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synced 2025-03-01 00:50:42 +00:00
473 lines
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473 lines
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import {
} from 'min-dash';
import {
} from '../../util/ModelUtil';
import {
} from '../../util/DiUtil';
import {
} from '../modeling/util/ModelingUtil';
import {
} from '../modeling/util/LaneUtil';
import {
} from 'diagram-js/lib/util/Mouse';
* A provider for BPMN 2.0 elements context pad
export default function ContextPadProvider(
config, injector, eventBus,
contextPad, modeling, elementFactory,
connect, create, popupMenu,
canvas, rules, translate) {
config = config || {};
this._contextPad = contextPad;
this._modeling = modeling;
this._elementFactory = elementFactory;
this._connect = connect;
this._create = create;
this._popupMenu = popupMenu;
this._canvas = canvas;
this._rules = rules;
this._translate = translate;
if (config.autoPlace !== false) {
this._autoPlace = injector.get('autoPlace', false);
eventBus.on('create.end', 250, function(event) {
var context = event.context,
shape = context.shape;
if (!hasPrimaryModifier(event) || !contextPad.isOpen(shape)) {
var entries = contextPad.getEntries(shape);
if (entries.replace) {
entries.replace.action.click(event, shape);
ContextPadProvider.$inject = [
ContextPadProvider.prototype.getContextPadEntries = function(element) {
var contextPad = this._contextPad,
modeling = this._modeling,
elementFactory = this._elementFactory,
connect = this._connect,
create = this._create,
popupMenu = this._popupMenu,
canvas = this._canvas,
rules = this._rules,
autoPlace = this._autoPlace,
translate = this._translate;
var actions = {};
if (element.type === 'label') {
return actions;
var businessObject = element.businessObject;
function startConnect(event, element) {
connect.start(event, element);
function removeElement(e) {
modeling.removeElements([ element ]);
function getReplaceMenuPosition(element) {
var Y_OFFSET = 5;
var diagramContainer = canvas.getContainer(),
pad = contextPad.getPad(element).html;
var diagramRect = diagramContainer.getBoundingClientRect(),
padRect = pad.getBoundingClientRect();
var top = padRect.top - diagramRect.top;
var left = padRect.left - diagramRect.left;
var pos = {
x: left,
y: top + padRect.height + Y_OFFSET
return pos;
* Create an append action
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} className
* @param {string} [title]
* @param {Object} [options]
* @return {Object} descriptor
function appendAction(type, className, title, options) {
if (typeof title !== 'string') {
options = title;
title = translate('Append {type}', { type: type.replace(/^bpmn:/, '') });
function appendStart(event, element) {
var shape = elementFactory.createShape(assign({ type: type }, options));
create.start(event, shape, {
source: element
var append = autoPlace ? function(event, element) {
var shape = elementFactory.createShape(assign({ type: type }, options));
autoPlace.append(element, shape);
} : appendStart;
return {
group: 'model',
className: className,
title: title,
action: {
dragstart: appendStart,
click: append
function splitLaneHandler(count) {
return function(event, element) {
// actual split
modeling.splitLane(element, count);
// refresh context pad after split to
// get rid of split icons
contextPad.open(element, true);
if (isAny(businessObject, [ 'bpmn:Lane', 'bpmn:Participant' ]) && isExpanded(businessObject)) {
var childLanes = getChildLanes(element);
assign(actions, {
'lane-insert-above': {
group: 'lane-insert-above',
className: 'bpmn-icon-lane-insert-above',
title: translate('Add Lane above'),
action: {
click: function(event, element) {
modeling.addLane(element, 'top');
if (childLanes.length < 2) {
if (element.height >= 120) {
assign(actions, {
'lane-divide-two': {
group: 'lane-divide',
className: 'bpmn-icon-lane-divide-two',
title: translate('Divide into two Lanes'),
action: {
click: splitLaneHandler(2)
if (element.height >= 180) {
assign(actions, {
