The Jinja2 service was treating all the task data as a possible template, modified it to only include the referenced templates.
(This turned out not to be the problem, but it seems like a good idea to keep it in place)
There is a terrible bug with the wordwrap pipe that will die without any details if you pass it a value of None. We now cature the terrible error, and replace it with a sensible one.
Removed an unused Jinja_extensions file.
Still having issues where we try to eval an empty definition, not quite sure why there is a difference from what we had before. I may need to revert some of it and determine what is going on.
Added a validate_workflow_specification endpoint that allows you to check if the workflow will execute from beginning to end using random data.
Minor fixes to existing bpmns to allow them to pass.
All scripts must include a "do_task_validate_only" that restricts external calls and database modifications, but performs as much logic as possible.
Adding a new script that script tasks can use to add in data about the study.
Moving all the test workflow specifications out of the main load.
fixing a pile of tests so they can find workflow specs that are now moved into the test directory.