diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/abandoned/abandoned.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/abandoned/abandoned.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index fec0f84c..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/abandoned/abandoned.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- Flow_0tp54zs
- Flow_1bzyf90
- Flow_0tp54zs
- Flow_1bzyf90
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/core_info/SponsorList.xls b/crc/static/bpmn/core_info/SponsorList.xls
deleted file mode 100644
index 98b9f270..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/core_info/SponsorList.xls and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/core_info/core_info.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/core_info/core_info.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index b5c7d6cc..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/core_info/core_info.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
- Flow_1wqp7vf
- SequenceFlow_0f61fxp
- SequenceFlow_1idbomg
- SequenceFlow_0xj8i4c
- Flow_1d4dncx
- SequenceFlow_02nbqkn
- SequenceFlow_1o39rt4
- SequenceFlow_0gsy7mo
- SequenceFlow_0rw17h2
- SequenceFlow_1v7oplk
- SequenceFlow_1v7oplk
- SequenceFlow_1r3yrhy
- SequenceFlow_1idbomg
- SequenceFlow_0gsy7mo
- SequenceFlow_0xj8i4c
- SequenceFlow_0rw17h2
- ### From Protocol Builder
-{{ ElementDoc_MultiSite_Q12 }}
-{{ ElementDoc_MultiSite_Q14 }}
-{{ ElementDoc_MultiSite_Q28 }}
- Flow_1d4dncx
- SequenceFlow_1o39rt4
- SequenceFlow_0f61fxp
- SequenceFlow_02nbqkn
- SequenceFlow_1r3yrhy
- Flow_09h1imz
- details = study_info('details')
- Flow_09h1imz
- Flow_16v64sg
- Flow_16v64sg
- Flow_1tfyk5m
- Flow_1tfyk5m
- Flow_1wqp7vf
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/core_info/decision_core_info_multi_site_q12.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/core_info/decision_core_info_multi_site_q12.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index f273641a..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/core_info/decision_core_info_multi_site_q12.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- details.IS_MULTI_SITE
- 1
- "Q12-Is this a multi-site study: Yes"
- 0
- "Q12-Is this a multi-site study: No"
- "Q12-Is this a multi-site study: Question was not answered"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/core_info/decision_core_info_multi_site_q14.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/core_info/decision_core_info_multi_site_q14.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index f255c3ef..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/core_info/decision_core_info_multi_site_q14.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- details.IS_UVA_PI_MULTI
- 1
- "Q14-Will the PI at UVA be the overall PI for all sites in the study: Yes"
- 0
- "Q14-Will the PI at UVA be the overall PI for all sites in the study: No"
- "Q14-Will the PI at UVA be the overall PI for all sites in the study: Question was not presented"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/core_info/decision_core_info_multi_site_q28.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/core_info/decision_core_info_multi_site_q28.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 6691b2d5..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/core_info/decision_core_info_multi_site_q28.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- "Q28-Is this a single site Collaborative Analysis study in which data from this study is being done by UVA personnel will be combined…: Question was not presented"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/data_security_plan/HIPAA_Ids.xls b/crc/static/bpmn/data_security_plan/HIPAA_Ids.xls
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d703832..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/data_security_plan/HIPAA_Ids.xls and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/data_security_plan/NEW_DSP_template.docx b/crc/static/bpmn/data_security_plan/NEW_DSP_template.docx
deleted file mode 100644
index f72d24f7..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/data_security_plan/NEW_DSP_template.docx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/data_security_plan/UVA_ServersWebsitesList.xls b/crc/static/bpmn/data_security_plan/UVA_ServersWebsitesList.xls
deleted file mode 100644
index 865a8ff1..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/data_security_plan/UVA_ServersWebsitesList.xls and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/data_security_plan/data_security_plan.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/data_security_plan/data_security_plan.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bedc399..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/data_security_plan/data_security_plan.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,753 +0,0 @@
- SequenceFlow_100w7co
- Add a box for each of the HIPAA Identifiers that you will receive, collect, record, store long term, or send outside of UVA during the course of your research..
- SequenceFlow_0jyty9m
- SequenceFlow_0blyor8
- SequenceFlow_1oq4w2h
- SequenceFlow_1i6ac9a
- SequenceFlow_084dyht
- SequenceFlow_10g92nf
- SequenceFlow_0pw57x9
- SequenceFlow_0ng3fm8
- SequenceFlow_0obqjjx
- Paper documents:
- SequenceFlow_1i6ac9a
- SequenceFlow_1q6gf6w
- Emailed to other UVA personnel:
- SequenceFlow_084dyht
- SequenceFlow_12cos7w
- Electronic Medical Record (EPIC):
- SequenceFlow_10g92nf
- SequenceFlow_0z10m1d
- UVA approved eCRF or clinical trials management system:
- SequenceFlow_0pw57x9
- SequenceFlow_1agmshr
- UVA servers & websites:
- SequenceFlow_0ng3fm8
- SequenceFlow_1xp62py
- Web-based server, cloud server, or any non-centrally managed server (not entered previously):
- SequenceFlow_0obqjjx
- SequenceFlow_10fsxk4
- SequenceFlow_0z10m1d
- SequenceFlow_1q6gf6w
- SequenceFlow_12cos7w
- SequenceFlow_1agmshr
- SequenceFlow_1xp62py
- SequenceFlow_10fsxk4
- SequenceFlow_0nc6lcs
- Answer the questions for each of the Individual Use Devices that you use to collect or store your data onto your individual use device during the course of your research. Do not select these items if they are only to be used to connect elsewhere (to the items you identified in Electronic Medical Record, UVA approved eCRF or clinical trials management system, UVA servers & websites, and Web-based server, cloud server, or any non-centrally managed server):
- SequenceFlow_0nc6lcs
- SequenceFlow_0gp2pjm
- Transmission to and/or storage of the human subject research data OUTSIDE of UVA, such as to a sponsor or a colleague at another institution
-##### Important
-Indicate all the possible formats in which you will transmit your data outside of UVA. Options should be selected even if the data is only temporarily stored in that format. Also remember to select any location where a subject’s SSN, hospital billing or account number, or certificate/license number might be recorded either with the data or separately.
- SequenceFlow_0gp2pjm
- SequenceFlow_0mgwas4
- Since you answered "Yes" to question above, than complete questions below:
- SequenceFlow_1i8e52t
- SequenceFlow_0uewki3
- Data will be sent to website/server/drive managed by the sponsor or CRO
- SequenceFlow_12bv2i4
- SequenceFlow_08rwbhm
- SequenceFlow_08rwbhm
- SequenceFlow_0uewki3
- SequenceFlow_0lere0k
- SequenceFlow_0k2r83n
- Transmission Method of data that will be mailed or faxed (FedEx, UPS, certified mail, etc.) Check all that apply:
- SequenceFlow_1mnmo6p
- SequenceFlow_0lere0k
- Please download and check your DSP doc.
- SequenceFlow_16kyite
- SequenceFlow_0mgwas4
- SequenceFlow_01hl869
- SequenceFlow_0t6xl9i
- DateTransmittedOutside == True
- SequenceFlow_01hl869
- SequenceFlow_1i8e52t
- SequenceFlow_12bv2i4
- SequenceFlow_1mnmo6p
- DateTransmittedOutside == False
- SequenceFlow_0k2r83n
- SequenceFlow_0t6xl9i
- SequenceFlow_16kyite
- complete_template('NEW_DSP_template.docx', 'Study_DataSecurityPlan')
- ##### Instructions
-Overview: You should consult with UVA Information Security (InfoSec) while completing this Step if your protocol will involve highly technical issues such as the creation of a website to collect data, software application development, the use of a smart phone app, or if you plan to store identifiable data onto an individual use device such as a tablet, laptop, or camera. Otherwise, answer the questions on this Step to create the Data Security Plan for your study. After you submit this Step, you can view the resulting Data Security Plan and assessment outcomes on the Data Security Plan Upload Step and submit your plan for UVA Information Security (InfoSec) or IRB-HSR Review.
-You need a protocol to submit for this step. If you do not have a protocol, please go to IRB Protocol Builder to create the Protocol template. Complete the template and upload.
-UVA Information Security Contact Information:
-Website: UVA Office of Information Security
-Email: IT-Security@Virginia.edu
-HIPAA Reference: https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/privacy/laws-regulations/index.html
-Process: The Study Team will answer the questions in this section to create the Data Security Plan and, if required, a Highly Sensitive Data Storage Request Form.
-How to The Data Security Plan is auto-generated based on your answers on this Step. You can save your information here and check the outcomes on the Data Security Plan Upload Step at any time.
-Submit the step only when you are ready. After you "Submit" the step, the information will not be available for editing.
-# test
- SequenceFlow_100w7co
- SequenceFlow_0m2op9s
- • Include the HIPAA identifier if you are collecting, recording or receiving any of these items for a potential subject, an enrolled subject, a subject’s relative, household member or employer.
-• Include the HIPAA identifier even if you are recording any item below temporarily while the information is being collected.
-• Keep in mind that the information below includes data collected via photographs, video, audiotapes, and systems like IVRS (Interactive Voice Response System)
-• If you list no HIPAA identifier to all items it means you would never be able to go back and obtain any additional information about an individual.
- SequenceFlow_0m2op9s
- SequenceFlow_0jyty9m
- #### Collection & storage of research data at UVA
-• Include the HIPAA identifier if you are collecting, recording or receiving any of these items for a potential subject, an enrolled subject, a subject’s relative, household member or employer.
-• Include the HIPAA identifier even if you are recording any item below temporarily while the information is being collected.
-• Keep in mind that the information below includes data collected via photographs, video, audiotapes, and systems like IVRS (Interactive Voice Response System)
-• If you list no HIPAA identifier to all items it means you would never be able to go back and obtain any additional information about an individual.
-##### Important
-Indicate all the possible formats in which you will collect or receive your original source documentation at UVA. Also indicate any locations where it might be stored long term at UVA. Options should be selected even if the data is only temporarily stored in that format. Check all that apply for each category. If "Other" selected, please provide a brief description.
