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# Set environment variable to testing before loading.
# IMPORTANT - Environment must be loaded before app, models, etc....
import os
os.environ["TESTING"] = "true"
import json
import unittest
import urllib.parse
import datetime
from flask import g
from sqlalchemy import Sequence
from crc import app, db, session
from crc.models.api_models import WorkflowApiSchema, MultiInstanceType
from crc.models.file import FileModel, FileDataModel, CONTENT_TYPES
from crc.models.task_event import TaskEventModel
2020-07-31 03:03:11 +00:00
from import StudyModel, StudyStatus
from crc.models.data_store import DataStoreModel
from crc.models.user import UserModel
from crc.models.workflow import WorkflowSpecModel, WorkflowSpecCategoryModel
from import FileService
from import StudyService
from import UserService
from import WorkflowService
2019-12-30 18:03:57 +00:00
from example_data import ExampleDataLoader
import logging
class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
""" Great class to inherit from, as it sets up and tears down classes
efficiently when we have a database in place.
if not app.config['TESTING']:
raise (Exception("INVALID TEST CONFIGURATION. This is almost always in import order issue."
"The first class to import in each test should be the file."))
auths = {}
test_uid = "dhf8r"
users = [
'uid': 'dhf8r',
'email_address': 'dhf8r@virginia.EDU',
'display_name': 'Daniel Harold Funk',
'affiliation': ';',
'eppn': '',
'first_name': 'Daniel',
'last_name': 'Funk',
'uid': 'lbd3p',
'email_address': 'lbd3p@virginia.EDU',
'display_name': 'Laura Barnes',
'affiliation': ';',
'eppn': '',
'first_name': 'Laura',
'last_name': 'Barnes',
'title': 'Associate Professor of Systems and Information Engineering'
studies = [
'id': 0,
'title': 'The impact of fried pickles on beer consumption in bipedal software developers.',
'status': StudyStatus.in_progress,
'primary_investigator_id': 'dhf8r',
'sponsor': 'Sartography Pharmaceuticals',
'ind_number': '1234',
'user_uid': 'dhf8r'
'id': 1,
'title': 'Requirement of hippocampal neurogenesis for the behavioral effects of soft pretzels',
'status': StudyStatus.in_progress,
'primary_investigator_id': 'dhf8r',
'sponsor': 'Makerspace & Co.',
'ind_number': '5678',
'user_uid': 'dhf8r'
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.ctx = app.test_request_context() = app.test_client()
def tearDownClass(cls):
Made some modifications to the Approval so that it knows exactly what versions of every file are being sent for approval Added the following columns: * date_created - so we know when the file was created * renamed workflow_version to just "version", because everything has a version, this is the version of the request. * workflow_hash - this is just a quick way to see what files and versions are associated with the request, it could be factored out. * study - a quick relationship link to the study, so that this model is easier to use. * workflow - ditto * approval_files - these is a list from a new link table that links an approval to specific files and versions. The RequestApproval is logically sound, but still needs some additional pieces in place to be callable from a BPMN workflow diagram. Altered the file service to pick up on changes to files vs adding new files, so that versions are picked up correctly as users modify their submission - adding new files or replacing existing ones. Deleting files worries me, and I will need to revisit this. The damn base test keeps giving me a headache, so I made changes there to see if clearing and dropping the database each time won't allow the tests to pass more consistently. Lots more tests around the file service to make sure it is versioning user uploaded files correctly. The "Test Request Approval Script" tries to find to assure the correct behavior as this is likely to be called many times repeatedly and with little knowledge of the internal system. So it should just "do the right thing".
2020-05-23 19:08:17 +00:00
def setUp(self):
def tearDown(self):
self.auths = {}
def logged_in_headers(self, user=None, redirect_url='http://some/frontend/url'):
if user is None:
uid = self.test_uid
2020-05-26 19:47:41 +00:00
user_info = {'uid': self.test_uid}
uid = user.uid
2020-05-26 19:47:41 +00:00
user_info = {'uid': user.uid}
query_string = self.user_info_to_query_string(user_info, redirect_url)
rv ="/v1.0/login%s" % query_string, follow_redirects=False)
self.assertTrue(rv.status_code == 302)
self.assertTrue(str.startswith(rv.location, redirect_url))
user_model = session.query(UserModel).filter_by(uid=uid).first()
self.assertEqual(user_model.uid, uid)
2020-06-12 18:09:08 +00:00
self.assertTrue('user' in g, 'User should be in Flask globals')
user = UserService.current_user(allow_admin_impersonate=True)
self.assertEqual(uid, user.uid, 'Logged in user should match given user uid')
return dict(Authorization='Bearer ' + user_model.encode_auth_token().decode())
def delete_example_data(self, use_crc_data=False, use_rrt_data=False):
delete everything that matters in the local database - this is used to
test ground zero copy of workflow specs.
