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.. _index-development-environment:
This section covers how to install a development environment for developing CR Connect.
.. Note::
To set up your environment, you need Python 3, node.js, Angular, and Docker installed.
Here is a step by step process for installing the code bases.
Working Directory
Create a working directory in a suitable location.
.. code-block::
mkdir development
cd development
We will use **/development** as the top level of our example directory structure.
Clone from github
As we mentioned in the introduction, CR Connect is a collection of code bases.
For development, we have to clone 4 git repositories; CR Connect Workflow, CR Connect BPMN,
CR Connect Frontend, and PB Mock.
From inside the **/development** directory.
.. code-block::
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
This creates four directories.
.. code-block::
$ ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 23 michaelc staff 736 Jun 7 16:04 cr-connect-bpmn
drwxr-xr-x 25 michaelc staff 800 Jun 7 16:04 cr-connect-frontend
drwxr-xr-x 31 michaelc staff 992 Jun 7 16:04 cr-connect-workflow
drwxr-xr-x 22 michaelc staff 704 Jun 7 16:04 protocol-builder-mock
We need to install **pipenv**, which we use to maintain our Python packages and virtual environment.
Use pip3, which comes with Python3. (You can run this command from any directory.)
.. code-block::
pip3 install pipenv
CR Connect Workflow
Next, we will use **pipenv** to set up CR Connect Workflow.
From inside the **/development/cr-connect-workflow** directory:
.. code-block::
pipenv install --dev
Pipenv creates a Python virtual environment, and installs all our dependencies.
You can see the location of the virtual environment
.. code-block::
pipenv --venv
You should see a path with the location to your virtual environment, something like this.
.. code-block::
.. Note::
If you use Visual Studio on Windows, and have trouble installing the python-Levenshtein package,
you might need to download the build tools.
We use Postgres for a database, and we deploy it with Docker.
Inside the **/development/cr-connect-workflow** directory,
there is a **postgres** directory containing scripts and Docker files to manage the Postgres install.
From the **/development/cr-connect-workflow/postgres** directory:
.. code-block::
docker-compose up
This should create and start up the databases.
There are four databases; **crc_dev**, **crc_test**, **pb**, and **pb_test**.
The databases ending in **_test** are used when we run tests.
We now need to create the tables and add some example data.
From the **/development/cr-connect-workflow** directory
.. code-block::
pipenv run flask db upgrade
pipenv run flask load-example-data
Run Backend
At this point we should be able to run the backend.
.. code-block::
pipenv run python
You can test by loading the web page at http://localhost:5000/v1.0/ui/#/
PB Mock
Installing PB Mock is similar to CR Connect Workflow.
From the **/development/protocol-builder-mock** directory:
.. code-block::
pipenv install --dev
pipenv run python
CR Connect BPMN
CR Connect BPMN is written in Angular, so the install is different from CR Connect Workflow and PB Mock.
From the **/development/cr-connect-bpmn** directory:
.. code-block::
npm install
ng serve
CR Connect Frontend
CR Connect Frontend is also Angular, and works just like CR Connect BPMN.
From the **/development/cr-connect-frontend** directory:
.. code-block::
npm install
ng serve
You should now be able to reach all four locations:
- `API <http://localhost:5000/v1.0/ui/>`_
- `Dashboard <http://localhost:5004/app/home>`_
- `Configurator <http://localhost:5002/bpmn/home>`_
- `PB Mock <http://localhost:5001>`_