Using the LDAP service for checking user details in development mode - even if you are using the back door.
Added a new Flask fucntion load-example-rrt-data that loads the rrt workflow, and not the CRC wrokflows.
Modified the "load-example-data" in the tests to use some test data, rather than loading up all the workflows[
in CRC each time, with a parameter to load crc data if that is required - which is enabled for just a handful of tests.
(Tests run in 1/4 the time now)
Improving the study_info script documentation to provide detailed examples of values returned based on arguments.
Making the tests a little more targetted and less subject to breaking through better mocks.
Allow all tests to pass even when ther protocol builder mock isn't running locally.
Removing the duplication of reference files in tests and static, as this seems silly to me at the moment.
Because this changes the endpoint for all existing document details, I've modified all the test and static bpmn files to use the new format.
Shorting up the SponsorsList.xls file makes for slightly faster tests. seems senseless to load 5000 everytime we reset the data.
Tried to test all of this carefully in the test.
some ugly fixes in the file_service for improving panda output from spreadsheet processing that I need to revist.
now that the spiff-workflow handles multi-instance, we can't have random multi-instance tasks around.
Improved tests around study deletion.