When retrieving the study, only update the status of underlying workflows if specifically requested.

Record the size of a file in the database for quick access (this helps with a frontend refactor, so it isn't downloading the file just to see it's size)
Cleaning up the timing/performance metric reporting to make it easier to read.
Fixing a bug that prevented non-admins for getting the document-directory
This commit is contained in:
Dan 2021-04-30 11:55:12 -04:00
parent 71a63c049d
commit a719cf4bf9
10 changed files with 62 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ paths:
type : integer
operationId: crc.api.file.get_document_directory
- auth_admin: ['secret']
summary: Returns a directory of all files for study in a nested structure
- Document Categories
@ -349,6 +351,12 @@ paths:
type: integer
format: int32
- name: update_status
in: query
required: false
description: If set to true, will synch the study with protocol builder and assure the status of all workflows is up to date (expensive).
type: boolean
operationId: crc.api.study.get_study
summary: Provides a single study

View File

@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ def update_study(study_id, body):
return StudySchema().dump(study)
def get_study(study_id):
study = StudyService.get_study(study_id)
def get_study(study_id, update_status=False):
study = StudyService.get_study(study_id, do_status=update_status)
if (study is None):
raise ApiError("unknown_study", 'The study "' + study_id + '" is not recognized.', status_code=404)
return StudySchema().dump(study)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import enum
from typing import cast
from marshmallow import INCLUDE, EXCLUDE
from marshmallow import INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, fields, Schema
from marshmallow_enum import EnumField
from marshmallow_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemyAutoSchema
from sqlalchemy import func, Index
@ -65,11 +65,13 @@ class FileDataModel(db.Model):
md5_hash = db.Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), unique=False, nullable=False)
data = deferred(db.Column(db.LargeBinary)) # Don't load it unless you have to.
version = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)
size = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)
date_created = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True), default=func.now())
file_model_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('file.id'))
file_model = db.relationship("FileModel", foreign_keys=[file_model_id])
class FileModel(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'file'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
@ -117,11 +119,13 @@ class File(object):
if data_model:
instance.last_modified = data_model.date_created
instance.latest_version = data_model.version
instance.size = data_model.size
instance.last_modified = None
instance.latest_version = None
return instance
class FileModelSchema(SQLAlchemyAutoSchema):
class Meta:
model = FileModel
@ -132,17 +136,19 @@ class FileModelSchema(SQLAlchemyAutoSchema):
type = EnumField(FileType)
class FileSchema(ma.Schema):
class FileSchema(Schema):
class Meta:
model = File
fields = ["id", "name", "is_status", "is_reference", "content_type",
"primary", "primary_process_id", "workflow_spec_id", "workflow_id",
"irb_doc_code", "last_modified", "latest_version", "type", "categories",
"description", "category", "description", "download_name"]
"description", "category", "description", "download_name", "size"]
unknown = INCLUDE
type = EnumField(FileType)
class LookupFileModel(db.Model):
"""Gives us a quick way to tell what kind of lookup is set on a form field.
Connected to the file data model, so that if a new version of the same file is

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ def firsttime():
def sincetime(txt,lasttime):
print('%s runtime was %2f'%(txt,thistime-lasttime))
print('%2.4f sec | %s' % (thistime-lasttime, txt))
return thistime
def timeit(f):
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ def timeit(f):
ts = time.time()
result = f(*args, **kw)
te = time.time()
print('func:%r args:[%r, %r] took: %2.4f sec' % (f.__name__, args, kw, te-ts))
print('%2.4f sec | func:%r args:[%r, %r] ' % (te-ts, f.__name__, args, kw))
return result
return timed

View File

@ -175,6 +175,8 @@ class FileService(object):
md5_checksum = UUID(hashlib.md5(binary_data).hexdigest())
size = len(binary_data)
if (latest_data_model is not None) and (md5_checksum == latest_data_model.md5_hash):
# This file does not need to be updated, it's the same file. If it is arhived,
# then de-arvhive it.
@ -210,7 +212,8 @@ class FileService(object):
new_file_data_model = FileDataModel(
data=binary_data, file_model_id=file_model.id, file_model=file_model,
version=version, md5_hash=md5_checksum, date_created=datetime.now()
version=version, md5_hash=md5_checksum, date_created=datetime.now(),
session.add_all([file_model, new_file_data_model])

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class StudyService(object):
return studies
def get_study(study_id, study_model: StudyModel = None, do_status=True):
def get_study(study_id, study_model: StudyModel = None, do_status=False):
"""Returns a study model that contains all the workflows organized by category.
IMPORTANT: This is intended to be a lightweight call, it should never involve
loading up and executing all the workflows in a study to calculate information."""

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class CustomBpmnScriptEngine(BpmnScriptEngine):
return self.evaluate_expression(task, expression)
def execute(self, task: SpiffTask, script, data):
study_id = task.workflow.data[WorkflowProcessor.STUDY_ID_KEY]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"""empty message
Revision ID: 62910318009f
Revises: 665624ac29f1
Create Date: 2021-04-28 14:09:57.648732
from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa
# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = '62910318009f'
down_revision = '665624ac29f1'
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None
def upgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
op.add_column('file_data', sa.Column('size', sa.Integer(), nullable=True))
# ### end Alembic commands ###
def downgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
op.drop_column('file_data', 'size')
# ### end Alembic commands ###

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class TestFileService(BaseTest):
file_data = FileService.get_workflow_data_files(workflow_id=workflow.id)
self.assertEqual(1, len(file_data))
self.assertEqual(2, file_data[0].version)
self.assertEquals(4, file_data[0].size) # File dat size is included.
def test_add_file_from_form_increments_version_and_replaces_on_subsequent_add_with_same_name(self):

View File

@ -181,11 +181,11 @@ class TestFilesApi(BaseTest):
data['file'] = io.BytesIO(self.minimal_bpmn("abcdef")), 'my_new_file.bpmn'
rv = self.app.post('/v1.0/file?workflow_spec_id=%s' % spec.id, data=data, follow_redirects=True,
content_type='multipart/form-data', headers=self.logged_in_headers())
json_data = json.loads(rv.get_data(as_text=True))
file = FileModelSchema().load(json_data, session=session)
file_json = json.loads(rv.get_data(as_text=True))
self.assertEquals(80, file_json['size'])
data['file'] = io.BytesIO(self.minimal_bpmn("efghijk")), 'my_new_file.bpmn'
rv = self.app.put('/v1.0/file/%i/data' % file.id, data=data, follow_redirects=True,
rv = self.app.put('/v1.0/file/%i/data' % file_json['id'], data=data, follow_redirects=True,
content_type='multipart/form-data', headers=self.logged_in_headers())
@ -193,14 +193,14 @@ class TestFilesApi(BaseTest):
self.assertEqual(2, file_json['latest_version'])
self.assertEqual(FileType.bpmn.value, file_json['type'])
self.assertEqual("application/octet-stream", file_json['content_type'])
self.assertEqual(spec.id, file.workflow_spec_id)
self.assertEqual(spec.id, file_json['workflow_spec_id'])
# Assure it is updated in the database and properly persisted.
file_model = session.query(FileModel).filter(FileModel.id == file.id).first()
file_model = session.query(FileModel).filter(FileModel.id == file_json['id']).first()
file_data = FileService.get_file_data(file_model.id)
self.assertEqual(2, file_data.version)
rv = self.app.get('/v1.0/file/%i/data' % file.id, headers=self.logged_in_headers())
rv = self.app.get('/v1.0/file/%i/data' % file_json['id'], headers=self.logged_in_headers())
data = rv.get_data()