Adding id and spec_version to the workflow metadata.
Refactoring the processing of the master_spec so that it doesn't polute the workflow database.
Adding tests to assure that the status and counts are updated on the workflow model as users make progress.
Created a Study object (seperate from the StudyModel) that can cronstructed on request, and contains a different data structure than we store in the DB. This allows us to return underlying Categories and Workflows in a clean way.
Added a new status to workflows called "not_started", meaning we have not yet instantiated a processor or created a BPMN, they have no version yet and no stored data, just the possiblity of being started.
The Top Level Workflow or "Master" workflow is now a part of the sample data, and loaded at all times.
Removed the ability to "add a workflow to a study" and "remove a workflow from a study", a study contains all possible workflows by definition.
Example data no longer creates users or studies, it just creates the specs.
The protocol builder service now returns real models, not dictionaries, forcing proper validation and fail-fast behavior.
Changed the name of the "status" spec, to "top_level_workflow" and removing any connection a workflow or study has with this specification. It is only unused to determine status in real time, and is not reused or tracked.
Modified the required documents script to return a dictionary and not an array, making it easier to speak to specific values in the BPMN and DMN.
Working on new ways to test the top_level_workflow in the context of updates, this is still a work in progress.
Making use of several modifications to the Spiff library that enables more complex expressions in DMN models. This is evident in the new DMN models for the top_level_workflow
Required Documents is becoming complicated, so making this it's own script task, removing it from
The file_service is now very aware of this irb_documents file, so it will always need to exist. We seed this file
during setup, but it can be overwritten by the configurator.