- SequenceFlow_0blyor8
- SequenceFlow_1oq4w2h
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/department_chair_approval/decision_dept_chair.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/department_chair_approval/decision_dept_chair.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 73a843c9..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/department_chair_approval/decision_dept_chair.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1730 +0,0 @@
- Department
- "Anesthesiology"
- "gfr2f"
- "George F. Rich, MD, PhD"
- "Harrison Medical Teaching Professor and Chair"
- "Department of Anesthesiology"
- "Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics"
- "Biomedical Engineering"
- "Brain Institute"
- "jk8t"
- "Jaideep Kapur, MD, PhD"
- "Director of UVA Brain Institute"
- "Eugene Meyer III Professor of Neuroscience"
- "Cell Biology"
- "Center for Diabetes Technology"
- "hgm7s"
- "Harry G. Mitchell"
- "Chief Operating Officer"
- "Center for Diabetes Technology"
- "Center for Research in Reproduction"
- "jcm9h"
- "John C. Marshall"
- "John C. Marshall, MD, PhD"
- "Director, Center for Research in Reproduction"
- "Andrew D. Hart Professor of Medicine"
- "cm2hq"
- "Christopher McCartney"
- "Christopher McCartney, MD"
- "Associate Professor of Medicine"
- "Dermatology"
- "Art P. Saavedra"
- "Art P. Saavedra, MD, PhD, MBA"
- "Endowed Professor and Chair of Dermatology"
- "Chief of Ambulatory Strategy and Operations, Department of Dematology"
- "ltg4ga"
- "Leisa Gonnella"
- "Leisa Gonnella"
- "Chief Operating Officer, Administrator"
- "Department of Dermatology"
- "Emergency Medicine"
- "Robert O'Connor"
- "Robert O'Connor, MD"
- "Family Medicine"
- "Li Li, MD, PhD, MPH"
- "Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy (institutional)"
- "Keck Center for Cellular Imaging (institutional)"
- "Kinesiology"
- "alw2v"
- "Arthur L. Weltman"
- "Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology (MIC)"
- "Molecular Physiology & Biological Physics"
- "Neurology"
- "Howard Goodkin MD, PhD"
- "Neuroscience"
- "Neurosurgery"
- "Mark E. Shaffrey, MD"
- "Obstetrics & Gynecology"
- "James (Jef) E Ferguson II, MD, MBA"
- "Ophthalmology"
- "Peter Netland, MD, PhD"
- "Orthopedic Surgery"
- "ac2h"
- "A. Bobby Chhabra"
- "A. Bobby Chhabra, MD"
- "Chair of Orthopaedic Surgery"
- "Lillian T. Pratt Distinguished Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, David A. Harrison Distinguished Educator"
- "qc4q"
- "Quanjun Cui"
- "Quanjun Cui, MD"
- "G J Wang Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Vice Chair for Research"
- "jmh3zf"
- "Joseph Hart"
- "Joseph Hart, PhD, ATC"
- "Director of Clinical Research, Orthopaedic Surgery Associate Professor, Kinesiology"
- "Otolaryngology- Head & Neck Surgery"
- "Stephen S. Park, MD"
- "Pathology"
- "Pediatrics"
- "jpn2r"
- "James P. Nataro"
- "James P. Nataro, MD, PhD, MBA, FAAP"
- "Chair, Department of Pediatrics"
- "Pharmacology"
- "Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery"
- "Thomas J. Gampper, MD, FACS"
- "Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences"
- "Anita H. Clayton, MD"
- "Public Health Sciences"
- "Radiation Oncology"
- "James M. Larner, MD, FASTRO"
- "Radiology and Medical Imaging"
- "Alan H. Matsumoto, MD"
- "Surgery"
- "Alexander S. Krupnick , MD"
- "Urology"
- "Kristen L.Greene, MD, MAS, FACS"
- "Sartography"
- "dhf8r"
- "Dan Funk"
- "'Daniel H. Funk, MCM"
- "Dan's Title"
- "Dan Signature Block"
- "ajl2j"
- "Aaron Louie"
- "Aaron X. Louie, AB, CDE"
- "Aaron Title"
- "Aaron Signature Block"
- "cah3us"
- "Alex Herron"
- "C. Alex Herrron, BSME"
- "Alex Title"
- "Alex Signature"
- "Not Found"
- "Not Found"
- "Not Found"
- "Not Found"
- "Not Found"
- "Not Found"
- "Not Found"
- "Not Found"
- "Not Found"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/department_chair_approval/dept_chair_approval.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/department_chair_approval/dept_chair_approval.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 47a40312..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/department_chair_approval/dept_chair_approval.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
- StartEvent_1
- Activity_0s4b6tq
- Activity_1cfbpwn
- Activity_0kyyjcu
- Activity_0pm3m9s
- Activity_1npbkhr
- Gateway_1mui28k
- Event_0t6gdb3
- Flow_0qf0ntn
- isApproved == False
- Flow_0qf0ntn
- Flow_1p4pvy1
- Flow_0bsmt3b
- Flow_0rqond3
- investigators = study_info('investigators')
-pi = investigators.get('PI', None)
-subs_list = ""
-for k in investigators.keys():
- if k[:2] == 'SI':
- investigator = investigators.get(k)
- subs_list = subs_list + investigator["uid"] + ", "
-exclude_list_arg = "[" + subs_list + pi.uid + "]"
-dc_enum = []
-if len(Chair_CID) > 0 and len(Chair_Name) > 0 and Chair_CID not in exclude_list_arg:
- dc_enum_dc = [
- {
- "uid": Chair_CID,
- "name": Chair_Name
- },
- ]
- dc_enum_dc = []
-if len(D1_CID) > 0 and len(D1_Name) > 0 and D1_CID not in exclude_list_arg:
- dc_enum_d1 = [
- {
- "uid": D1_CID,
- "name": D1_Name
- },
- ]
- dc_enum_d1 = []
-if len(D2_CID) > 0 and len(D2_Name) > 0 and D2_CID not in exclude_list_arg:
- dc_enum_d2 = [
- {
- "uid": D2_CID,
- "name": D2_Name
- },
- ]
- dc_enum_d2 = []
-dc_enum = dc_enum_dc + dc_enum_d1 + dc_enum_d2
- Flow_1p4pvy1
- Flow_0bsmt3b
- Flow_0rqond3
- Flow_0qea2ru
- Flow_0wxblf0
- Flow_0wxblf0
- Flow_1qqzl3b
- Flow_1qqzl3b
- Flow_1h379u7
- Flow_0qea2ru
- Flow_1h379u7
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/documents_approvals/documents_approvals.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/documents_approvals/documents_approvals.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index f2ac3142..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/documents_approvals/documents_approvals.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
- Flow_1k3su2q
- Flow_0m7unlb
- # Documents & Approvals
-> ## Protocol Document Management
-{% if documents.Study_Protocol_Document is defined -%}
-{%- set p = documents.Study_Protocol_Document -%}
-{% if p.files|length -%}
-{%- set f = p.files[0] -%}
-> [{{p.display_name}}](/study/{{p.study_id}}/workflow/{{f.workflow_id}}/task/{{f.task_id}})
-{%- else -%}
-> No protocol uploaded yet.
-{% endif %}
-{%- else -%}
-> No protocol uploaded yet.
-{% endif %}
-> ## Approvals
-> | Name | Status | Help |
-|:---- |:------ |:---- |
-{% for approval in approvals -%}
-| [{{approval.display_name}}](/study/{{approval.study_id}}/workflow/{{approval.workflow_id}}) | {{approval.status}} | [?](/help/{{approval.workflow_spec_id}}) |
-{% endfor %}
-> ## Documents
-> | Name | Status | Help | Download |
-|:---- |:------ |:---- |:-------- |
-{% for key, doc in documents.items() %}{% if doc.required -%}
- {% if doc.files|length -%}
- | [{{doc.display_name}}](/study/{{doc.study_id}}/workflow/{{doc.workflow_id}}/task/{{doc.task_id}}) | {{doc.status}} | [Context here](/help/documents/{{doc.code}}) | [Download](/file/{{doc.file_id}}/data) |
- {%- else -%}
- | {{doc.display_name}} | Not started | [?](/help/documents/{{doc.code}}) | No file yet |
- {%- endif %}
-{% endif %}{% endfor %}
- Flow_142jtxs
- Flow_0m7unlb
- Flow_0c7ryff
- Flow_142jtxs
- approvals = study_info('approvals')
- Flow_1k3su2q
- Flow_0c7ryff
- documents = study_info('documents')
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/enrollment_date/enrollment_date.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/enrollment_date/enrollment_date.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index fda11050..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/enrollment_date/enrollment_date.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- Flow_0eew51c
- Flow_17olkaa
- Flow_0eew51c
- Flow_17olkaa
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/finance/finance.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/finance/finance.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 84ad6511..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/finance/finance.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- SequenceFlow_1uxqr6o
- SequenceFlow_0bvhrqu
- SequenceFlow_0afrh4e
- SequenceFlow_160jfpk
- SequenceFlow_1uxqr6o
- SequenceFlow_0bvhrqu
- SequenceFlow_157c6e9
- SequenceFlow_1oh6eq7
- SequenceFlow_0afrh4e
- SequenceFlow_1mv3dp4
- SequenceFlow_0rr7ods
- SequenceFlow_160jfpk
- #### Process:
-The study team uploads the executed copy of the contract(s) after they receive it from the Office of Grants and Contracts, after the following process components are completed outside of the Clinical Research Connect:
-ePRF is completed in ResearchUVa.
-PI, Department Chair and SOM Dean’s Office signatures are completed (via ResearchUVa);
-The Office of Grants and Contracts completed the negotiation and execution of the contract.
-If you have any questions about the process, contact contract negotiator or Office of Grants and Contracts at 434-924-8426.
- SequenceFlow_1oh6eq7
- SequenceFlow_1mv3dp4
- #### Enter PTAO Number
- SequenceFlow_157c6e9
- SequenceFlow_0rr7ods
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/hold/hold.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/hold/hold.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index d106b10c..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/hold/hold.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- Flow_1jv8wlf
- Flow_1jv8wlf
- Flow_006k4fa
- Flow_006k4fa
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/ide_supplement/SponsorList.xls b/crc/static/bpmn/ide_supplement/SponsorList.xls
deleted file mode 100644
index ec3a9fad..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/ide_supplement/SponsorList.xls and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/ide_supplement/decision_ide_check.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/ide_supplement/decision_ide_check.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 76aa1238..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/ide_supplement/decision_ide_check.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- is_ide.IS_IDE
- ide.IDE
- 1
- != ""
- ide.IDE
- "Provide additional information for the IDE assocoated with this study"
- 1
- ''
- "not entered in Procol Builder"
- "The IDE number was not entered in Protocol Builder. You must provide a number if it is available prior to IRB submission"
- 0
- "You should not have access to this workflow since your Protocol Builder reposes indicate that a IDE is not associated with this study. Please contact Support"
- "You should not have access to this workflow since your Protocol Builder reposes indicate that a IDE is not associated with this study. Please contact Support"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/ide_supplement/ide_update.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/ide_supplement/ide_update.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e41f5ad..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/ide_supplement/ide_update.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
- SequenceFlow_1dhb8f4
- {{ ide_message }}
- SequenceFlow_1yb1vma
- SequenceFlow_1t2ha54
- temp
- SequenceFlow_1t2ha54
- SequenceFlow_1yhv1qz
- SequenceFlow_1lazou8
- SequenceFlow_1yb1vma
- SequenceFlow_011l5xt
- ide.IS_IDE == 1
- not ide.IS_IDE or ide.IS_IDE == 0
- {{ ide_message }}
- SequenceFlow_011l5xt
- SequenceFlow_1yhv1qz
- Flow_08ezwjq
- SequenceFlow_1lazou8
- Flow_0v7gh90
- Flow_1majmgp
- ide = {x:details[x] for x in details.keys() if x == 'IDE'}
-is_ide = {x:details[x] for x in details.keys() if x == 'IS_IDE'}
- SequenceFlow_1dhb8f4
- Flow_0v7gh90
- details = study_info('details')
- Flow_1majmgp
- Flow_08ezwjq
- Flow_1l53x1e
- is_ide.IS_IDE == 1
- not is_ide.IS_IDE or is_ide.IS_IDE == 0
- {{ ide_message }}
- Flow_1l53x1e
- Flow_0pfii1m
- Flow_0pfii1m
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/ids_full_submission/ids_full_submission.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/ids_full_submission/ids_full_submission.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 66112c4e..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/ids_full_submission/ids_full_submission.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
- SequenceFlow_1dexemq
- #### Instructions
-According to selected Study Type: Treatment (TRE), IDS applicable for this type of study: Yes
- SequenceFlow_1guaev4
- SequenceFlow_1iiazgn
- #### How to
-IDS service fees are based on the Protocol Owner identified in Common Study section of the workflow.