session.execute("delete from workflow; delete from file_data; delete from file; delete from workflow_spec;")
def load_example_data(self, use_crc_data=False, use_rrt_data=False):
"""use_crc_data will cause this to load the mammoth collection of documents
we built up developing crc, use_rrt_data will do the same for hte rrt project,
otherwise it depends on a small setup for running tests."""
from example_data import ExampleDataLoader
2019-12-30 18:15:39 +00:00
if use_crc_data:
elif use_rrt_data:
# If in production mode, only add the first user.
if app.config['PRODUCTION']:
for user_json in self.users:
for study_json in self.studies:
study_model = StudyModel(**study_json)
update_seq = f"ALTER SEQUENCE %s RESTART WITH %s" % (StudyModel.__tablename__ + '_id_seq', + 1)
print("Update Sequence." + update_seq)
specs = session.query(WorkflowSpecModel).all()
for spec in specs:
files = session.query(FileModel).filter_by(
self.assertGreater(len(files), 0)
for file in files:
file_data = session.query(FileDataModel).filter_by(
self.assertGreater(len(file_data), 0)
def load_test_spec(dir_name, display_name=None, master_spec=False, category_id=None):
"""Loads a spec into the database based on a directory in /tests/data"""
if category_id is None:
category = WorkflowSpecCategoryModel(name="test", display_name="Test Workflows", display_order=0)
category_id =
if session.query(WorkflowSpecModel).filter_by(id=dir_name).count() > 0:
Made some modifications to the Approval so that it knows exactly what versions of every file are being sent for approval Added the following columns: * date_created - so we know when the file was created * renamed workflow_version to just "version", because everything has a version, this is the version of the request. * workflow_hash - this is just a quick way to see what files and versions are associated with the request, it could be factored out. * study - a quick relationship link to the study, so that this model is easier to use. * workflow - ditto * approval_files - these is a list from a new link table that links an approval to specific files and versions. The RequestApproval is logically sound, but still needs some additional pieces in place to be callable from a BPMN workflow diagram. Altered the file service to pick up on changes to files vs adding new files, so that versions are picked up correctly as users modify their submission - adding new files or replacing existing ones. Deleting files worries me, and I will need to revisit this. The damn base test keeps giving me a headache, so I made changes there to see if clearing and dropping the database each time won't allow the tests to pass more consistently. Lots more tests around the file service to make sure it is versioning user uploaded files correctly. The "Test Request Approval Script" tries to find to assure the correct behavior as this is likely to be called many times repeatedly and with little knowledge of the internal system. So it should just "do the right thing".
2020-05-23 19:08:17 +00:00
return session.query(WorkflowSpecModel).filter_by(id=dir_name).first()
filepath = os.path.join(app.root_path, '..', 'tests', 'data', dir_name, "*")
if display_name is None:
display_name = dir_name
return ExampleDataLoader().create_spec(id=dir_name, name=dir_name, filepath=filepath, master_spec=master_spec,
display_name=display_name, category_id=category_id)
def protocol_builder_response(file_name):
2020-02-20 18:30:04 +00:00
filepath = os.path.join(app.root_path, '..', 'tests', 'data', 'pb_responses', file_name)
with open(filepath, 'r') as myfile:
data =
return data
2020-12-11 13:34:59 +00:00
def workflow_sync_response(file_name):
filepath = os.path.join(app.root_path, '..', 'tests', 'data', 'workflow_sync_responses', file_name)
with open(filepath, 'rb') as myfile:
2020-12-11 13:34:59 +00:00
data =
return data
def assert_success(self, rv, msg=""):
data = json.loads(rv.get_data(as_text=True))
self.assertTrue(200 <= rv.status_code < 300,
"BAD Response: %i. \n %s" %
(rv.status_code, json.dumps(data)) + ". " + msg)
self.assertTrue(200 <= rv.status_code < 300,
"BAD Response: %i." % rv.status_code + ". " + msg)
def assert_failure(self, rv, status_code=0, error_code=""):
self.assertFalse(200 <= rv.status_code < 300,
"Incorrect Valid Response:" + rv.status + ".")
