Nico Rehwaldt 7e928ec709 fix(label-editing): use new isTouch detection for conditional activation
Chrome and other modern desktop browsers
ship with touch features out of the box.

Because of that, it is not possible to use
the check

'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement
2017-12-08 19:32:13 +01:00

301 lines
7.4 KiB

'use strict';
var assign = require('lodash/object/assign');
var UpdateLabelHandler = require('./cmd/UpdateLabelHandler');
var LabelUtil = require('./LabelUtil');
var is = require('../../util/ModelUtil').is,
isExpanded = require('../../util/DiUtil').isExpanded;
function LabelEditingProvider(eventBus, canvas, directEditing, commandStack, resizeHandles) {
this._canvas = canvas;
this._commandStack = commandStack;
commandStack.registerHandler('element.updateLabel', UpdateLabelHandler);
// listen to dblclick on non-root elements
eventBus.on('element.dblclick', function(event) {
// complete on followup canvas operation
eventBus.on([ 'element.mousedown', 'drag.init', 'canvas.viewbox.changing' ], function(event) {
// cancel on command stack changes
eventBus.on([ 'commandStack.changed' ], function(e) {
eventBus.on('directEditing.activate', function(event) {
eventBus.on('create.end', 500, function(event) {
var element = event.shape,
canExecute = event.context.canExecute,
// TODO(nikku): we need to find a way to support the direct editing
// on mobile devices; right now this will break for desworkflowediting on mobile devices
// as it breaks the user interaction workflow
// TODO(nre): we should temporarily focus the edited element here
// and release the focused viewport after the direct edit operation is finished
if (isTouch) {
if (!canExecute) {
if (is(element, 'bpmn:Task') || is(element, 'bpmn:TextAnnotation') ||
(is(element, 'bpmn:SubProcess') && !isExpanded(element))) {
LabelEditingProvider.$inject = [ 'eventBus', 'canvas', 'directEditing', 'commandStack', 'resizeHandles' ];
module.exports = LabelEditingProvider;
* Activate direct editing for activities and text annotations.
* @param {djs.model.Base} element
* @return {Object} an object with properties bounds (position and size), text and options
LabelEditingProvider.prototype.activate = function(element) {
// text
var text = LabelUtil.getLabel(element);
if (text === undefined) {
var context = {
text: text
// bounds
var bounds = this.getEditingBBox(element);
assign(context, bounds);
// options
var target = element.label || element;
var options = {};
// tasks
if (is(element, 'bpmn:Task') ||
is(element, 'bpmn:Participant') ||
is(element, 'bpmn:Lane') ||
(is(element, 'bpmn:CallActivity') && !isExpanded(element)) ||
(is(element, 'bpmn:SubProcess') && !isExpanded(element))) {
assign(options, {
centerVertically: true
// external labels
if (target.labelTarget) {
assign(options, {
autoResize: true
// text annotations
if (is(element, 'bpmn:TextAnnotation')) {
assign(options, {
resizable: true,
autoResize: true
assign(context, {
options: options
return context;
* Get the editing bounding box based on the element's size and position
* @param {djs.model.Base} element
* @return {Object} an object containing information about position and size (fixed or minimum and/or maximum)
LabelEditingProvider.prototype.getEditingBBox = function(element) {
var canvas = this._canvas;
var target = element.label || element;
var bbox = canvas.getAbsoluteBBox(target);
var mid = {
x: bbox.x + bbox.width / 2,
y: bbox.y + bbox.height / 2
// default position
var bounds = { x: bbox.x, y: bbox.y };
var zoom = canvas.zoom();
// take zoom into account
var smallFontSize = SMALL_FONT_SIZE * zoom,
smallLineHeight = SMALL_LINE_HEIGHT * zoom,
mediumFontSize = MEDIUM_FONT_SIZE * zoom,
mediumLineHeight = MEDIUM_LINE_HEIGHT * zoom;
var style = {};
// adjust for expanded pools AND lanes
if ((is(element, 'bpmn:Participant') && isExpanded(element))
|| is(element, 'bpmn:Lane')) {
assign(bounds, {
width: bbox.height,
height: 30 * zoom,
x: bbox.x - bbox.height / 2 + (15 * zoom),
y: mid.y - (30 * zoom) / 2
assign(style, {
fontSize: mediumFontSize + 'px',
lineHeight: mediumLineHeight + 'px',
paddingTop: (7 * zoom) + 'px',
paddingBottom: (7 * zoom) + 'px',
paddingLeft: (5 * zoom) + 'px',
paddingRight: (5 * zoom) + 'px',
transform: 'rotate(-90deg)'
// internal labels for tasks and collapsed call activities, sub processes and participants
if (
is(element, 'bpmn:Task') ||
(is(element, 'bpmn:CallActivity') && !isExpanded(element)) ||
(is(element, 'bpmn:SubProcess') && !isExpanded(element)) ||
(is(element, 'bpmn:Participant') && !isExpanded(element))
) {
assign(bounds, {
width: bbox.width,
height: bbox.height
assign(style, {
fontSize: mediumFontSize + 'px',
lineHeight: mediumLineHeight + 'px',
paddingTop: (7 * zoom) + 'px',
paddingBottom: (7 * zoom) + 'px',
paddingLeft: (5 * zoom) + 'px',
paddingRight: (5 * zoom) + 'px'
// internal labels for expanded sub processes
if (is(element, 'bpmn:SubProcess') && isExpanded(element)) {
assign(bounds, {
width: bbox.width,
x: bbox.x
assign(style, {
fontSize: mediumFontSize + 'px',
lineHeight: mediumLineHeight + 'px',
paddingTop: (7 * zoom) + 'px',
paddingBottom: (7 * zoom) + 'px',
paddingLeft: (5 * zoom) + 'px',
paddingRight: (5 * zoom) + 'px'
// external labels for events, data elements, gateways and connections
if (target.labelTarget) {
var width = 90 * zoom,
paddingTop = 7 * zoom,
paddingBottom = 4 * zoom;
assign(bounds, {
width: width,
height: bbox.height + paddingTop + paddingBottom,
x: mid.x - width / 2,
y: bbox.y - paddingTop
assign(style, {
fontSize: smallFontSize + 'px',
lineHeight: smallLineHeight + 'px',
paddingTop: paddingTop + 'px',
paddingBottom: paddingBottom + 'px'
// text annotations
if (is(element, 'bpmn:TextAnnotation')) {
assign(bounds, {
width: bbox.width,
height: bbox.height,
minWidth: 30 * zoom,
minHeight: 10 * zoom
assign(style, {
textAlign: 'left',
paddingTop: (7 * zoom) + 'px',
paddingBottom: (7 * zoom) + 'px',
paddingLeft: (5 * zoom) + 'px',
paddingRight: (5 * zoom) + 'px',
fontSize: mediumFontSize + 'px',
lineHeight: mediumLineHeight + 'px'
return { bounds: bounds, style: style };
LabelEditingProvider.prototype.update = function(element, newLabel, activeContextText, bounds) {
var absoluteElementBBox = this._canvas.getAbsoluteBBox(element);
this._commandStack.execute('element.updateLabel', {
element: element,
newLabel: newLabel,
bounds: {
x: element.x,
y: element.y,
width: element.width / absoluteElementBBox.width * bounds.width,
height: element.height / absoluteElementBBox.height * bounds.height