Updated Personnel (markdown)

calexh-sar 2021-03-05 22:19:22 -05:00
parent addfe40d4e
commit 9ac48316c3

@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
### Business Requirements
- Within the Personnel entered in PB and pulled into CRC2, the Principal Investigator and Department Chair must be included
- All Personnel entered in PB will be presented to the Coordinator, who will set whether they...
- Should have full access to the study in CRC2
- Should receive email notifications
- The Coordinator should be able to confirm that the Department Chair's department is the Responsible Organization for the study and if not, either change the Department Chair to the Chair of the correct department or correct the incorrect School and/or Department.
### Protocol Builder Interface
This workflow does not rely on data from PB.