if status_code != 0:
self.assertEqual(status_code, rv.status_code)
if error_code != "":
data = json.loads(rv.get_data(as_text=True))
self.assertEqual(error_code, data["code"])
2020-08-21 17:34:37 +00:00
def assert_dict_contains_subset(self, container, subset):
def extract_dict_a_from_b(a, b):
return dict([(k, b[k]) for k in a.keys() if k in b.keys()])
extract = extract_dict_a_from_b(subset, container)
self.assertEqual(subset, extract)
def user_info_to_query_string(user_info, redirect_url):
query_string_list = []
items = user_info.items()
for key, value in items:
query_string_list.append('%s=%s' % (key, urllib.parse.quote(value)))
query_string_list.append('redirect_url=%s' % redirect_url)
return '?%s' % '&'.join(query_string_list)
def replace_file(self, name, file_path):
"""Replaces a stored file with the given name with the contents of the file at the given path."""
file_service = FileService()
file = open(file_path, "rb")
data =
file_model = session.query(FileModel).filter( == name).first()
noise, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path)
content_type = CONTENT_TYPES[file_extension[1:]]
file_service.update_file(file_model, data, content_type)
Made some modifications to the Approval so that it knows exactly what versions of every file are being sent for approval Added the following columns: * date_created - so we know when the file was created * renamed workflow_version to just "version", because everything has a version, this is the version of the request. * workflow_hash - this is just a quick way to see what files and versions are associated with the request, it could be factored out. * study - a quick relationship link to the study, so that this model is easier to use. * workflow - ditto * approval_files - these is a list from a new link table that links an approval to specific files and versions. The RequestApproval is logically sound, but still needs some additional pieces in place to be callable from a BPMN workflow diagram. Altered the file service to pick up on changes to files vs adding new files, so that versions are picked up correctly as users modify their submission - adding new files or replacing existing ones. Deleting files worries me, and I will need to revisit this. The damn base test keeps giving me a headache, so I made changes there to see if clearing and dropping the database each time won't allow the tests to pass more consistently. Lots more tests around the file service to make sure it is versioning user uploaded files correctly. The "Test Request Approval Script" tries to find to assure the correct behavior as this is likely to be called many times repeatedly and with little knowledge of the internal system. So it should just "do the right thing".
2020-05-23 19:08:17 +00:00
def create_user(self, uid="dhf8r", email="", display_name="Hoopy Frood"):
user = session.query(UserModel).filter(UserModel.uid == uid).first()
if user is None:
user = UserModel(uid=uid, email_address=email, display_name=display_name)
Made some modifications to the Approval so that it knows exactly what versions of every file are being sent for approval Added the following columns: * date_created - so we know when the file was created * renamed workflow_version to just "version", because everything has a version, this is the version of the request. * workflow_hash - this is just a quick way to see what files and versions are associated with the request, it could be factored out. * study - a quick relationship link to the study, so that this model is easier to use. * workflow - ditto * approval_files - these is a list from a new link table that links an approval to specific files and versions. The RequestApproval is logically sound, but still needs some additional pieces in place to be callable from a BPMN workflow diagram. Altered the file service to pick up on changes to files vs adding new files, so that versions are picked up correctly as users modify their submission - adding new files or replacing existing ones. Deleting files worries me, and I will need to revisit this. The damn base test keeps giving me a headache, so I made changes there to see if clearing and dropping the database each time won't allow the tests to pass more consistently. Lots more tests around the file service to make sure it is versioning user uploaded files correctly. The "Test Request Approval Script" tries to find to assure the correct behavior as this is likely to be called many times repeatedly and with little knowledge of the internal system. So it should just "do the right thing".
