FROM AS build # install git so poetry/pip can install spiffworkflow-proxy and connector-http RUN yum -y update && \ yum -y install \ git \ zip WORKDIR /build COPY pyproject.toml poetry.lock ./ COPY connector_proxy_lambda_demo/*.py ./connector_proxy_lambda_demo/ RUN pip3 install poetry RUN poetry install RUN poetry build RUN poetry run pip3 install -t ./package dist/*.whl # build the zip that will be uploaded to aws RUN cd package && \ cp ../connector_proxy_lambda_demo/ . && \ zip -r ../ . -x '*.pyc' # TODO: run tests FROM AS final WORKDIR /zip COPY --from=build /build/ . WORKDIR ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT} # TODO: maybe better to extract the zip to better approximate what happens when uploading? # copy all dependencies installed during the build into the task root COPY --from=build /build/package ./ # copy the lambda function into the task root COPY connector_proxy_lambda_demo/ . CMD [ "lambda_function.lambda_handler" ]