'lane-divide-three': {
group: 'lane-divide',
className: 'bpmn-icon-lane-divide-three',
title: translate('Divide into three Lanes'),
action: {
click: splitLaneHandler(3)
assign(actions, {
'lane-insert-below': {
group: 'lane-insert-below',
className: 'bpmn-icon-lane-insert-below',
title: translate('Add Lane below'),
action: {
click: function(event, element) {
modeling.addLane(element, 'bottom');
if (is(businessObject, 'bpmn:FlowNode')) {
if (is(businessObject, 'bpmn:EventBasedGateway')) {
assign(actions, {
'append.receive-task': appendAction(
translate('Append ReceiveTask')
'append.message-intermediate-event': appendAction(
translate('Append MessageIntermediateCatchEvent'),
{ eventDefinitionType: 'bpmn:MessageEventDefinition' }
'append.timer-intermediate-event': appendAction(
translate('Append TimerIntermediateCatchEvent'),
{ eventDefinitionType: 'bpmn:TimerEventDefinition' }
'append.condition-intermediate-event': appendAction(
translate('Append ConditionIntermediateCatchEvent'),
{ eventDefinitionType: 'bpmn:ConditionalEventDefinition' }
'append.signal-intermediate-event': appendAction(
translate('Append SignalIntermediateCatchEvent'),
{ eventDefinitionType: 'bpmn:SignalEventDefinition' }
} else
if (isEventType(businessObject, 'bpmn:BoundaryEvent', 'bpmn:CompensateEventDefinition')) {
assign(actions, {
translate('Append compensation activity'),
isForCompensation: true
} else
if (!is(businessObject, 'bpmn:EndEvent') &&
!businessObject.isForCompensation &&
!isEventType(businessObject, 'bpmn:IntermediateThrowEvent', 'bpmn:LinkEventDefinition') &&
!isEventSubProcess(businessObject)) {
assign(actions, {
'append.end-event': appendAction(
translate('Append EndEvent')
'append.gateway': appendAction(
translate('Append Gateway')
'append.append-task': appendAction(
translate('Append Task')
'append.intermediate-event': appendAction(
translate('Append Intermediate/Boundary Event')
if (!popupMenu.isEmpty(element, 'bpmn-replace')) {
// Replace menu entry
assign(actions, {
'replace': {
group: 'edit',
className: 'bpmn-icon-screw-wrench',
title: translate('Change type'),
action: {
click: function(event, element) {
var position = assign(getReplaceMenuPosition(element), {
cursor: { x: event.x, y: event.y }
popupMenu.open(element, 'bpmn-replace', position);
if (
isAny(businessObject, [
) {
assign(actions, {
'append.text-annotation': appendAction(
'connect': {
group: 'connect',
className: 'bpmn-icon-connection-multi',
title: translate(
'Connect using ' +
? ''
: 'Sequence/MessageFlow or ') +
action: {
click: startConnect,
dragstart: startConnect,
if (is(businessObject, 'bpmn:TextAnnotation')) {
assign(actions, {
'connect': {
group: 'connect',
className: 'bpmn-icon-connection-multi',
title: translate('Connect using Association'),
action: {
click: startConnect,
dragstart: startConnect,
if (isAny(businessObject, [ 'bpmn:DataObjectReference', 'bpmn:DataStoreReference' ])) {
assign(actions, {
'connect': {
group: 'connect',
className: 'bpmn-icon-connection-multi',
title: translate('Connect using DataInputAssociation'),
action: {
click: startConnect,
dragstart: startConnect
if (is(businessObject, 'bpmn:Group')) {
assign(actions, {
'append.text-annotation': appendAction('bpmn:TextAnnotation', 'bpmn-icon-text-annotation')
// delete element entry, only show if allowed by rules
var deleteAllowed = rules.allowed('elements.delete', { elements: [ element ] });
if (isArray(deleteAllowed)) {
// was the element returned as a deletion candidate?
deleteAllowed = deleteAllowed[0] === element;
if (deleteAllowed) {
assign(actions, {
'delete': {
group: 'edit',
className: 'bpmn-icon-trash',
title: translate('Remove'),
action: {
click: removeElement
return actions;
// helpers /////////
function isEventType(eventBo, type, definition) {
var isType = eventBo.$instanceOf(type);
var isDefinition = false;
var definitions = eventBo.eventDefinitions || [];
forEach(definitions, function(def) {
if (def.$type === definition) {
isDefinition = true;
return isType && isDefinition;