Removed script used in development

This commit is contained in:
mike cullerton 2021-09-07 15:36:50 -04:00
parent 7211a1de46
commit a690535c2d
1 changed files with 0 additions and 134 deletions

View File

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
from crc.models.file import FileModel, FileDataModel
from crc.models.workflow import WorkflowSpecModel
from crc.scripts.script import Script
from import FileService
from crc import app, session
from lxml import etree
from io import StringIO, BytesIO
import pandas as pd
import os
import random
import string
class DMNFromSpreadSheet(Script):
def _get_random_string(self, length):
return ''.join(
[random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in range(length)])
def _row_has_value(self, values):
for item in values:
if not pd.isnull(item):
return True
return False
def get_description(self):
"""Create a DMN table from a spreadsheet"""
def do_task_validate_only(self, task, study_id, workflow_id, *args, **kwargs):
def do_task(self, task, study_id, workflow_id, *args, **kwargs):
# ss_file_path = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static', 'spreadsheet_to_dmn.xlsx')
# ss_file_path = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static', 'New_test_budget_spreadsheet.xlsx')
# ss_file_path = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static', 'large_test_spreadsheet.xlsx')
# ss_file_path = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static', 'DMN_Upload_CRC_Orgs.xlsx')
# ss_file_path = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static', 'DMN_Upload_Org_Enums.xlsx')
file_id = kwargs['file_id']
dmn_name = kwargs['dmn_name']
file_data_model = session.query(FileDataModel).filter(FileDataModel.file_model_id == file_id).first()
file_data =
df = pd.read_excel(file_data, header=None)
root = etree.Element("definitions",
decision_name = df.iat[0, 1]
decision_id = df.iat[1, 1]
decision = etree.SubElement(root, "decision",
decision_table = etree.SubElement(decision, 'decisionTable', id='decisionTable_1')
input_output = df.iloc[2][1:]
count = 1
input_count = 1
output_count = 1
for item in input_output:
if item == 'Input':
label = df.iloc[3, count]
input_ = etree.SubElement(decision_table, 'input', id=f'input_{input_count}', label=label)
type_ref = df.iloc[5, count]
input_expression = etree.SubElement(input_, 'inputExpression', id=f'inputExpression_{input_count}',
expression = df.iloc[4, count]
expression_text = etree.SubElement(input_expression, 'text')
expression_text.text = expression
input_count += 1
elif item == 'Output':
label = df.iloc[3, count]
name = df.iloc[4, count]
type_ref =df.iloc[5, count]
decision_table.append(etree.Element('output', id=f'output_{output_count}',
label=label, name=name, typeRef=type_ref))
output_count += 1
elif item == 'Annotation':
column_count = count
count += 1
row = 6
while row < df.shape[0]:
column = 1
row_values = df.iloc[row].values[1:column_count]
if self._row_has_value(row_values):
rando = self._get_random_string(7).lower()
rule = etree.SubElement(decision_table, 'rule', id=f'DecisionRule_{rando}')
i = 1
while i < input_count:
input_entry = etree.SubElement(rule, 'inputEntry', id=f'UnaryTests_{self._get_random_string(7)}')
text_element = etree.SubElement(input_entry, 'text')
text_element.text = str(df.iloc[row, column]) if not pd.isnull(df.iloc[row, column]) else ''
i += 1
column += 1
i = 1
while i < output_count:
output_entry = etree.SubElement(rule, 'outputEntry', id=f'LiteralExpression_{self._get_random_string(7)}')
text_element = etree.SubElement(output_entry, 'text')
text_element.text = str(df.iloc[row, column]) if not pd.isnull(df.iloc[row, column]) else ''
i += 1
column += 1
description = etree.SubElement(rule, 'description')
text = df.iloc[row, column] if not pd.isnull(df.iloc[row, column]) else ''
description.text = text
row += 1
filename = 'test_dmn.dmn'
primary = False
content_type = 'text/xml'
prefix = b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
file_data = prefix + etree.tostring(root)
data = {'file': (BytesIO(file_data), filename)}
file = BytesIO(file_data)
workflow_spec = session.query(WorkflowSpecModel).first()
uploaded = session.query(FileModel).filter(FileModel.workflow_spec_id == == filename).first()
if uploaded:
file_model = FileService.update_file(uploaded,, content_type)
file_model = FileService.add_workflow_spec_file(workflow_spec, filename, content_type,, primary=primary)
print('dmn from spreadsheet')