can contain an email address. The attachments arguments can contain a doc_code or list of doc_codes. Examples: email(subject="My Subject", recipients=["",, 'associated']) email(subject="My Subject", recipients="", cc='associated', bcc=' email(subject="My Subject", recipients="", reply_to="") email(subject="My Subject", recipients="", attachments='Study_App_Doc') email(subject="My Subject", recipients="", attachments=['Study_App_Doc','Study_Protocol_Document']) """ def do_task_validate_only(self, task, study_id, workflow_id, *args, **kwargs): subject = self.get_subject(kwargs['subject']) recipients = self.get_email_addresses(kwargs['recipients'], study_id) content, content_html = EmailService().get_rendered_content(task.task_spec.documentation, email_model = EmailModel(id=1, subject=subject, recipients=recipients, content=content, content_html=content_html, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) return EmailModelSchema().dump(email_model) def do_task(self, task, study_id, workflow_id, *args, **kwargs): if 'subject' in kwargs and 'recipients' in kwargs: subject = self.get_subject(kwargs['subject']) recipients = self.get_email_addresses(kwargs['recipients'], study_id) cc = [] bcc = [] reply_to = None files = None if 'cc' in kwargs and kwargs['cc'] is not None: cc = self.get_email_addresses(kwargs['cc'], study_id) if 'bcc' in kwargs and kwargs['bcc'] is not None: bcc = self.get_email_addresses(kwargs['bcc'], study_id) if 'reply_to' in kwargs: reply_to = kwargs['reply_to'] # Don't process if attachments is None or '' if 'attachments' in kwargs and kwargs['attachments'] is not None and kwargs['attachments'] != '': files = self.get_files(kwargs['attachments'], study_id) else: raise ApiError(code="missing_argument", message="Email script requires a subject and at least one email recipient as arguments") if recipients: wf_model = session.query(WorkflowModel).filter( == workflow_id).first() workflow_spec_id = wf_model.workflow_spec_id message = task.task_spec.documentation data = try: content, content_html = EmailService().get_rendered_content(message, data) email_model = EmailService.add_email( subject=subject, sender=app.config['DEFAULT_SENDER'], recipients=recipients, content=content, content_html=content_html, cc=cc, bcc=bcc, study_id=study_id, reply_to=reply_to, attachment_files=files, workflow_spec_id=workflow_spec_id ) except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() print("*** format_exception:") # exc_type below is ignored on 3.5 and later print(repr(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback))) raise e return EmailModelSchema().dump(email_model) def get_email_addresses(self, users, study_id): emails = [] emails_to_check = [] # Recipient can be an email address or list of email addresses # We also accept the string 'associated', in which case we lookup # all users associated with a study who have send_email set to True if isinstance(users, str): if users == 'associated': associated_emails = self.get_associated_emails(study_id) for email in associated_emails: emails_to_check.append(email) else: emails_to_check.append(users) elif isinstance(users, list): for user in users: if user == 'associated': associated_emails = self.get_associated_emails(study_id) for email in associated_emails: emails_to_check.append(email) else: emails_to_check.append(user) else: raise ApiError(code="invalid_argument", message=f"Email script requires a valid email address (or list of addresses), but we received '{users}'") for e in emails_to_check: if EmailService().check_valid_email(e): emails.append(e) else: raise ApiError(code="invalid_argument", message="The email address you provided could not be parsed. " "The value you provided is '%s" % e) return emails @staticmethod def get_subject(subject): if not subject or not isinstance(subject, str): raise ApiError(code="invalid_argument", message="The subject you provided could not be parsed. " "The value is \"%s\" " % subject) return subject @staticmethod def get_associated_emails(study_id): associated_emails = [] associates = StudyService.get_study_associates(study_id) for associate in associates: if associate.send_email is True: user_info = LdapService.user_info(associate.uid) associated_emails.append(user_info.email_address) return associated_emails @staticmethod def get_files(attachments, study_id): files = [] codes = None if isinstance(attachments, str): codes = [attachments] elif isinstance(attachments, list): codes = attachments if codes is not None: for code in codes: if DocumentService.is_allowed_document(code): workflows = session.query(WorkflowModel).filter(WorkflowModel.study_id==study_id).all() for workflow in workflows: workflow_files = session.query(FileModel).\ filter(FileModel.workflow_id ==\ filter(FileModel.irb_doc_code == code).all() for file in workflow_files: files.append({'id':, 'name':, 'type': CONTENT_TYPES[file.type.value]}) else: raise ApiError(code='bad_doc_code', message=f'The doc_code {code} is not valid.') else: raise ApiError(code='bad_argument_type', message='The attachments argument must be a string or list of strings') return files