Do not set study_id when workflow is standalone.
*** Note the comment about passing in workflow_spec. We should be passing in a workflow, not a workflow_spec.
Seems that sqlalchemy now has a hard time incrementing sequences, so putting in a fix for this.
Upgrading many of our libraries, to avoid any disconnects as we try to handle security patches from these automated bumps.
Add the lane information to the Task model.
Drop the foreign key constraint on the user_uid in the task log, as we might create tasks for users before they ever log into the system.
Add a new endpoint to the API called task events. It should be possible to query this and get a list of all tasks that need a users attention.
The task events returned include detailed information about the workflow and study as sub-models
Rename all the actions in event log to things that are easier to pass over the api as arguments, make this backwards compatible, updating existing names in the database via the migration.
Throughly test the navigation and task details as control of the workflow is passed between two lanes.
Adding checks in the API to assure the correct person is completeing a task based on the task's lane.
Adding lane to the Navigation item.
Adding a check to assure that unique user ids can be identified using
Added some additional ldap entries to make testing and development easier.
Removed a big chunk of duplicate code from task_tests_api
Modified some of the helper functions to make it easier to test as specific users.
Added some additional bpmn models to the tests for testing lanes and roles.
Criteria :
task.multi_instance_type == 'looping'
to terminate, use the standard endpoint for submitting form data with a query variable of terminate_loop=true
Will likely need two buttons:
"Submit and quit"
"Submit and add another"
or something similar
Using the LDAP service for checking user details in development mode - even if you are using the back door.
Added a new Flask fucntion load-example-rrt-data that loads the rrt workflow, and not the CRC wrokflows.
Modified the "load-example-data" in the tests to use some test data, rather than loading up all the workflows[
in CRC each time, with a parameter to load crc data if that is required - which is enabled for just a handful of tests.
(Tests run in 1/4 the time now)
Added the following columns:
* date_created - so we know when the file was created
* renamed workflow_version to just "version", because everything has a version, this is the version of the request.
* workflow_hash - this is just a quick way to see what files and versions are associated with the request, it could be factored out.
* study - a quick relationship link to the study, so that this model is easier to use.
* workflow - ditto
* approval_files - these is a list from a new link table that links an approval to specific files and versions.
The RequestApproval is logically sound, but still needs some additional pieces in place to be callable from a BPMN workflow diagram.
Altered the file service to pick up on changes to files vs adding new files, so that versions are picked up correctly as
users modify their submission - adding new files or replacing existing ones. Deleting files worries me, and I will need to revisit this.
The damn base test keeps giving me a headache, so I made changes there to see if clearing and dropping the database each time won't allow the tests to pass more consistently.
Lots more tests around the file service to make sure it is versioning user uploaded files correctly.
The "Test Request Approval Script" tries to find to assure the correct behavior as this is likely to be called many times repeatedly and with little knowledge of the internal system. So it should just "do the right thing".