-Visit [IDS Study Fee Schedule](https://www.medicalcenter.virginia.edu/pharmacy/investigational-drug-services/information-for-investigators) for specific cost information.
-Protocol Owner: **(need to insert value here)**
- SequenceFlow_0movigc
- SequenceFlow_100vc9e
- SequenceFlow_1bkjyhx
- SequenceFlow_1guaev4
- SequenceFlow_0movigc
- SequenceFlow_0y21euo
- SequenceFlow_0jwnfzy
- SequenceFlow_1lys0jq
- SequenceFlow_100vc9e
- SequenceFlow_1iiazgn
- SequenceFlow_1pg0dkw
- SequenceFlow_13fzv9y
- SequenceFlow_0m01j99
- SequenceFlow_0lixqzs
- SequenceFlow_1r7kcks
- {{ElementDoc_PharmMan}}
- SequenceFlow_0y21euo
- SequenceFlow_1pg0dkw
- {{ElementDoc_InvestigatorsBrochure}}
- SequenceFlow_0jwnfzy
- SequenceFlow_13fzv9y
- {{ElementDoc_IVRSIWRSIXRS}}
- SequenceFlow_1lys0jq
- SequenceFlow_0m01j99
- SequenceFlow_1dcu8zu
- SequenceFlow_1kam5in
- Flow_1x9d2mo
- SequenceFlow_1dcu8zu
- SequenceFlow_1kam5in
- SequenceFlow_1bkjyhx
- SequenceFlow_0lixqzs
- SequenceFlow_1r7kcks
- SequenceFlow_1dexemq
- Flow_1x9d2mo
- documents = study_info('documents')
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/ids_full_submission/investigators_brochure.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/ids_full_submission/investigators_brochure.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index e909e4b4..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/ids_full_submission/investigators_brochure.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- documents.DrugDevDoc_InvestBrochure.count
- 0
- false
- "The Investigator's Brochure has not been uploaded. If you do not intend to upload a manual before you IDS submission, please complete the questions below. If you do intend to upload a brochure, you do not need to complete them."
- 1
- true
- "This brochure will be sent as part of your IDS Submission."
- > 1
- true
- "These brochures will be sent as part of your IDS Submission."
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/ids_full_submission/ivrs_iwrs_ixrs.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/ids_full_submission/ivrs_iwrs_ixrs.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index e4e9510e..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/ids_full_submission/ivrs_iwrs_ixrs.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- documents.DrugDevDoc_IVRSIWRSIXRSMan.count
- 0
- false
- "The IVRS/IWRS/IXRS Manual has not been uploaded. If you do not intend to upload a manual before you IDS submission, please complete the questions below. If you do intend to upload a manual, you do not need to complete them."
- 1
- true
- "This manual will be sent as part of your IDS Submission"
- > 0
- true
- "These manuals will be sent as part of your IDS Submission"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/ids_full_submission/pharmacy_manual.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/ids_full_submission/pharmacy_manual.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index bb5582c4..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/ids_full_submission/pharmacy_manual.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- documents.DrugDevDoc_PharmManual.count
- 0
- false
- "The Pharmacy Manual has not been uploaded. If you do not intend to upload a manual before your IDS submission, please complete the questions below. If you do intend to upload a manual, you do not need to complete them."
- 1
- true
- "This manual will be sent as part of your IDS Submission"
- > 1
- true
- "These manuals will be sent as part of your IDS Submission"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/ids_waiver/ids_waiver.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/ids_waiver/ids_waiver.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index f407ecaa..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/ids_waiver/ids_waiver.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- SequenceFlow_1aq1jk8
- SequenceFlow_1aq1jk8
- SequenceFlow_0wdpi62
- SequenceFlow_0wdpi62
- SequenceFlow_1pbjfym
- SequenceFlow_1pbjfym
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/ind_update/SponsorList.xls b/crc/static/bpmn/ind_update/SponsorList.xls
deleted file mode 100644
index 25c40201..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/ind_update/SponsorList.xls and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/ind_update/decision_ind_check.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/ind_update/decision_ind_check.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index af125b3f..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/ind_update/decision_ind_check.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
- is_ind
- ind_1
- ind_2
- ind_3
- 3 IND #s
- 1
- != ""
- != ""
- != ""
- False
- ind_1
- True
- ind_2
- True
- ind_3
- "Provide requested information for the three IND numbers associated with this study entered in Protocol Builder"
- 2 IND #s
- 1
- != ""
- != ""
- == ""
- False
- ind_1
- True
- ind_2
- False
- "not entered in Protocol Builder"
- "Provide requested information for the two IND numbers associated with this study entered in Protocol Builder and any others with numbers pending or exempt"
- 1 IND #
- 1
- != ""
- == ""
- == ""
- False
- ind_1
- False
- "not entered in Protocol Builder"
- False
- "not entered in Protocol Builder"
- "Provide requested information for the IND number associated with this study entered in Protocol Builder and any others with numbers pending or exempt"
- Invalid entry sequence, IND_1 and IND_3 entered, no IND_2
- 1
- != ""
- == ""
- != ""
- True
- ind_1
- True
- "not entered in Protocol Builder"
- True
- ind_3
- "Two IND #s entered, but not in sequential Protocol Builder fields. Please correct in Protocol Builder if this was not intended"
- Invalid entry sequence, IND_2 and IND_3 entered, no IND_1
- 1
- == ""
- != ""
- != ""
- True
- "not entered in Protocol Builder"
- True
- ind_2
- True
- ind_3
- "Two IND #s entered, but not in sequential Protocol Builder fields. Please correct in Protocol Builder if this was not intended"
- Invalid entry sequence, IND_2 entered, no IND_1 and IND_3
- 1
- == ""
- != ""
- == ""
- True
- "not entered in Protocol Builder"
- True
- ind_2
- False
- "not entered in Protocol Builder"
- "One IND #s entered, but not in the first Protocol Builder field. Please correct in Protocol Builder if this was not intended"
- Invalid entry sequence, IND_3 entered, no IND_1 and IND_2
- 1
- == ""
- == ""
- != ""
- True
- "not entered in Protocol Builder"
- True
- "not entered in Protocol Builder"
- True
- ind_3
- "One IND #s entered, but not in the first Protocol Builder field. Please correct in Protocol Builder if this was not intended"
- No
- 1
- True
- "not entered in Protocol Builder"
- False
- "not entered in Protocol Builder"
- False
- "not entered in Protocol Builder"
- "No IND Numbers entered in Protocol Builder. Please enter them and return to this workflow to save if they are availabile before submission to the IRB"
- No IND, PB Q#56 answered as No, should not be needed, but here as stopgap in case memu check failed
- 0
- "You should not be in this workflow since no IND was indicated in PB. Please contact Support and inform them of this error"
- "You should not be in this workflow since no IND was indicated in PB. Please contact Support and inform them of this error"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/ind_update/decision_ind_uva_check.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/ind_update/decision_ind_uva_check.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 20610795..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/ind_update/decision_ind_uva_check.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- is_uva_ind
- 1
- "UVaPI"
- 0
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/ind_update/ind_update.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/ind_update/ind_update.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 026972b1..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/ind_update/ind_update.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
- Click Start over if you have updated your Protocol Builder entries.
