diff --git a/crc/services/workflow_processor.py b/crc/services/workflow_processor.py
index 63113aa7..165d3313 100644
--- a/crc/services/workflow_processor.py
+++ b/crc/services/workflow_processor.py
@@ -33,27 +33,27 @@ class CustomBpmnScriptEngine(BpmnScriptEngine):
def execute(self, task: SpiffTask, script, data):
- Assume that the script read in from the BPMN file is a fully qualified python class. Instantiate
- that class, pass in any data available to the current task so that it might act on it.
- Assume that the class implements the "do_task" method.
- This allows us to reference custom code from the BPMN diagram.
+ Functions in two modes.
+ 1. If the command is proceeded by #! then this is assumed to be a python script, and will
+ attempt to load that python module and execute the do_task method on that script. Scripts
+ must be located in the scripts package and they must extend the script.py class.
+ 2. If not proceeded by the #! this will attempt to execute the script directly and assumes it is
+ valid Python.
# Shlex splits the whole string while respecting double quoted strings within
- commands = shlex.split(script)
- failedOnce = False
- prevError = ''
- if commands[0] != '#!':
+ if not script.startswith('#!'):
- super().execute(task,script,data)
+ super().execute(task, script, data)
except SyntaxError as e:
- failedOnce = True
- prevError = script
- app.logger.warning('We experienced a syntax error, but we are going to try the old method on '
- '"%s"'%script)
+ raise ApiError.from_task('syntax_error',
+ f'If you are running a pre-defined script, please'
+ f' proceed the script with "#!", otherwise this is assumed to be'
+ f' pure python: {script}, {e.msg}', task=task)
- commands = commands[1:]
+ self.run_predefined_script(task, script[2:], data) # strip off the first two characters.
+ def run_predefined_script(self, task: SpiffTask, script, data):
+ commands = shlex.split(script)
path_and_command = commands[0].rsplit(".", 1)
if len(path_and_command) == 1:
module_name = "crc.scripts." + self.camel_to_snake(path_and_command[0])
@@ -83,10 +83,6 @@ class CustomBpmnScriptEngine(BpmnScriptEngine):
klass().do_task(task, study_id, workflow_id, *commands[1:])
except ModuleNotFoundError:
- if failedOnce:
- raise ApiError.from_task("invalid_script",
- "Script had a syntax error: '%s'" % (prevError),
- task=task)
raise ApiError.from_task("invalid_script",
"Unable to locate Script: '%s:%s'" % (module_name, class_name),
diff --git a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/research_rampup.bpmn b/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/research_rampup.bpmn
index 5a4bb1bc..4a04eb6d 100644
--- a/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/research_rampup.bpmn
+++ b/crc/static/bpmn/research_rampup/research_rampup.bpmn
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ Notify the Area Monitor for
This step is internal to the system and do not require and user interaction
- RequestApproval ApprvlApprvr1 ApprvlApprvr2
+ #!RequestApproval ApprvlApprvr1 ApprvlApprvr2
#### Script Task
diff --git a/tests/workflow/test_workflow_spec_validation_api.py b/tests/workflow/test_workflow_spec_validation_api.py
index 597c4aa1..00406f5b 100644
--- a/tests/workflow/test_workflow_spec_validation_api.py
+++ b/tests/workflow/test_workflow_spec_validation_api.py
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ class TestWorkflowSpecValidation(BaseTest):
self.assertEqual(0, len(errors), json.dumps(errors))
def test_invalid_expression(self):
errors = self.validate_workflow("invalid_expression")
@@ -103,12 +102,10 @@ class TestWorkflowSpecValidation(BaseTest):
errors = self.validate_workflow("invalid_script2")
self.assertEqual(2, len(errors))
self.assertEqual("error_loading_workflow", errors[0]['code'])
- self.assertTrue("syntax error" in errors[0]['message'])
self.assertEqual("Invalid_Script_Task", errors[0]['task_id'])
self.assertEqual("An Invalid Script Reference", errors[0]['task_name'])
self.assertEqual("invalid_script2.bpmn", errors[0]['file_name'])
def test_repeating_sections_correctly_populated(self):
spec_model = self.load_test_spec('repeat_form')