from crc.api.common import ApiError from crc.scripts.script import Script from import DataStoreBase from flask import g class ScriptTemplate(Script): script_name = None data_store_args = None data_store_type = None data_store_file_id = None data_store_study_id = None data_store_user_id = None def set_args(self, study_id, **kwargs): self.validate_kw_args(**kwargs) self.data_store_args = [kwargs['key']] if 'default' in kwargs.keys(): self.data_store_args.append(kwargs['default']) self.data_store_type = kwargs['type'] if self.data_store_type == 'file': try: file_id = int(kwargs['file_id']) except Exception: raise ApiError("invalid_file_id", f"The file_id must be an integer. You passed {kwargs['file_id']}.") self.script_name = 'file_data_get' self.data_store_file_id = file_id self.data_store_study_id = None self.data_store_user_id = None elif self.data_store_type == 'study': self.script_name = 'study_data_get' self.data_store_study_id = study_id self.data_store_file_id = None self.data_store_user_id = None elif self.data_store_type == 'user': self.script_name = 'user_data_get' self.data_store_user_id = g.user.uid self.data_store_file_id = None self.data_store_study_id = None def get_description(self): return """Returns a value from the data store. Requires 2 keyword arguments; `type` and `key`. Type is one of `file`, `study`, or `user`. Key is the key of the record you want returned. If type is `file`, then the script expects a third keyword argument of `file_id`.""" def do_task_validate_only(self, task, study_id, workflow_id, *args, **kwargs): self.set_args(study_id, **kwargs) result = DataStoreBase().get_validate_common(self.script_name, self.data_store_study_id, self.data_store_user_id, self.data_store_file_id, *self.data_store_args) return result def do_task(self, task, study_id, workflow_id, *args, **kwargs): self.set_args(study_id, **kwargs) result = DataStoreBase().get_data_common(self.data_store_study_id, self.data_store_user_id, self.script_name, self.data_store_file_id, *self.data_store_args) return result @staticmethod def validate_kw_args(**kwargs): if 'type' not in kwargs or 'key' not in kwargs: raise ApiError(code='missing_arguments', message='The data_store_set script requires 2 keyword arguments; `type` and `key`.') if kwargs['type'] == 'file' and 'file_id' not in kwargs: raise ApiError(code='missing_arguments', message='If `type` is `file`, the data_store_set script requires a third keyword argument of `file_id`.') return True