- SequenceFlow_1dhb8f4
- Flow_0jqdolk
- Flow_OneOnly
- Flow_13jejjr
- Flow_1rk7fmm
- SequenceFlow_1cwibmt
- {{ ind_message }}
- Flow_00wk9rz
- Flow_10rb7gb
- {{ ind_message }}
- Flow_TwoOrThree
- Flow_1p563xr
- {{ ind_message }}
- Flow_1wxvyqe
- Flow_0jqdolk
- Flow_10rb7gb
- Flow_TwoOrThree
- Flow_OneOnly
- IND1_AnotherIND != True
- SequenceFlow_1dhb8f4
- Flow_1rk7fmm
- details = study_info('details')
-ind_1 = details.IND_1
-ind_2 = details.IND_2
-ind_3 = details.IND_3
-is_ind = details.IS_IND
-is_uva_ind = details.IS_UVA_IND
- Flow_0pwur5c
- Flow_04rl7gw
- Flow_00wk9rz
- is_ind != 1
- Flow_1p563xr
- Flow_1wxvyqe
- Flow_13jejjr
- not IND2_AnotherIND or IND2_AnotherIND != True
- Flow_19usc52
- {{ ind_message }}
- Flow_04rl7gw
- Flow_19usc52
- SequenceFlow_1cwibmt
- Flow_0pwur5c
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_details/irb_api_details.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_details/irb_api_details.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index da7a22db..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_details/irb_api_details.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- SequenceFlow_1fmyo77
- SequenceFlow_1fmyo77
- SequenceFlow_18nr0gf
- details = study_info('details')
- Flow_0m7unlb
- | Data Point | Value | Help |
-|:-------------- |:-------- |:------ |
-{% for key, value in details.items() -%}
-| {{key}} | {%- if value == None -%}
-{%- else -%}
-{%- if value is number -%}
-{%- if value == 1 -%}
-{%- elif value == 0 -%}
-{%- else -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- elif value is string -%}
-{%- if value|length -%}
-{%- else -%}
-Question not presented
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- endif -%}
-{%- endif -%} | [Context here](/help)
-{% endfor -%}
- SequenceFlow_18nr0gf
- Flow_0m7unlb
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/DepartmentList-ArtsSciences.xlsx b/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/DepartmentList-ArtsSciences.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 37ad7866..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/DepartmentList-ArtsSciences.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/DepartmentList-Education.xlsx b/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/DepartmentList-Education.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cf709bd..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/DepartmentList-Education.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/DepartmentList-Medicine.xlsx b/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/DepartmentList-Medicine.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 41dcf3af..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/DepartmentList-Medicine.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/SchoolList.xls b/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/SchoolList.xls
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fe1035f..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/SchoolList.xls and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/check_for_pi.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/check_for_pi.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b146644..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/check_for_pi.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- investigators.get('PI','None Found')
- "None Found"
- false
- true
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_dept_chair.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_dept_chair.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index dfa7c021..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_dept_chair.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,951 +0,0 @@
- PI_department
- "Anesthesiology"
- "gfr2f"
- "George F. Rich, MD, PhD"
- "Harrison Medical Teaching Professor and Chair"
- "Department of Anesthesiology"
- "Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics"
- "Biomedical Engineering"
- "Brain Institute"
- "jk8t"
- "Jaideep Kapur, MD, PhD"
- "Director of UVA Brain Institute"
- "Eugene Meyer III Professor of Neuroscience"
- "Cell Biology"
- "Center for Diabetes Technology"
- "hgm7s"
- "Harry G. Mitchell"
- "Chief Operating Officer"
- "Center for Diabetes Technology"
- "Center for Research in Reproduction"
- "jcm9h"
- "John C. Marshall, MD, PhD"
- "Director, Center for Research in Reproduction"
- "Andrew D. Hart Professor of Medicine"
- "cm2hq"
- "Christopher McCartney, MD"
- "Associate Professor of Medicine"
- "Dermatology"
- "Art P. Saavedra, MD, PhD, MBA"
- "Endowed Professor and Chair of Dermatology"
- "Chief of Ambulatory Strategy and Operations, Department of Dematology"
- "ltg4ga"
- "Leisa Gonnella"
- "Chief Operating Officer, Administrator"
- "Department of Dermatology"
- "Emergency Medicine"
- "Robert O'Connor, MD"
- "Family Medicine"
- "Li Li, MD, PhD, MPH"
- "Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy (institutional)"
- "Keck Center for Cellular Imaging (institutional)"
- "Kinesiology"
- "alw2v"
- "Arthur L. Weltman"
- "Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology (MIC)"
- "Molecular Physiology & Biological Physics"
- "Neurology"
- "Howard Goodkin MD, PhD"
- "Neuroscience"
- "Neurosurgery"
- "Mark E. Shaffrey, MD"
- "Obstetrics & Gynecology"
- "James (Jef) E Ferguson II, MD, MBA"
- "Ophthalmology"
- "Peter Netland, MD, PhD"
- "Orthopedic Surgery"
- "A. Bobby Chhabra, MD"
- "Otolaryngology- Head & Neck Surgery"
- "Stephen S. Park, MD"
- "Pathology"
- "Pediatrics"
- "jpn2r"
- "James P. Nataro, MD, PhD, MBA, FAAP"
- "Chair, Department of Pediatrics"
- "Pharmacology"
- "Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery"
- "Thomas J. Gampper, MD, FACS"
- "Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences"
- "Anita H. Clayton, MD"
- "Public Health Sciences"
- "Radiation Oncology"
- "James M. Larner, MD, FASTRO"
- "Radiology and Medical Imaging"
- "Alan H. Matsumoto, MD"
- "Surgery"
- "Alexander S. Krupnick , MD"
- "Urology"
- "Kristen L.Greene, MD, MAS, FACS"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_pi_dept.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_pi_dept.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index d33c6249..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_pi_dept.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
- pi.E0.deptAbbrv
- "ANES"
- "Anesthesiology"
- "BIOC"
- "Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics"
- "BIOM"
- "Biomedical Engineering"
- "CELL"
- "Cell Biology"
- "DMED"
- "INMD"
- "Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy (institutional)"
- "INMD-Ctr"
- "Keck Center for Cellular Imaging (institutional)"
- "MICR"
- "Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology (MIC)"
- "MPHY"
- "Molecular Physiology & Biological Physics"
- "NERS"
- "Neurosurgery"
- "NESC"
- "Neuroscience"
- "NEUR"
- "Neurology"
- "OBGY"
- "Obstetrics and Gynecology"
- "OPHT"
- "Ophthalmology"
- "ORTP"
- "Orthopaedic Surgery"
- "PATH"
- "Pathology"
- "PBHS"
- "Public Health Sciences"
- "PEDT"
- "Pediatrics"
- "PHAR"
- "Pharmacology"
- "PLSR"
- "Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery"
- "PSCH"
- "Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences"
- "RADL"
- "Radiology and Medical Imaging"
- "RONC"
- "Radiation Oncology"
- "SURG"
- "Surgery"
- "UROL"
- "Urology"
- "Not in LDAP"
- "Not in LDAP"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_pi_school.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_pi_school.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 51bca03b..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_pi_school.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- pi.E0.schoolAbbrv
- "AS"
- "Arts & Sciences"
- "EN"
- "Engineering"
- "MD"
- "Medicine"
- "NR"
- "Nursing"
- "RS"
- "Provost Office"
- "Not in LDAP"
- "Not in LDAP"
- "Not found in scrtpts"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_ro.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_ro.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index cff7ae7c..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_ro.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- isRO_SameAsPIsPriDept
- RO_StudySchool.value
- True
- pi.E0.schoolName
- pi.E0.deptName
- False
- "AS"
- RO_StudySchool.label
- RO_StudyDeptArtsSciences.label
- False
- "CU"
- RO_StudySchool.label
- RO_StudyDeptEducatoin.label
- False
- "MD"
- RO_StudySchool.label
- RO_StudyDeptMedicine.label
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_ro_chair.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_ro_chair.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 649e58a2..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_ro_chair.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1180 +0,0 @@
- ro['schoolName']
- ro.deptName
- "Medicine"
- "Anesthesiology"
- "gfr2f"
- "George F. Rich, MD, PhD"
- "Harrison Medical Teaching Professor and Chair"
- "Department of Anesthesiology"
- "Medicine"
- "Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics"
- "???"
- "Medicine"
- "Biomedical Engineering"
- "???"
- "Medicine"
- "Brain Institute"
- "jk8t"
- "Jaideep Kapur, MD, PhD"
- "Director of UVA Brain Institute"
- "Eugene Meyer III Professor of Neuroscience"
- "Medicine"
- "Cell Biology"
- "???"
- "Medicine"
- "Center for Diabetes Technology"
- "hgm7s"
- "Harry G. Mitchell"
- "Chief Operating Officer"
- "Center for Diabetes Technology"
- "Medicine"
- "Center for Research in Reproduction"
- "jcm9h"
- "John C. Marshall, MD, PhD"
- "Director, Center for Research in Reproduction"
- "Andrew D. Hart Professor of Medicine"
- "cm2hq"
- "Christopher McCartney, MD"
- "Associate Professor of Medicine"
- "Medicine"
- "Dermatology"
- "???"
- "Art P. Saavedra, MD, PhD, MBA"
- "Endowed Professor and Chair of Dermatology"
- "Chief of Ambulatory Strategy and Operations, Department of Dematology"
- "ltg4ga"
- "Leisa Gonnella"
- "Chief Operating Officer, Administrator"
- "Department of Dermatology"
- "Medicine"
- "Emergency Medicine"
- "???"
- "Robert O'Connor, MD"
- "Medicine"
- "Family Medicine"
- "???"
- "Li Li, MD, PhD, MPH"
- "Medicine"
- "Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy (institutional)"
- "???"
- "Medicine"
- "Keck Center for Cellular Imaging (institutional)"
- "???"
- "Medicine"
- "Kinesiology"
- "alw2v"
- "Arthur L. Weltman"
- "Medicine"
- "Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology (MIC)"
- "???"
- "Medicine"
- "Molecular Physiology & Biological Physics"
- "???"
- "Medicine"
- "Neurology"
- "???"
- "Howard Goodkin MD, PhD"
- "Medicine"
- "Neuroscience"
- "???"
- "Medicine"
- "Neurosurgery"
- "???"
- "Mark E. Shaffrey, MD"
- "Medicine"
- "Obstetrics & Gynecology"
- "???"
- "James (Jef) E Ferguson II, MD, MBA"
- "Medicine"
- "Ophthalmology"
- "???"
- "Peter Netland, MD, PhD"
- "Medicine"
- "Orthopedic Surgery"
- "???"
- "A. Bobby Chhabra, MD"
- "Medicine"
- "Otolaryngology- Head & Neck Surgery"
- "???"
- "Stephen S. Park, MD"
- "Medicine"
- "Pathology"
- "???"
- "Medicine"
- "Pediatrics"
- "jpn2r"
- "James P. Nataro, MD, PhD, MBA, FAAP"
- "Chair, Department of Pediatrics"
- "Medicine"
- "Pharmacology"
- "???"
- "Medicine"
- "Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery"
- "???"
- "Thomas J. Gampper, MD, FACS"
- "Medicine"
- "Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences"
- "???"
- "Anita H. Clayton, MD"
- "Medicine"
- "Public Health Sciences"
- "???"
- "Medicine"
- "Radiation Oncology"
- "???"
- "James M. Larner, MD, FASTRO"
- "Medicine"
- "Radiology and Medical Imaging"
- "???"
- "Alan H. Matsumoto, MD"
- "Medicine"
- "Surgery"
- "???"
- "Alexander S. Krupnick , MD"
- "Medicine"
- "Urology"
- "???"
- "Kristen L.Greene, MD, MAS, FACS"
- "Arts & Sciences"
- "???"
- "Engineering"
- "???"