2020-05-23 19:08:17 +00:00
return user
def create_study(self, uid="dhf8r", title="Beer consumption in the bipedal software engineer",
study = session.query(StudyModel).filter_by(user_uid=uid).filter_by(title=title).first()
Made some modifications to the Approval so that it knows exactly what versions of every file are being sent for approval Added the following columns: * date_created - so we know when the file was created * renamed workflow_version to just "version", because everything has a version, this is the version of the request. * workflow_hash - this is just a quick way to see what files and versions are associated with the request, it could be factored out. * study - a quick relationship link to the study, so that this model is easier to use. * workflow - ditto * approval_files - these is a list from a new link table that links an approval to specific files and versions. The RequestApproval is logically sound, but still needs some additional pieces in place to be callable from a BPMN workflow diagram. Altered the file service to pick up on changes to files vs adding new files, so that versions are picked up correctly as users modify their submission - adding new files or replacing existing ones. Deleting files worries me, and I will need to revisit this. The damn base test keeps giving me a headache, so I made changes there to see if clearing and dropping the database each time won't allow the tests to pass more consistently. Lots more tests around the file service to make sure it is versioning user uploaded files correctly. The "Test Request Approval Script" tries to find to assure the correct behavior as this is likely to be called many times repeatedly and with little knowledge of the internal system. So it should just "do the right thing".
2020-05-23 19:08:17 +00:00
if study is None:
user = self.create_user(uid=uid)
2020-07-31 03:03:11 +00:00
study = StudyModel(title=title, status=StudyStatus.in_progress,
user_uid=user.uid, primary_investigator_id=primary_investigator_id)
Made some modifications to the Approval so that it knows exactly what versions of every file are being sent for approval Added the following columns: * date_created - so we know when the file was created * renamed workflow_version to just "version", because everything has a version, this is the version of the request. * workflow_hash - this is just a quick way to see what files and versions are associated with the request, it could be factored out. * study - a quick relationship link to the study, so that this model is easier to use. * workflow - ditto * approval_files - these is a list from a new link table that links an approval to specific files and versions. The RequestApproval is logically sound, but still needs some additional pieces in place to be callable from a BPMN workflow diagram. Altered the file service to pick up on changes to files vs adding new files, so that versions are picked up correctly as users modify their submission - adding new files or replacing existing ones. Deleting files worries me, and I will need to revisit this. The damn base test keeps giving me a headache, so I made changes there to see if clearing and dropping the database each time won't allow the tests to pass more consistently. Lots more tests around the file service to make sure it is versioning user uploaded files correctly. The "Test Request Approval Script" tries to find to assure the correct behavior as this is likely to be called many times repeatedly and with little knowledge of the internal system. So it should just "do the right thing".
2020-05-23 19:08:17 +00:00
return study
2020-07-06 19:06:50 +00:00
def _create_study_workflow_approvals(self, user_uid, title, primary_investigator_id, approver_uids, statuses,
study = self.create_study(uid=user_uid, title=title, primary_investigator_id=primary_investigator_id)
workflow = self.create_workflow(workflow_name=workflow_spec_name, study=study)
approvals = []
for i in range(len(approver_uids)):
full_study = {
'study': study,
'workflow': workflow,
'approvals': approvals,
return full_study
def create_workflow(self, workflow_name, display_name=None, study=None, category_id=None, as_user="dhf8r"):
spec = session.query(WorkflowSpecModel).filter( == workflow_name).first()
if spec is None:
if display_name is None:
display_name = workflow_name
spec = self.load_test_spec(workflow_name, display_name, category_id=category_id)
Made some modifications to the Approval so that it knows exactly what versions of every file are being sent for approval Added the following columns: * date_created - so we know when the file was created * renamed workflow_version to just "version", because everything has a version, this is the version of the request. * workflow_hash - this is just a quick way to see what files and versions are associated with the request, it could be factored out. * study - a quick relationship link to the study, so that this model is easier to use. * workflow - ditto * approval_files - these is a list from a new link table that links an approval to specific files and versions. The RequestApproval is logically sound, but still needs some additional pieces in place to be callable from a BPMN workflow diagram. Altered the file service to pick up on changes to files vs adding new files, so that versions are picked up correctly as users modify their submission - adding new files or replacing existing ones. Deleting files worries me, and I will need to revisit this. The damn base test keeps giving me a headache, so I made changes there to see if clearing and dropping the database each time won't allow the tests to pass more consistently. Lots more tests around the file service to make sure it is versioning user uploaded files correctly. The "Test Request Approval Script" tries to find to assure the correct behavior as this is likely to be called many times repeatedly and with little knowledge of the internal system. So it should just "do the right thing".
