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import logging
import re
2020-06-30 12:24:48 -04:00
from collections import OrderedDict
import pandas as pd
import numpy
from pandas import ExcelFile
from pandas._libs.missing import NA
from sqlalchemy import desc
from sqlalchemy.sql.functions import GenericFunction
from crc import db
from crc.api.common import ApiError
from crc.models.api_models import Task
from crc.models.file import FileModel, FileDataModel, LookupFileModel, LookupDataModel
from crc.models.workflow import WorkflowModel, WorkflowSpecDependencyFile
from import FileService
from import LdapService
from import WorkflowProcessor
class TSRank(GenericFunction):
package = 'full_text'
name = 'ts_rank'
class LookupService(object):
"""Provides tools for doing lookups for auto-complete fields, and rapid access to any
uploaded spreadsheets.
This can currently take three forms:
1) Lookup from spreadsheet data associated with a workflow specification.
in which case we store the spreadsheet data in a lookup table with full
text indexing enabled, and run searches against that table.
2) Lookup from spreadsheet data associated with a specific file. This allows us
to get a lookup model for a specific file object, such as a reference file.
2) Lookup from LDAP records. In which case we call out to an external service
to pull back detailed records and return them.
I could imagine this growing to include other external services as tools to handle
lookup fields. I could also imagine using some sort of local cache so we don't
unnecessarily pound on external services for repeat searches for the same records.
def get_lookup_model(spiff_task, field):
workflow_id =[WorkflowProcessor.WORKFLOW_ID_KEY]
workflow = db.session.query(WorkflowModel).filter( == workflow_id).first()
return LookupService.__get_lookup_model(workflow,,
def get_lookup_model_for_file_data(file_data: FileDataModel, value_column, label_column):
lookup_model = db.session.query(LookupFileModel).filter(LookupFileModel.file_data_model_id ==
if not lookup_model:
logging.warning("!!!! Making a very expensive call to update the lookup model.")
lookup_model = LookupService.build_lookup_table(file_data, value_column, label_column)
return lookup_model
def __get_lookup_model(workflow, task_spec_id, field_id):
lookup_model = db.session.query(LookupFileModel) \
.filter(LookupFileModel.workflow_spec_id == workflow.workflow_spec_id) \
.filter(LookupFileModel.field_id == field_id) \
.filter(LookupFileModel.task_spec_id == task_spec_id) \
# one more quick query, to see if the lookup file is still related to this workflow.
# if not, we need to rebuild the lookup table.
is_current = False
if lookup_model:
is_current = db.session.query(WorkflowSpecDependencyFile). \
filter(WorkflowSpecDependencyFile.file_data_id == lookup_model.file_data_model_id).\
filter(WorkflowSpecDependencyFile.workflow_id ==
if not is_current:
# Very very very expensive, but we don't know need this till we do.
logging.warning("!!!! Making a very expensive call to update the lookup models.")
lookup_model = LookupService.create_lookup_model(workflow, task_spec_id, field_id)
return lookup_model
def lookup(workflow, task_spec_id, field_id, query, value=None, limit=10):
lookup_model = LookupService.__get_lookup_model(workflow, task_spec_id, field_id)
if lookup_model.is_ldap:
return LookupService._run_ldap_query(query, limit)
return LookupService._run_lookup_query(lookup_model, query, value, limit)
def create_lookup_model(workflow_model, task_spec_id, field_id):
This is all really expensive, but should happen just once (per file change).
Checks to see if the options are provided in a separate lookup table associated with the workflow, and if so,
assures that data exists in the database, and return a model than can be used to locate that data.
Returns: an array of LookupData, suitable for returning to the API.
processor = WorkflowProcessor(workflow_model) # VERY expensive, Ludicrous for lookup / type ahead
spec, field = processor.find_spec_and_field(task_spec_id, field_id)
# Clear out all existing lookup models for this workflow and field.
existing_models = db.session.query(LookupFileModel) \
.filter(LookupFileModel.workflow_spec_id == workflow_model.workflow_spec_id) \
.filter(LookupFileModel.task_spec_id == task_spec_id) \
.filter(LookupFileModel.field_id == field_id).all()
for model in existing_models: # Do it one at a time to cause the required cascade of deletes.