- "Education"
- "???"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_ro_dept.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_ro_dept.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index d089bffc..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/decision_ro_dept.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- isRO_SameAsPIsPriDept
- RO same as PI's Primary Department
- True
- pi.E0.schoolName
- pi.E0.deptName
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/irb_api_personnel.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/irb_api_personnel.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 29262cef..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/irb_api_personnel/irb_api_personnel.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1196 +0,0 @@
- Flow_0kcrx5l
- Flow_0kcrx5l
- Flow_00zanzw
- Flow_1dcsioh
- current_user = ldap()
-investigators = study_info('investigators')
-# Primary Investigator
-pi = investigators.get('PI', None)
-is_cu_pi = False
-if pi != None:
- hasPI = True
- if pi.get('uid', None) != None:
- pi_invalid_uid = False
- if pi['uid'] == current_user['uid']:
- is_cu_pi = True
- else:
- pi_invalid_uid = True
- hasPI = False
-# Department Chair
-dc = investigators.get('DEPT_CH', None)
-if dc != None:
- if dc.get('uid', None) != None:
- dc_invalid_uid = False
- else:
- dc_invalid_uid = True
- dc_invalid_uid = False
-# Primary Coordinators
-pcs = {}
-is_cu_pc = False
-cnt_pcs_uid = 0
-for k in investigators.keys():
- if k in ['SC_I','SC_II','IRBC']:
- investigator = investigators.get(k)
- if investigator.get('uid', None) != None:
- if investigator['uid'] != current_user['uid']:
- pcs[k] = investigator
- cnt_pcs_uid = cnt_pcs_uid + 1
- else:
- is_cu_pc = True
- is_cu_pc_role = investigator['label']
- else:
- pcs[k] = investigator
-cnt_pcs = len(pcs.keys())
-if cnt_pcs != cnt_pcs_uid:
- pcs_invalid_uid = True
- pcs_invalid_uid = False
-if cnt_pcs > 0:
- del(k)
- del(investigator)
-# Additional Coordinators
-acs = {}
-is_cu_ac = False
-cnt_acs_uid = 0
-for k in investigators.keys():
- if k == 'AS_C':
- investigator = investigators.get(k)
- if investigator.get('uid', None) != None:
- if investigator['uid'] != current_user['uid']:
- acs[k] = investigator
- cnt_acs_uid = cnt_acs_uid + 1
- else:
- is_cu_ac = True
- is_cu_ac_role = investigator['label']
- else:
- acs[k] = investigator
-cnt_acs = len(acs.keys())
-if cnt_pcs != cnt_pcs_uid:
- acs_invalid_uid = True
- acs_invalid_uid = False
-if cnt_acs > 0:
- del(k)
- del(investigator)
-# Sub-Investigatoers
-subs = {}
-is_cu_subs = False
-cnt_subs_uid = 0
-for k in investigators.keys():
- if k[:2] == 'SI':
- investigator = investigators.get(k)
- if investigator.get('uid', None) != None:
- if investigator['uid'] != current_user['uid']:
- subs[k] = investigator
- cnt_subs_uid = cnt_subs_uid + 1
- else:
- is_cu_subs = True
- else:
- subs[k] = investigator
-cnt_subs = len(subs.keys())
-if cnt_subs != cnt_subs_uid:
- subs_invalid_uid = True
- subs_invalid_uid = False
-if cnt_subs > 0:
- del(k)
- del(investigator)
-# Additional Personnel
-aps = {}
-is_cu_ap = False
-cnt_aps_uid = 0
-for k in investigators.keys():
- if k in ['SCI','DC']:
- investigator = investigators.get(k)
- if investigator.get('uid', None) != None:
- if investigator['uid'] != current_user['uid']:
- aps[k] = investigator
- cnt_aps_uid = cnt_aps_uid + 1
- else:
- is_cu_ap = True
- is_cu_ap_role = investigator['label']
- else:
- aps[k] = investigator
-cnt_aps = len(aps.keys())
-if cnt_aps != cnt_aps_uid:
- aps_invalid_uid = True
- aps_invalid_uid = False
-if cnt_aps > 0:
- del(k)
- del(investigator)
- temp
- Flow_10zn0h1
- Flow_0kp47dz
- ##### Please confirm Primary Investigator entered in Protocol Builder is correct and if so, provide additional information:
-### **{{ pi.display_name }}**
-***Email:*** {{ pi.email_address }}
-**Primary Appointment**
-***School:*** {{ pi.E0.schoolName }}
-***Department:*** {{ pi.E0.deptName }}
-{% if is_me_pi %}
-Since you are the person entering this information, you already have access and will receive all emails.
-{% endif %}
- Flow_1kg5jot
- Flow_1mplloa
- Flow_1dcsioh
- Flow_147b9li
- Flow_00prawo
- not(hasPI) or (hasPI and pi_invalid_uid)
- No PI entered in PB
- Flow_00prawo
- Flow_16qr5jf
- Flow_0kpe12r
- Flow_1ayisx2
- Flow_0xifvai
- Flow_1oqem42
- The following Primary Coordinators were entered in Protocol Builder:
-{%+ for key, value in pcs.items() %}{{value.display_name}} ({{key}}){% if loop.index is lt cnt_pcs %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}
-To Save the current settings for all Primary Coordinators, select Save All.
-Otherwise, edit each Coordinator as necessary and select the Save button for each.
-### Please provide supplemental information for:
- #### {{ pc.display_name }}
- ##### Title: {{ pc.title }}
- ##### Department: {{ pc.department }}
- ##### Affiliation: {{ pc.affiliation }}
- Flow_0xifvai
- Flow_1n0k4pd
- cnt_pcs == 0
- Flow_0tfprc8
- Flow_0tsdclr
- Flow_1grahhv
- LDAP_dept = pi.department
-length_LDAP_dept = len(LDAP_dept)
-pi.E0 = {}
-if length_LDAP_dept > 0:
- E0_start = LDAP_dept.find("E0:") + 3
- E0_slice = LDAP_dept[E0_start:length_LDAP_dept]
- E0_first_hyphen = E0_slice.find("-")
- E0_dept_start = E0_first_hyphen + 1
- pi.E0.schoolAbbrv = E0_slice[0:E0_first_hyphen]
- isSpace = " " in E0_slice
- if isSpace:
- E0_first_space = E0_slice.find(" ")
- E0_spec_start = E0_first_space + 1
- E0_spec_end = len(E0_slice)
- pi.E0.deptAbbrv = E0_slice[E0_dept_start:E0_first_space]
- pi.E0.specName = E0_slice[E0_spec_start:E0_spec_end]
- else:
- pi.E0.specName = ""
- pi.E0.schoolAbbrv = "Not in LDAP"
- pi.E0.deptAbbrv = "Not in LDAP"
- pi.E0.specName = "Not in LDAP"
- Flow_1eaikyp
- Flow_1wz38hl
- Flow_1grahhv
- Flow_1eaikyp
- The Study's Responsible Organization is needed in order to confirm the Department Chair. If it is the same as the Primary Investigator's Primary Department show below, we have all the information needed to determine the Department Chair.
-**Primary Investigator's Primary Appointment**
-***School:*** {{ pi.E0.schoolName }}
-***Department:*** {{ pi.E0.deptName }}
- Flow_0iuzu7j
- Flow_0whqr3p
- Flow_0vff9k5
- Flow_0w4d2bz
- Flow_1oo0ijr
- Flow_070j5fg
- Flow_0vi6thu
- Flow_00yhlrq
- RO_Chair_CID == pi.uid
- The PI is also the RO Chair
- Flow_00yhlrq
- Flow_0kpe12r
- Flow_12ss6u8
- Flow_0dt3pjw
- Flow_05rqrlf
- Flow_0jxzqw1
- cnt_subs == 0
- The following Sub-Investigators were entered in Protocol Builder:
-{%+ for key, value in subs.items() %}{{value.display_name}} ({{key}}){% if loop.index is lt cnt_subs %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}
-To Save the current settings for all Sub-Investigators, select Save All.
-Otherwise, edit each Sub-Investigator as necessary and select the Save button for each.
-### Please provide supplemental information for:
- #### {{ sub.display_name }}
- ##### Title: {{ sub.title }}
- ##### Department: {{ sub.department }}
- ##### Affiliation: {{ sub.affiliation }}
- Flow_05rqrlf
- Flow_0ofpgml
- Please enter the Private Investigator in Protocol Builder.
- Flow_16qr5jf
- Flow_1wz38hl
- Flow_1kg5jot
- pi.E0.schoolName = PI_E0_schoolName
-pi.E0.deptName = PI_E0_deptName
-pi.experience = user_data_get("pi_experience","")
-ro = {}
-ro['chair'] = {}
- Flow_1oo0ijr
- Flow_070j5fg
- ro.chair = {}
-ro.chair.uid = RO_Chair_CID
-ro.chair.name_degree = RO_Chair_Name_Degree
-ro.chair.title = RO_Chair_Title
-ro.chair.sig_block = RO_Chair_Sig_Block
- Flow_1n0k4pd
- Flow_1oqem42
- Flow_1gtl2o3
- Flow_0dt3pjw
- The following Additional Coordinators were entered in Protocol Builder:
-{%+ for key, value in acs.items() %}{{value.display_name}} ({{key}}){% if loop.index is lt cnt_acs %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}
-To Save the current settings for all Additional Coordinators, select Save All.
-Otherwise, edit each Coordinator as necessary and select the Save button for each.
-### Please provide supplemental information for:
- #### {{ acs.display_name }}
- ##### Title: {{ acs.title }}
- ##### Department: {{ acs.department }}
- ##### Affiliation: {{ acs.affiliation }}
- Flow_1gtl2o3
- Flow_12ss6u8
- cnt_acs == 0
- Flow_1va8c15
- Flow_1yd7kbi
- Flow_0w4d2bz
- Flow_1yd7kbi
- Flow_13la8l3
- Flow_0ycdxbl
- PIsPrimaryDepartmentSameAsRO.value != "yes"
- PIsPrimaryDepartmentSameAsRO.value == 'diffSchool'
- Flow_0ycdxbl
- Flow_1fj9iz0
- sch_enum = []
-if pi.E0.schoolAbbrv != "MD":
- sch_enum_md = [
- {
- "value": "MD",
- "label": "Medicine"
- },
- ]
- sch_enum_md = []
-if pi.E0.schoolAbbrv != "AS":
- sch_enum_as = [
- {
- "value": "AS",
- "label": "Arts & Science"
- },
- ]
- sch_enum_as = []
-if pi.E0.schoolAbbrv != "CU":
- sch_enum_cu = [
- {
- "value": "CU",
- "label": "Education"
- },
- ]
- sch_enum_cu = []
-if pi.E0.schoolAbbrv != "NR":
- sch_enum_nr = [
- {
- "value": "NR",
- "label": "Nursing"
- },
- ]
- sch_enum_nr = []
-sch_enum = sch_enum_md + sch_enum_as + sch_enum_cu + sch_enum_nr
- Flow_1fj9iz0
- Flow_1yz8k2a
- Flow_13la8l3
- Flow_0mdjaid
- Flow_0fw4rck
- Flow_1azfvtx
- Flow_0giqf35
- Flow_0iuzu7j
- ro.schoolAbbrv not in ["MD", "AS", "CU"]
- Flow_0whqr3p
- Flow_0zc01f9
- Flow_1vyg8ir
- Flow_0m9peiz
- Flow_0m9peiz
- Flow_1vv63qa
- if PIsPrimaryDepartmentSameAsRO.value == "diffSchool":
- ro.schoolName = RO_StudySchool.label
- ro.schoolAbbrv = RO_StudySchool.value
-if PIsPrimaryDepartmentSameAsRO.value != "yes":
- if ro.schoolAbbrv == "MD":
- ro.deptName = RO_StudyDeptMedicine.label
- ro.deptAbbrv = RO_StudyDeptMedicine.value
- elif ro.schoolAbbrv == "AS":
- ro.deptName = RO_StudyDeptArtsSciences.label
- ro.deptAbbrv = RO_StudyDeptArtsSciences.value
- elif ro.schoolAbbrv == "CU":
- ro.deptName = RO_StudyDeptEducation.label
- ro.deptAbbrv = RO_StudyDeptEducation.value
- else:
- ro.deptName = ""
- ro.deptAbbrv = ""
- The Study's Responsible Organization is needed in order to confirm the Department Chair. If it is the same as the Primary Investigator's Primary Department show below, we have all the information needed to determine the Department Chair.
