* TaskEvents now contain the data for each event as it was when the task was completed.
* When loading a task for the front end, if the task was completed previously, we take that data, and overwrite it with the lastest data, allowing users to see previously entered values.
* Pulling in the Admin branch, as there are changes in that branch that are critical to seeing what is happening when we do this thing.
* Moved code for converting a workflow to an API ready data stricture into the Workflow service where it belongs, and out of the API.
* Hard resets just convert to using the latest spec, they don't try to keep the data from the last task. There is a better way.
* Moving to a previous task does not attept to keep the data from the last completed task.
* Added a function that will fix all the existing RRT data by adding critical data into the TaskEvent model. This can be called with from the flask command line tool.
Criteria :
task.multi_instance_type == 'looping'
to terminate, use the standard endpoint for submitting form data with a query variable of terminate_loop=true
Will likely need two buttons:
"Submit and quit"
"Submit and add another"
or something similar
We now cache the LDAP records - so we look in our own database for the record before calling out to ldap for the details when given a straight up computing id like dhf8r.
Added "date_approved" to the approval model.
And moved the approver and primary investigator into real associated models to make it easier to dump.
Fixed a problem with the validation that was causing it to throw incorrect errors on valid workflows. Getting it to behave a little more like the front end behaves, and respecting the read-only fields. But it was mainly to do with always returning all the data with each form submission.
Also, when returning error messages, attempt to include the task data for the task that caused the error.
Also, when attempting to delete any file, respond with an API error explaining the issue, and log the details.
I noticed the validation sometimes looks ahead for files, so looking at all the tasks now, not just the ready tasks for the lookup field.
Ran into an issue with validation where a workflow model was required, so I create one and delete it. Another refactor for another day.
Another speed improvement - data in the FileDataModel is deferred, and not queried until it is specifically used, as the new data structures need to use this model frequently.