Protocol Builder API 1.0.0

Provides access to detailed information about a protocol under definition within the IRB's Protocol Builder Application at the University of Virginia.



By passing in a valid UVA Id (ex: dhf8r) it will return a list of all protocols created by that individual.


Name Located in Description Required Schema
uva_id query A valid user id for the university of Virginia. True string
after_date query Restrict the protocols to only those that were last modified after the given date. Date format is yyyy-mm-dd (2019-12-25) date string


Code Description Schema
200 A list of protocol details
id (string string)
last_updated (date_time string)
title (string)
400 bad input parameter


Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path The unique id of the protocol. True string string


Code Description Schema
200 Details about the protocol
id (string string)
last_updated (date_time string)
protocol_status (string)[started | done]
title (string)
400 bad input parameter