-**Primary Investigator's Primary Appointment**
-***School:*** {{ pi.E0.schoolName }}
-***Department:*** {{ pi.E0.deptName }}
- Flow_1azfvtx
- Flow_0zc01f9
- Flow_1mplloa
- Flow_1va8c15
- ro = {}
-ro['schoolName'] = PI_E0_schoolName
-ro['schoolAbbrv'] = pi.E0.schoolAbbrv
-ro['deptName'] = pi.E0.deptName
-ro['deptAbbrv'] = pi.E0.deptAbbrv
- The Study's Responsible Organization is needed in order to confirm the Department Chair. If it is the same as the Primary Investigator's Primary Department show below, we have all the information needed to determine the Department Chair.
-**Primary Investigator's Primary Appointment**
-***School:*** {{ pi.E0.schoolName }}
-***Department:*** {{ pi.E0.deptName }}
- Flow_0giqf35
- Flow_1vyg8ir
- Flow_1yz8k2a
- Flow_0mdjaid
- ro.schoolName = RO_StudySchool.label
-ro.schoolAbbrv = RO_StudySchool.value
- ro.schoolAbbrv == "AS"
- ro.schoolAbbrv == "CU"
- Flow_1vv63qa
- Flow_0fw4rck
- Flow_0vff9k5
- Flow_0ofpgml
- Flow_0jxzqw1
- Flow_0q56tn8
- Flow_0kp47dz
- cnt_aps == 0
- The following Additional Personnel were entered in Protocol Builder:
-{%+ for key, value in aps.items() %}{{value.display_name}} ({{key}}){% if loop.index is lt cnt_aps %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}
-To Save the current settings for all Additional Personnel, select Save All.
-Otherwise, edit each Additional Personnel as necessary and select the Save button for each.
-### Please provide supplemental information for:
- #### {{ ap.display_name }}
- ##### Title: {{ ap.title }}
- ##### Department: {{ ap.department }}
- ##### Affiliation: {{ ap.affiliation }}
- Flow_0q56tn8
- Flow_10zn0h1
- Flow_147b9li
- Flow_0tfprc8
- Flow_0nz62mu
- dc_invalid_uid or pcs_invalid_uid or acs_invalid_uid or subs_invalid_uid or aps_invalid_uid
- Select No if all displayed invalid Computing IDs do not need system access and/or receive emails. If they do, correct in Protocol Builder first and then select Yes.
-{% if dc_invalid_uid %}
-Department Chair
- {{ dc.error }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if pcs_invalid_uid %}
-Primary Coordinators
-{% for k, pc in pcs.items() %}
- {% if pc.get('uid', None) == None: %}
- {{ pc.error }}
- {% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if acs_invalid_uid %}
-Additional Coordinators
-{% for k, ac in acs.items() %}
- {% if ac.get('uid', None) == None: %}
- {{ ac.error }}
- {% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if subs_invalid_uid %}
-{% for k, sub in subs.items() %}
- {% if sub.get('uid', None) == None: %}
- {{ sub.error }}
- {% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if aps_invalid_uid %}
-Additional Personnnel
-{% for k, ap in aps.items() %}
- {% if ap.get('uid', None) == None: %}
- {{ ap.error }}
- {% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
- Flow_0nz62mu
- Flow_16bkbuc
- Flow_16bkbuc
- Flow_00zanzw
- Flow_0tsdclr
- not(FixInvalidUIDs)
- ***Name & Degree:*** {{ RO_Chair_Name_Degree }}
-***School:*** {{ RO_School }}
-***Department:*** {{ RO_Department }}
-***Title:*** {{ RO_Chair_Title }}
-***Email:*** {{ RO_Chair_CID }}
-{% if RO_Chair_CID != dc.uid %}
- *Does not match the Department Chair specified in Protocol Builder, {{ dc.display_name }}*
-{% endif %}
- Flow_0vi6thu
- Flow_1ayisx2
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/non_uva_approval/non_uva_approval.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/non_uva_approval/non_uva_approval.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index c990402e..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/non_uva_approval/non_uva_approval.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
- Flow_0je7686
- Flow_0iah4ly
- ### This step is Open when:
--"IRB Review Type" Step is Complete and IRB Review Type is 'Full Board', 'Expedited', 'Non-Engaged' or 'Exempt'.
-"Compliance Requirements Checklist (by IRB-HSR)" Step is Complete and the question "Non-UVA Institutional Approval" is 'Applicable'.
-Compliance Requirement: Certain studies require either the IRB Approval from a non-UVA site or a letter of approval from the institution of a non-UVA site.
-**Contact Information:
- Name: Eileen Sembrowich – Full Board Protocols
- Email: ecs3b@virginia.edu
- Phone: 434-243-6542
- Name: Amy Blackman – Expedited Protocols
- Email: as5v@virginia.edu
- Phone: 434-924-2546
-##Process: Upload the applicable document(s) below. The file(s) uploaded here will be automatically included in the submission to the IRB-HSR.
- Flow_0je7686
- Flow_0iah4ly
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/notifications/notifications.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/notifications/notifications.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fdbbba6..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/notifications/notifications.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
- StartEvent_1
- Activity_1qpy9ra
- Event_1m9fnmv
- Activity_0c5drp3
- Gateway_0ved0t9
- Activity_107ojvq
- Flow_0q51aiq
- Flow_0q51aiq
- Flow_1ugh4wn
- Flow_0d2snmk
- Flow_0apr3nj
- Flow_0mhtlkt
- Flow_11tnx3n
- is_study_approved == True
- Flow_0mhtlkt
- is_study_approved == False
- Flow_0d2snmk
- Flow_0apr3nj
- Your request was not approved. Try again.
- Flow_11tnx3n
- Flow_1ugh4wn
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/protocol/protocol.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/protocol/protocol.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fff3571..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/protocol/protocol.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- Flow_0kanc90
- Flow_0oswmz6
- Flow_0kanc90
- Flow_0oswmz6
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/BuildingList.xls b/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/BuildingList.xls
deleted file mode 100644
index a0b46032..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/BuildingList.xls and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-Architecture.xlsx b/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-Architecture.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bf3f6ba..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-Architecture.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-ArtsSciences.xlsx b/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-ArtsSciences.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 37ad7866..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-ArtsSciences.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-Education.xlsx b/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-Education.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cf709bd..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-Education.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-Engineering.xlsx b/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-Engineering.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 9aba2426..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-Engineering.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-Medicine.xlsx b/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-Medicine.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 41dcf3af..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-Medicine.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-ProvostOffice.xlsx b/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-ProvostOffice.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b11b695..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList-ProvostOffice.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList.xlsx b/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index b6cab681..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/DepartmentList.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/LabSpaces.xlsx b/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/LabSpaces.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 04349be1..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/LabSpaces.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/RTT_Approvers.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/RTT_Approvers.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 9df0255d..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/RTT_Approvers.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
- PISchool
- "Architecture"
- "Architecture"
- PISupervisor.data.uid
- PISupervisor.data.display_name
- "Supervisor"
- "agc9a"
- "Anselmo Canfora"
- "Associate Research Dean"
- "Arts & Sciences"
- "Arts & Sciences"
- PISupervisor.data.uid
- PISupervisor.data.display_name
- "Supervisor"
- "dh2t"
- "David Hill"
- "Associate Research Dean"
- "Commerce"
- "Commerce"
- "dcs8f"
- "David Smith"
- "Associate Research Dean"
- "n/a"
- "Darden"
- "Darden"
- "mw4m"
- "Maureen Wellen"
- "Associate Research Dean"
- "n/a"
- "Data Science"
- "Data Science"
- "cws3v"
- "Claudia Scholz"
- "Associate Research Dean"
- "n/a"
- "Education"
- "Education"
- PISupervisor.data.uid
- PISupervisor.data.display_name
- "Supervisor"
- "cpb8g"
- "Catherine Bradshaw"
- "Associate Research Dean"
- "Engineering"
- "Engineering"
- "sb5mc"
- "Susan Barker"
- "Associate Research Dean"
- "n/a"
- "Law"
- "Law"
- "kendrick"
- "Leslie Kendrick"
- "Associate Research Dean"
- "n/a"
- "Leadership & Public Policy"
- "Leadership & Public Policy"
- "jps3va"
- "Jay Shimshack"
- "Associate Research Dean"
- "n/a"
- "Medicine"
- "Medicine"
- PISupervisor.data.uid
- PISupervisor.data.display_name
- "Supervisor"
- "mas3x"
- "Margaret Shupnik"
- "Associate Research Dean"
- "Nursing"
- "Nursing"
- "jla7e"
- "Jeanne Alhusen"
- "Associate Research Dean"
- "n/a"
- "Continuing Education"
- "Continuing Education"
- "ado4v"
- "Angela Orebaugh"
- "Associate Research Dean"
- "n/a"
- "Provost Office"
- "Provost Office"
- "rammk"
- "Melur Ramasubramanian"
- "VP of Research"
- "n/a"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/ResearchRampUpPlan.docx b/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/ResearchRampUpPlan.docx
deleted file mode 100644
index 2df53330..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/ResearchRampUpPlan.docx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/SchoolList.xls b/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/SchoolList.xls
deleted file mode 100644
index ae4fd617..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/SchoolList.xls and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/exclusive_area_monitors.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/exclusive_area_monitors.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index fdf47ea3..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/exclusive_area_monitors.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- len(exclusive)
- sum([1 for x in exclusive if x.get('ExclusiveSpaceAMComputingID',None) == None])
- No exclusvie spaces without Area Monitor
- >0
- 0
- True
- One or more exclusive space without an Area Monitor
- >0
- > 0
- False
- No exclusive spaces entered
- 0
- True
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/research_rampup.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/research_rampup.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index eaa1dab7..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/research_rampup.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,998 +0,0 @@
- SequenceFlow_05ja25w
-[From Research Ramp-up Guidance](https://research.virginia.edu/research-ramp-guidance)
-#### Support
-Report problems and/or submit questions to: askresearch@virginia.edu
-#### Research Guidance
-Our general principle is that only research activities requiring on-Grounds presence would be conducted on-Grounds. All other research-related work would continue to be performed by telework until restrictions are lifted. Separate school, department and building specific plans should supplement these guidelines.
-For research that needs to be on Grounds, the plan is to ramp up in phases with emphasis on safety. The goal of this document is to provide a central framework for resuming activities while allowing for coordinated school specific implementation strategies.
-The success of the ramp up depends on each researcher placing the safety of themselves and the people around them first, while conducting their research. In order to reduce our risks as much as possible, this must be a partnership between the researchers and the administration.
-Schools are developing a process for the approval of ramp up requests and enforcement of safety guidelines described in this document. The VPR office is working with the schools to provide the necessary support for business process infrastructure, and working with the COO’s office to coordinate the acquisition of supplies necessary including face coverings and sanitizing supplies.
-**Instructions for Submitting:**
-1. The Research Ramp-up Plan allows for one request to be entered for a single Principle Investigator. In the form that follows enter the Primary Investigator this request is for and other identifying information. The PI's School and Supervisor will be used as needed for approval routing.