2020-07-13 17:46:28 -04:00
# Use the contents of a file to populate enum field options
if field.has_property(Task.FIELD_PROP_SPREADSHEET_NAME):
if not (field.has_property(Task.FIELD_PROP_SPREADSHEET_VALUE_COLUMN) or
raise ApiError.from_task_spec("invalid_enum",
"For enumerations based on an xls file, you must include 3 properties: %s, "
# Get the file data from the File Service
file_name = field.get_property(Task.FIELD_PROP_SPREADSHEET_NAME)
value_column = field.get_property(Task.FIELD_PROP_SPREADSHEET_VALUE_COLUMN)
label_column = field.get_property(Task.FIELD_PROP_SPREADSHEET_LABEL_COLUMN)
latest_files = FileService.get_spec_data_files(workflow_spec_id=workflow_model.workflow_spec_id,,
if len(latest_files) < 1:
2020-06-03 15:03:22 -04:00
raise ApiError("invalid_enum", "Unable to locate the lookup data file '%s'" % file_name)
data_model = latest_files[0]
lookup_model = LookupService.build_lookup_table(data_model, value_column, label_column,
workflow_model.workflow_spec_id, task_spec_id, field_id)
2020-07-13 17:46:28 -04:00
# Use the results of an LDAP request to populate enum field options
elif field.has_property(Task.FIELD_PROP_LDAP_LOOKUP):
lookup_model = LookupFileModel(workflow_spec_id=workflow_model.workflow_spec_id,
raise ApiError.from_task_spec("unknown_lookup_option",
"Lookup supports using spreadsheet or LDAP options, "
"and neither of those was provided.", spec)
return lookup_model
def build_lookup_table(data_model: FileDataModel, value_column, label_column,
workflow_spec_id=None, task_spec_id=None, field_id=None):
""" In some cases the lookup table can be very large. This method will add all values to the database
in a way that can be searched and returned via an api call - rather than sending the full set of
options along with the form. It will only open the file and process the options if something has
changed. """
xls = ExcelFile(, engine='openpyxl')
df = xls.parse(xls.sheet_names[0]) # Currently we only look at the fist sheet.
df = df.convert_dtypes()
df = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.str.contains('^Unnamed')] # Drop unnamed columns.
df = pd.DataFrame(df).dropna(how='all') # Drop null rows
df = pd.DataFrame(df).replace({NA: ''})
if value_column not in df:
2020-07-13 17:46:28 -04:00
raise ApiError("invalid_enum",
"The file %s does not contain a column named % s" % (,
if label_column not in df:
2020-07-13 17:46:28 -04:00
raise ApiError("invalid_enum",
"The file %s does not contain a column named % s" % (,
lookup_model = LookupFileModel(workflow_spec_id=workflow_spec_id,
for index, row in df.iterrows():
lookup_data = LookupDataModel(lookup_file_model=lookup_model,
2020-06-30 12:24:48 -04:00
return lookup_model
def _run_lookup_query(lookup_file_model, query, value, limit):
db_query = LookupDataModel.query.filter(LookupDataModel.lookup_file_model == lookup_file_model)
if value is not None: # Then just find the model with that value
db_query = db_query.filter(LookupDataModel.value == value)
# Build a full text query that takes all the terms provided and executes each term as a prefix query, and
# OR's those queries together. The order of the results is handled as a standard "Like" on the original
# string which seems to work intuitively for most entries.
query = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+', '', query) # Strip out non ascii characters.
2020-06-30 12:24:48 -04:00
query = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', query) # Convert multiple space like characters to just one space, as we split on spaces.
print("Query: " + query)
query = query.strip()
if len(query) > 0:
if ' ' in query:
terms = query.split(' ')
new_terms = []
for t in terms:
new_terms.append("%s:*" % t)
new_query = ' & '.join(new_terms)
new_query = "'%s' | %s" % (query, new_query)
new_query = "%s:*" % query
db_query = db_query.filter(
LookupDataModel.__ts_vector__.match(new_query, postgresql_regconfig='simple'))
# Hackishly order by like, which does a good job of pulling more relevant matches to the top.
db_query = db_query.order_by(desc("%" + query + "%")))
result = db_query.limit(limit).all()
return result
def _run_ldap_query(query, limit):
users = LdapService.search_users(query, limit)
"""Converts the user models into something akin to the
LookupModel in models/, so this can be returned in the same way
we return a lookup data model."""
user_list = []
for user in users:
user_list.append({"value": user['uid'],
"label": user['display_name'] + " (" + user['uid'] + ")",
"data": user
return user_list