Kelly McDonald
Update database to include timezone and change all points where we set the time on an event to be utc time. If we get something in the database with a timezone, it will display properly on the front end, but by default everything will be put in the database in UTC
2021-04-29 10:25:28 -04:00 |
Kelly McDonald
Add file_data_get and file_data_set functions that can be accessed in a bpmn script function
Fixes #299
2021-04-26 09:55:28 -04:00 |
Kelly McDonald
Add file_data_get and file_data_set functions that can be accessed in a bpmn script function
Fixes #299
2021-04-26 09:41:14 -04:00 |
Move data store base into its own file.
2020-11-18 15:34:50 -05:00 |