-2. Provide all available information in the forms that follow to provide an overview of where the research will resume, who will be involved, what supporting resources will be needed and what steps have been taken to assure compliance with [Research Ramp-up Guidance](https://research.virginia.edu/research-ramp-guidance).
-3. After all forms have been completed, you will be presented with the option to create your Research Recovery Plan in Word format. Download the document and review it. If you see any corrections that need to be made, return to the corresponding form and make the correction.
-4. Once the generated Research Recovery Plan is finalized, proceed to the Plan Submission step to submit your plan for approval.
- SequenceFlow_05ja25w
- SequenceFlow_0h50bp3
- #### Primary Investigator Information
-Enter the following information for the PI submitting this request
- SequenceFlow_0h50bp3
- Flow_16y8glw
- #### Personnel for whom you are requesting access
-Provide information on all personnel you are requesting approval for reentry into the previously entered lab, workspace and/or office space(s) for conducting research on-Grounds. (If there are personnel already working in the space, include them).
-#### Exclusive Space previously entered
-{%+ for es in exclusive %}{{ es.ExclusiveSpaceRoomID + " " + es.ExclusiveSpaceBuilding.label }}{% if loop.last %}{% else %}, {% endif %}{% else %}No exclusive space entered{% endfor %}
-#### Shared Space previously entered
-{%+ for ss in shared %}{{ ss.SharedSpaceRoomID + " " + ss.SharedSpaceBuilding.label }}{% if loop.last %}{% else %}, {% endif %}{% else %}No shared space entered.{% endfor %}
-**Note: no undergraduates will be allowed to work on-Grounds during Phase I.**
- Flow_0hc1r8a
- Flow_1yxaewj
- If applicable, provide a list of any [Core Resources](https://research.virginia.edu/research-core-resources) utilization of space and/or instruments along with the name(s) and email(s) of contact person(s) in the core with whom you have coordinated your plan. (Core facility managers are responsible for developing a plan for their space)
- Flow_1n69wsr
- Flow_13pusfu
- #### End of Research Ramp-up Plan Workflow
-Thank you for participating,
- Flow_05w8yd6
- Your Research Ramp-up Plan has been generated and is available in the Files pop-out found in the upper right hand corner of this application Click on the file name link to download the MS Word file, open and review. If changes are needed, choose the appropriate menu choice to make your edits, clicking Save when done. Note that you will need to revisit subsequent steps so the application can check to see if your edits impacted future workflow decisions. All your data will be persevered and you will need to click the Save button on each step to proceed.
-When your Research Ramp-up Plan is complete and ready to submit for review and approval, click the Continue button below.
- Flow_0aqgwvu
- Flow_1e2qi9s
- #### Space used by {{ PIComputingID.label }} and shared with other PIs. If all space is exclusive and not shared with one or more other investigators, Click Save to skip this section and proceed to the next section.
- Flow_0o4tg9g
- Flow_1n69wsr
- #### Space managed exclusively by {{ PIComputingID.label }}
-Submit one entry for each space the PI is the exclusive investigator. If all space is shared with one or more other investigators, click Save to skip this section and proceed to the Shared Space section.
- Flow_0uc4o6c
- Flow_0o4tg9g
- Flow_13pusfu
- Flow_0hc1r8a
- #### Distancing requirements:
-Maintain social distancing by designing space between people to be at least 9 feet during prolonged work which will be accomplished by restricting the number of people in the lab to a density of ~250 sq. ft. /person in lab areas. When moving around, a minimum of 6 feet social distancing is required. Ideally only one person per lab bench and not more than one person can work at the same time in the same bay.
- Flow_1itd8db
- Flow_1lo964l
- Describe physical work arrangements for each lab, workspace and/or office space previously entered. Show schematic of the space organization to meet the distancing guidelines (see key safety expectations for ramp-up).
-- Show gross dimensions, location of desks, and equipment in blocks (not details) that show available space for work and foot traffic.
-- Indicate total square footage for every lab/space that you are requesting adding personnel to in this application. If you would like help obtaining a floor plan for your lab, your department or deans office can help. You can also create a hand drawing/block diagram of your space and the location of objects on a graph paper.
-- Upload your physical layout and workspace organization in the form of a jpg image or a pdf file. This can be hand-drawn or actual floor plans.
-- Show and/or describe designated work location for each member (during their shift) in the lab when multiple members are present at a time to meet the distancing guidelines.
-- Provide a foot traffic plan (on the schematic) to indicate how people can move around while maintaining distancing requirements. This can be a freeform sketch on your floor plan showing where foot traffic can occur in your lab, and conditions, if any, to ensure distancing at all times. (e.g., direction to walk around a lab bench, rules for using shared equipment located in the lab, certain areas of lab prohibited from access, etc.).
- Flow_1lo964l
- Flow_0wgdxa6
- #### Health Safety Requirements:
-Use the EHS [Lab Safety Plan During COVID 19 template](https://www.google.com/url?q=http://ehs.virginia.edu/files/Lab-Safety-Plan-During-COVID-19.docx&source=gmail&ust=1590687968958000&usg=AFQjCNE83uGDFtxGkKaxjuXGhTocu-FDmw) to create and upload a copy of your laboratory policy statement to all members which includes at a minimum the following details:
-- Laboratory face covering rules, use of other PPE use as required
-- Adherence to individual schedules, check-in, check out requirements
-- Completion of online EHS safety training requirement
-- Health self-attestation requirement
-- Sanitizing procedures including frequency and type of disinfectants to use
-- Where and how to obtain PPE including face covering
- Flow_0wgdxa6
- Flow_0judgmp
- Flow_0judgmp
- Flow_11uqavk
- #### By submitting this request, you understand that every member listed in this form for on Grounds laboratory access will:
-- Complete [online COVID awareness & precaution training module](https://researchcompliance.web.virginia.edu/training_html5/module_content/154/index.cfm)
-- Complete daily health acknowledgement form signed (electronically) –email generated daily to those listed on your plan for access to on Grounds lab/research space
-- Fill out daily work attendance log for all lab members following your school process to check-in and out of work each day.
- Flow_08njvvi
- Flow_0j4rs82
- #### Script Task
-This step is internal to the system and do not require and user interaction
- Flow_11uqavk
- Flow_0aqgwvu
- complete_template('ResearchRampUpPlan.docx','RESEARCH_RAMPUP')
- #### Approval Process
-The Research Ramp-up Plan and associated documents will be reviewed by{{ " " + ApprvlApprvrName1 }}{{ '.' if ApprvlApprvrName2 == 'n/a' else ' and ' + ApprvlApprvrName2 + '.' }}
-While waiting for approval, be sure that all required training has been completed and supplies secured. Additionally, if any Area Monitors were not known prior to submission, they will need to be discovered before proceeding.
-When the approval email notification is received, confirming the three questions below and adding any missing Area Monitors will enable the Save button.
-If a rejection notification is received, go back to the first step that needs to be addressed and step through each subsequent form from that point.
- SequenceFlow_0qc39tw
- #### Business Rule Task
-This step is internal to the system and do not require and user interaction
- Flow_1e2qi9s
- Flow_08njvvi
- ### Stay Here, In Case Something Changes
-If anything changes in the Research Ramp-up Plan submitted, click **Start over** at the top of the menu and step through each form, updating as needed. Data will be preserved, so if no changes are needed on a specific form, click Save and proceed.
-If notification is received that the Research Ramp-up Plan approval process is no longer required, click Continue to close out the workflow process.
- Flow_0cpmvcw
- Flow_05w8yd6
- #### Ready to Ramp-up Research
-Notify the Area Monitor for
-#### Exclusive Space
-{%+ for es in exclusive %}{{ es.ExclusiveSpaceRoomID + " " + es.ExclusiveSpaceBuilding.label + " - " }}{% if es.ExclusiveSpaceAMComputingID is not defined %}No Area Monitor entered{% else %}{{ es.ExclusiveSpaceAMComputingID.label }}{% endif %}{% if loop.last %}{% else %}, {% endif %}{% else %}No exclusive space entered{% endfor %}
-#### Shared Space
-{%+ for ss in shared %}{{ ss.SharedSpaceRoomID + " " + ss.SharedSpaceBuilding.label + " - " }}{% if ss.SharedSpaceAMComputingID is not defined %}No Area Monitor entered{% else %}{{ ss.SharedSpaceAMComputingID.label }}{% endif %}{% if loop.last %}{% else %}, {% endif %}{% else %}No shared space entered.{% endfor %}
- SequenceFlow_0qc39tw
- Flow_0cpmvcw
- #### Script Task
-This step is internal to the system and do not require and user interaction
- Flow_0j4rs82
- Flow_07ge8uf
- request_approval('ApprvlApprvr1','ApprvlApprvr2')
- #### Script Task
-This step is internal to the system and do not require and user interaction
- Flow_16y8glw
- Flow_0uc4o6c
- update_study('title:PIComputingID.label','pi:PIComputingID.value')
- #### Weekly Personnel Schedule(s)
-Provide initial weekly schedule(s) for the PI and all personnel for whom access has been requested, indicating each space they will be working in and all shifts, if applicable.
-##### Personnel and spaces they will work in previously entered
-{%+ for p in personnel %}{{ p.PersonnelComputingID.label + " - " + p.PersonnelSpace }}{% if loop.last %}{% else %}; {% endif %}{% endfor %}
-**Note:** If any schedule changes after approval, please re-submit revised schedule(s) here for re-approval.
- Flow_1yxaewj
- Flow_1itd8db
- #### Business Rule Task
-This step is internal to the system and do not require and user interaction
- Flow_07ge8uf
- Flow_0peeyne
- #### Business Rule Task
-This step is internal to the system and do not require and user interaction
- Flow_0peeyne
- Flow_0tqna2m
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/shared_area_monitors.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/shared_area_monitors.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fcf28f3..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/shared_area_monitors.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- len(shared)
- sum([1 for x in shared if x.get('SharedSpaceAMComputingID',None) == None])
- No shared spaces without Area Monitor
- >0
- 0
- True
- One or more shared space without an Area Monitor
- >0
- > 0
- False
- No shared spaces entered
- 0
- True
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/rrt_top_level_workflow/rrt_top_level_workflow.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/rrt_top_level_workflow/rrt_top_level_workflow.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 26b2fe37..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/rrt_top_level_workflow/rrt_top_level_workflow.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- SequenceFlow_0lvudp8
- SequenceFlow_0lvudp8
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/rsc_hire_committee/decision_support_lang.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/rsc_hire_committee/decision_support_lang.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cdf8082..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/rsc_hire_committee/decision_support_lang.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- FormField_TemplateType
- A
- "A"
- "This study involves radiation exposure from (insert type of procedure(s) involving radiation exposure). As part of everyday living, everyone is exposed to a small amount of background radiation. Background radiation comes from space and naturally-occurring radioactive minerals. The radiation dose you will receive in this study will give your body the equivalent of about (insert number of days) worth of this natural radiation. This radiation dose is what you will receive from this study only and does not include any exposure you may have received or will receive from other tests. The risk from this dose is considered small. This radiation exposure is not necessary for your medical care but is necessary to obtain the research information desired."