2020-05-23 19:08:17 +00:00
if study is None:
study = self.create_study(uid=as_user)
workflow_model = StudyService._create_workflow_model(study, spec)
return workflow_model
def create_reference_document(self):
file_path = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static', 'reference', 'irb_documents.xlsx')
file = open(file_path, "rb")
def create_approval(
study = study or self.create_study()
workflow = workflow or self.create_workflow()
approver_uid = approver_uid or self.test_uid
status = status or ApprovalStatus.PENDING.value
version = version or 1
approval = ApprovalModel(study=study, workflow=workflow, approver_uid=approver_uid, status=status,
return approval
def get_workflow_common(self, url, user):
rv =,
json_data = json.loads(rv.get_data(as_text=True))
workflow_api = WorkflowApiSchema().load(json_data)
return workflow_api
def get_workflow_api(self, workflow, do_engine_steps=True, user_uid="dhf8r"):
user = session.query(UserModel).filter_by(uid=user_uid).first()
url = (f'/v1.0/workflow/{}'
workflow_api = self.get_workflow_common(url, user)
self.assertEqual(workflow.workflow_spec_id, workflow_api.workflow_spec_id)
return workflow_api
def restart_workflow_api(self, workflow, clear_data=False, user_uid="dhf8r"):
user = session.query(UserModel).filter_by(uid=user_uid).first()
url = (f'/v1.0/workflow/{}/restart'
workflow_api = self.get_workflow_common(url, user)
self.assertEqual(workflow.workflow_spec_id, workflow_api.workflow_spec_id)
return workflow_api
def complete_form(self, workflow_in, task_in, dict_data, update_all=False, error_code=None, terminate_loop=None,
# workflow_in should be a workflow, not a workflow_api
# we were passing in workflow_api in many of our tests, and
# this caused problems testing standalone workflows
standalone = getattr(workflow_in.workflow_spec, 'standalone', False)
prev_completed_task_count = workflow_in.completed_tasks
if isinstance(task_in, dict):
task_id = task_in["id"]
task_id =
user = session.query(UserModel).filter_by(uid=user_uid).first()
args = ""
if terminate_loop:
args += "?terminate_loop=true"
if update_all:
args += "?update_all=true"
rv ='/v1.0/workflow/%i/task/%s/data%s' % (, task_id, args),
if error_code:
self.assert_failure(rv, error_code=error_code)
json_data = json.loads(rv.get_data(as_text=True))
# Assure task events are updated on the model
workflow = WorkflowApiSchema().load(json_data)
# The total number of tasks may change over time, as users move through gateways
# branches may be pruned. As we hit parallel Multi-Instance new tasks may be created...
# presumably, we also need to deal with sequential items here too . .
if not task_in.multi_instance_type == 'looping' and not update_all:
self.assertEqual(prev_completed_task_count + 1, workflow.completed_tasks)
# Assure a record exists in the Task Events
task_events = session.query(TaskEventModel) \
.filter_by( \
.filter_by(task_id=task_id) \
.filter_by(action=WorkflowService.TASK_ACTION_COMPLETE) \
self.assertGreater(len(task_events), 0)
event = task_events[0]
if not standalone:
self.assertEqual(user_uid, event.user_uid)
self.assertEqual(, event.workflow_id)
self.assertEqual(workflow.workflow_spec_id, event.workflow_spec_id)
self.assertEqual(workflow.spec_version, event.spec_version)
self.assertEqual(WorkflowService.TASK_ACTION_COMPLETE, event.action)
self.assertEqual(, task_id)
self.assertEqual(, event.task_name)
self.assertEqual(task_in.title, event.task_title)
self.assertEqual(task_in.type, event.task_type)
if not task_in.multi_instance_type == 'looping':
self.assertEqual("COMPLETED", event.task_state)
# Not sure what voodoo is happening inside of marshmallow to get me in this state.
if isinstance(task_in.multi_instance_type, MultiInstanceType):
self.assertEqual(task_in.multi_instance_type.value, event.mi_type)
self.assertEqual(task_in.multi_instance_type, event.mi_type)
self.assertEqual(task_in.multi_instance_count, event.mi_count)
if task_in.multi_instance_type == 'looping' and not terminate_loop:
self.assertEqual(task_in.multi_instance_index + 1, event.mi_index)
self.assertEqual(task_in.multi_instance_index, event.mi_index)
self.assertEqual(task_in.process_name, event.process_name)
workflow = WorkflowApiSchema().load(json_data)
return workflow
def logout(self):
if 'user' in g:
del g.user
if 'impersonate_user' in g:
del g.impersonate_user