- B
- "B"
- "This study involves radiation exposure from (insert maximum number) injections (scans or repetition) of (insert quantity of radioactive material, in units of millicuries; or type of x-ray procedure).[Using the standard way of describing radiation dose, from participating in this study, you will receive a total of XX rem to your (insert highest-dosed organ), XX rem to your (insert 2nd highest-dosed organ), and XX rem to your (insert 3rd highest-dosed organ). All other organs will receive smaller amounts of radiation.][Although each organ will receive a different dose,] the total effective radiation dose you will receive from these procedures is approximately XX rem. For comparison this dose is (XX times or XX% of) the annual radiation dose safely allowed for a radiation worker such as the person performing your (type of procedure). This radiation dose is what you will receive from this study only and does not include any exposure you may have received or will receive from other tests. The precise risk from this dose is not known but is thought to be small. This radiation exposure is not necessary for your medical care but is necessary to obtain the research information desired.If you are pregnant [or breastfeeding], you may not participate in this research study. It is best to avoid radiation exposure to unborn [or nursing] children since they are more sensitive to radiation than adults."
- C
- "C"
- "This study involves radiation exposure from (insert maximum number) injections (scans or repetition) of (insert quantity of radioactive material, in units of millicuries; or type of x-ray procedure). Optional paragraph: Some organs will receive higher doses than others. you will receive of XX mSv to your (insert highest-dosed organ), XX mSv to your (insert 2nd highest-dosed organ), and XX mSv to your (insert 3rd highest-dosed organ). All other organs will receive smaller amounts of radiation.] The total effective radiation dose you will receive from these scans is approximately (insert effective dose in mSv). For comparison, this dose is about (insert fraction of or multiple of) the annual radiation dose that is safely allowed for a radiation worker such as the person performing your scans. The precise risk from this dose is not known but is thought to be small. This radiation dose is what you will receive from this study only and does not include any exposure you may have received or will receive from other tests. This radiation exposure is not necessary for your medical care but is necessary to obtain the research information desired If you are pregnant [or breastfeeding], you may not participate in this research study. It is best to avoid radiation exposure to unborn [or nursing] children since they are more sensitive to radiation than adults. Optional language if total dose is uncertain, therapy doses, etc.: This study involves radiation exposure from (insert type of X-ray procedure) of your (insert area of the body). The total effective radiation dose from just one of each of these scans is approximately (insert dose). The highest radiation doses are from the (insert type of X-ray procedure). Additional scans and X-rays will add additional dose. It is uncertain how many CTs and X-rays total you will need throughout the study. The possible benefits from the study should be weighed against the possible detrimental effects of radiation, including an increased risk of cancer at higher doses."
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/rsc_hire_committee/rsc_hire_committee.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/rsc_hire_committee/rsc_hire_committee.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 212381b6..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/rsc_hire_committee/rsc_hire_committee.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
- SequenceFlow_1u26ez2
- Study Submission Information
- SequenceFlow_1u26ez2
- SequenceFlow_0pvs9wf
- Committee Use Only - This information is visible to RSC/HIRE Committee ONLY
- SequenceFlow_0pvs9wf
- SequenceFlow_1hpxwjq
- SequenceFlow_1hpxwjq
- SequenceFlow_0schnpa
- SequenceFlow_154begm
- SequenceFlow_0u20usi
- SequenceFlow_154begm
- Select the appropriate Template Type above and click on "Save" button to populate the template language in the HIRE Language comment box below. You can modify the language after it populates.
- SequenceFlow_0schnpa
- SequenceFlow_1vnyvmm
- SequenceFlow_1vnyvmm
- SequenceFlow_0zc6cpl
- SequenceFlow_0zc6cpl
- SequenceFlow_0u20usi
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/rsc_hire_submission/rsc_hire_submission.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/rsc_hire_submission/rsc_hire_submission.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 18ed29ee..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/rsc_hire_submission/rsc_hire_submission.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,649 +0,0 @@
- SequenceFlow_1nb6x3j
- SequenceFlow_1nb6x3j
- SequenceFlow_16zylv9
- SequenceFlow_0axqq3n
- SequenceFlow_1dpvcrk
- SequenceFlow_1tp34xd
- SequenceFlow_0vpyif1
- SequenceFlow_0b8878r
- SequenceFlow_1vo8e1w
- #### X-Ray: Greater than Standard Radiation - For Research Purposes Only
-For Questions regarding X-Ray, contact Anthony Calise at x36736.
-This is only for X-Rays ABOVE and BEYOND those listed in the Standard Radiation Language Step. If you are not performing any X-Rays over and above those, you do not have to fill in this section.
- SequenceFlow_16zylv9
- SequenceFlow_0c4npmv
- SequenceFlow_0c4npmv
- SequenceFlow_0t4dipd
- SequenceFlow_00swv5c
- SequenceFlow_1ixebr8
- SequenceFlow_1tepjsx
- SequenceFlow_0ycwc3w
- SequenceFlow_1n61ws1
- SequenceFlow_0oaa5d7
- #### Computed Tomography: Greater than Standard radiation - For Research Purposes Only
-For Questions regarding Computed Tomography, contact Lorie Hubbard at x20519.
-This is only for CTs ABOVE and BEYOND those listed in the Standard Radiation Language Step. If you are not performing any CTs over and above those, you do not have to fill in this section. Identify any CT Angiograms that you did NOT already identify on the Standard Radiation Language Step in this section.
- SequenceFlow_0axqq3n
- SequenceFlow_0t4dipd
- #### Fluoroscopy: Greater than Standard radiation - For Research Purposes Only
-For Questions regarding Fluoroscopy procedures, contact Allen Goode at x42163.
-This is only for Fluoroscopy test ABOVE and BEYOND those listed in the Standard Radiation Language Step. If you are not performing any Fluoroscopy over and above those, you do not have to fill in this section.
- SequenceFlow_1dpvcrk
- SequenceFlow_00swv5c
- #### Mammography: Greater than Standard radiation - For Research Purposes Only
-For Questions concerning Mammography procedures, contact Pat Gaspard x31805.
-This is only for mammography ABOVE and BEYOND those listed in the Standard Radiation Language Step. If you are not performing anything over and above those, you do not have to fill in this section
- SequenceFlow_1tp34xd
- SequenceFlow_1ixebr8
- #### Nuclear Medicine Imaging
- SequenceFlow_0vpyif1
- SequenceFlow_1tepjsx
- #### Radiopharmaceuticals
-This area is only for off label use or non-FDA approved imaging, or if you are in any way using radioactivity that is not covered previously.
- SequenceFlow_0b8878r
- SequenceFlow_1n61ws1
- #### Radiation Therapy
- SequenceFlow_1vo8e1w
- SequenceFlow_0ycwc3w
- ### RSC / HIRE
- SequenceFlow_0oaa5d7
- SequenceFlow_0f9d82z
- SequenceFlow_0f9d82z
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/sponsor_funding_source/SponsorList.xls b/crc/static/bpmn/sponsor_funding_source/SponsorList.xls
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ab62705..00000000
Binary files a/crc/static/bpmn/sponsor_funding_source/SponsorList.xls and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/sponsor_funding_source/sponsor_funding_source.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/sponsor_funding_source/sponsor_funding_source.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 25eb7741..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/sponsor_funding_source/sponsor_funding_source.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
- SequenceFlow_17znkku
- Flow_13604n2
- SequenceFlow_1n3utyf
- Flow_030v94s
- Flow_0hdjgx6
- Flow_1l3gw28
- SequenceFlow_17znkku
- Flow_13604n2
- Flow_0hdjgx6
- SequenceFlow_1n3utyf
- Flow_1l3gw28
- Flow_030v94s
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/data_security_plan.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/data_security_plan.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index c2cbf6c7..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/data_security_plan.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- documents['Study_DataSecurityPlan']['required']
- true
- "required"
- "optional"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/enter_core_info.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/enter_core_info.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 1337e03f..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/enter_core_info.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- documents['UVACompl_PRCAppr']['required']
- Core information is always required.
- "required"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/ide_supplement.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/ide_supplement.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 006b030c..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/ide_supplement.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/ids_full_submission.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/ids_full_submission.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 27cb3ce1..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/ids_full_submission.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- documents.UVACompl_IDSWaiverApp.required
- IDS Full Submission hidden
- True
- "hidden"
- IDS Full Submission required
- False
- "required"
- IDS Full Submission disabled
- "disabled"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/ids_waiver.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/ids_waiver.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index cc62a6ce..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/ids_waiver.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- documents.UVACompl_IDSWaiverApp.required
- IDS Waiver required
- True
- "required"
- IDS Waiver hidden
- False
- "hidden"
- IDS Waiver disabled
- "disabled"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/ind_update.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/ind_update.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 5443fd84..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/ind_update.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- details.IS_IND
- IND in study per PB
- 1
- "required"
- IND not in study per PB
- 0
- "hidden"
- IND question has not been answered in PB
- "disabled"
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/personnel.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/personnel.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index 127c6333..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/personnel.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- investigators
- 'required'
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/sponsor_funding_source.dmn b/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/sponsor_funding_source.dmn
deleted file mode 100644
index ef435a9d..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/sponsor_funding_source.dmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/top_level_workflow.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/top_level_workflow.bpmn
deleted file mode 100644
index e7b71a85..00000000
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/top_level_workflow/top_level_workflow.bpmn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
- SequenceFlow_1ees8ka
- Flow_1ybicki
- SequenceFlow_1ees8ka
- SequenceFlow_17ct47v
- documents = study_info('documents')
- Flow_1m8285h
- Flow_1sggkit
- Flow_1sggkit
- Flow_0x9580l
- Flow_1bdr0gi
- Flow_18pax8n
- Flow_0pwtiqm
- SequenceFlow_17ct47v
- Flow_1m8285h
- Flow_18pl92p
- Flow_1tgxyp5
- Flow_0lrz4jq
- Flow_1tgxyp5
- Flow_1bdr0gi
- Flow_0lrz4jq
- Flow_18pax8n
- Flow_0pwtiqm
- Flow_0eq6px2
- details = study_info('details')
- Flow_14ce1d7
- Flow_0ffvg2f
- Flow_1jini69
- Flow_145qxh8
- Flow_0eq6px2
- Flow_14ce1d7
- Flow_1jini69
- Flow_145qxh8
- Flow_0ffvg2f
- Flow_1qyrmzn
- Flow_1qyrmzn
- Flow_0vo6ul1
- investigators = study_info('investigators')
- Flow_0vo6ul1
- Flow_1ybicki
- Loads information from the Protocol Builder
- Include only automatic tasks, no user input is accepted for the Master workflow
- All workflows available in the sytem are considered "optional" by default. Use decision tables here to alter that state if needed. Alternate values include: "hidden" (do not show by them initially), "required" (must be completed), "disabled" (visible, but can not be started yet)